
Interesting. The reason I prefer to pray the Rosary in private rather than public is because it always seems like public rosaries are a sprint to the finish line rather than a meditation. The “meditation” is a one sentence announcement of the mystery, followed by the firing of the starters pistol. Meditation doesn’t seem all that suitable as a group activity anyway – it’ll always be too long for some or too short for others.I like my rosarries neat, no mixing with anything else, just the apostles creed, hail Mary’s, glory be’s, and our Fathers, and the mysteries of the day.
Rosary groups who add stuff before, after, and in the middle make it more difficult and less appealing to those outside their groups, so their groups fade away .
So next time you do a public rosary, leave out fillers and buffers.
I like to take about an hour walk and actually meditate on the mystery for awhile – see how much of the story I can recall from scripture, and what questions I would have if I were witnessing the scene – What was going through Jesus mind? What was going through Mary’s mind? Then continue the meditation while praying the prayers at a comfortable pace.
If you’ve never gotten emotional while meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary or received new insights, perhaps it might be good to be open to different ways of praying it – visual aids, scripture reflections, background music, “fillers and buffers”, whatever.
But if these “fillers and buffers” are only added to a speed Rosary, I can understand your annoyance. It defeats the purpose of finishing as quickly as possible, and you’re not likely to break any records either.
I have also enjoyed the CD productions of MercySong. They’re not on the web yet, but you can send an email to Mercysong@aol.com to get a price list and product description. They have all 4 sets, Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious, and Luminous.