I always seem to get stuck on the mystery of Jesus as a boy staying in the temple after his parents leave for 3 days, this is so inconsiderate and Jesus never doing wrong. any thoughts on this?
I like your take on this, especially your second paragraph–I’ve never looked at this mystery in this way before. Thank you for your post!Can you imagine how frantic Joseph and Mary must have been when they realized they lost not only their son … but the very Messiah himself who had been entrusted to their care? However, it must have been more important for Jesus to discourse with the teachers at the Temple at that time than ease his parents’ concerns, like when Jesus delayed visiting his sick friend Lazarus and allowing him to die and then resurrecting him.
I like to think of this mystery as a preparation for Mary so that she could later endure the greatest of all sorrows, the death and burial of Jesus, when she was to lose him again for three days and then receive him back again at his own resurrection.
Umm…no.God is God, he gets to make his own rules, Jesus cannot sin because of this. God is totally free to make rules that we have to listen to that he does not.
Neither does the Church think there is any doubt. Questioning whether Jesus knew who he was is due either to ignorance of Church teaching or outright dissent. The question was clearly answered in modern times by Pope Pius XII in 1943 in Mystici Corporis. See also Lamentabili in which Pope Piux X (1907), against the Modernists, rejected the proposition that “Christ did not always have a consciousness of His messianic dignity.”And, some are skeptical about whether Jesus “knew” who He was. I think this scripture addresses that question in a way, that He says He must be “about” His Father’s business. I don’t think there’s any doubt that Jesus knew who He was.
I must admit this passage has always bugged me too. A couple comments as food for thought, that helped me understand this mystery better (but far from totally!) :I always seem to get stuck on the mystery of Jesus as a boy staying in the temple after his parents leave for 3 days, this is so inconsiderate and Jesus never doing wrong. any thoughts on this?
That’s kind of the way I approach the mystery as well. I usually offer up that particular decade for the gift of final perseverance. Since Mary and Joseph “persevered” in finding Jesus, when they must have been in great sorrow, it seem appropriate to ask for the gift of perseverance.When I meditate on the finding of Jesus in the temple mystery, I pray that I may always seek Jesus - everywhere, in everyone, in all circumstances. He’s there all right.