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What is the purpose of using a Rosary and where did the idea of using it originate?
What is the purpose of using a Rosary and where did the idea of using it originate?
“Vocal prayer consists in saying fifteen decades of the Hail Mary, each decade headed by an Our Father, while at the same time meditating on and contemplating the fifteen principal virtues which Jesus and Mary practised in the fifteen mysteries of the Holy Rosary.”

I thought Jesus once said we should pray from our hearts and not be repetitive. I forget what verse it was.

And wasn’t the Lord’s Prayer simply an outline for the basic structure of how a prayer should consist, but not actually something one should repeat?
Newanda said:
“Vocal prayer consists in saying fifteen decades of the Hail Mary, each decade headed by an Our Father, while at the same time meditating on and contemplating the fifteen principal virtues which Jesus and Mary practised in the fifteen mysteries of the Holy Rosary.”

I thought Jesus once said we should pray from our hearts and not be repetitive. I forget what verse it was.

And wasn’t the Lord’s Prayer simply an outline for the basic structure of how a prayer should consist, but not actually something one should repeat?

You asked about the Rosary, if you have other issues start another thread, but what your hinting at has been discussed several times.
What threads are they? What should I search under, Rosary?

By the way, the verse I am speaking of is:

Matthew 6:7 - When ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
What threads are they? What should I search under, Rosary?

By the way, the verse I am speaking of is:

Matthew 6:7 - When ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
Right now I don’t have the time, why don’t you PM one of the moderators, or look in “Ask an Apologist” or goto the search box above.

Suffice to say the emphasis is on "vain"
If Jesus forbid repetitive prayer, he must have forgot his own advice. In the Garden of Gethsemane, he prays the same prayer to God the Father three times in a row. Also, the angels in heaven ignore the command as well: “Day and night they do not stop exclaiming: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty, who was, and who is, and who is to come.”
Sorry to drag this post out, but I’d like to voice my opinion before the post dies.

First of all, the Lord’s Prayer following that verse is not intended to be said as it is. Is it not an outline?

You Praise the Lord.

You forgive, you ask for forgiveness.

You request.

You praise.

I do not think Jesus intended for us to read his prayer over and over but rather pray from the heart using his prayer as an outline. Many things in the Bible are not necessarily literal–this being one of them.

Moreover, from what I gather, the tradition of the Rosary is man made. What use is that? Why follow a tradition made by man when the whole purpose is to glorify God. Why not glorify God in ones your own way?

Moreover, does the Bible not say you shall take no possessions into Heaven? Then what is the purpose of praying with a possession? The possession will not help you get into Heaven, you will not take the possession with you–then why use it? From what I gather, the Rosary is like the flesh: It’s a tool to help us do physical things when in reality all that matters is that the soul will be lifted up, not the body or its possessions.

Another thought is, why pray to Marry? Marry is the one who gave birth to the savior, not the savior himself. The Bible constantly discourages idolatry. Lets look at the definition of idolatry, “immoderate attachment or devotion to something.” Yes, idolatry does not have to involve a physical object.

If one prays to Marry, are they not performing idolatry? After all, one that prays to Mary is showing immoderate attachment and devotion to her.

Remember, Jesus said when one dies the person becomes like an Angel. So, if Mary is dead, is she not like an Angel? And what does the Bible say about worshiping angels? Colossians 2:18 Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind…

Moreover, Prayer is a form of worship, is it not? Are we not supposed to worship people other than God—is that not idolatry? That’s my point: praying to Mary seems to me like a form of idolatry. So that’s another flaw I see in praying with a rosary.

These thoughts are just my opinions on this subject but I’m sure they are worthless for I am very inexperienced. I need to research it all much more, but for now, that’s what I believe.

If you wish, advocate or agree with me in a reply. Thanks.
Aaron I.:
If Jesus forbid repetitive prayer, he must have forgot his own advice. In the Garden of Gethsemane, he prays the same prayer to God the Father three times in a row. Also, the angels in heaven ignore the command as well: “Day and night they do not stop exclaiming: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty, who was, and who is, and who is to come.”
Perhaps, you’re right with that. But I still find the actual use of the Rosary to be trivial. Read my above post.
LOL Newanda is a good fisherman. Starts out by asking a simple innocent question (Bait) and then as someone bites, he pounces.

Hook, line and sinker right?

Kudos Newanda

By the way… YAWN
Haha. I just see many things around me, which I am not sure, are right or wrong. So I try to advocate my opinion in hopes one will advocate mine. Without discussions such is this one will never know what is right or wrong whether they do it or not. That’s why I made this post. I want to come to a solid conclusion on prayer by a Rosary.
Haha. I just see many things around me, which I am not sure, are right or wrong. So I try to advocate my opinion in hopes one will advocate mine. Without discussions such is this one will never know what is right or wrong whether they do it or not. That’s why I made this post. I want to come to a solid conclusion on prayer by a Rosary.
Here’s something that may help you come to an understanding:

The Catholic Answers website (homepage) can help you get a basic understanding of Catholic teachings and customs. Do some more research before we can “advocate” some of your thoughts on this.


BTW - you share my birthdate! Neat, huh!
Sorry to drag this post out, but I’d like to voice my opinion before the post dies.

First of all, the Lord’s Prayer following that verse is not intended to be said as it is. Is it not an outline?

You Praise the Lord.

You forgive, you ask for forgiveness.

You request.

You praise.

I do not think Jesus intended for us to read his prayer over and over but rather pray from the heart using his prayer as an outline. Many things in the Bible are not necessarily literal–this being one of them.

Moreover, from what I gather, the tradition of the Rosary is man made. What use is that? Why follow a tradition made by man when the whole purpose is to glorify God. Why not glorify God in ones your own way?

Moreover, does the Bible not say you shall take no possessions into Heaven? Then what is the purpose of praying with a possession? The possession will not help you get into Heaven, you will not take the possession with you–then why use it? From what I gather, the Rosary is like the flesh: It’s a tool to help us do physical things when in reality all that matters is that the soul will be lifted up, not the body or its possessions.

Another thought is, why pray to Marry? Marry is the one who gave birth to the savior, not the savior himself. The Bible constantly discourages idolatry. Lets look at the definition of idolatry, “immoderate attachment or devotion to something.” Yes, idolatry does not have to involve a physical object.

If one prays to Marry, are they not performing idolatry? After all, one that prays to Mary is showing immoderate attachment and devotion to her.

Remember, Jesus said when one dies the person becomes like an Angel. So, if Mary is dead, is she not like an Angel? And what does the Bible say about worshiping angels? Colossians 2:18 Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind…

Moreover, Prayer is a form of worship, is it not? Are we not supposed to worship people other than God—is that not idolatry? That’s my point: praying to Mary seems to me like a form of idolatry. So that’s another flaw I see in praying with a rosary.

These thoughts are just my opinions on this subject but I’m sure they are worthless for I am very inexperienced. I need to research it all much more, but for now, that’s what I believe.

If you wish, advocate or agree with me in a reply. Thanks.
The Lord’s Prayer might serve as an outline, but to say we should not use the one our Lord gave us would be absurd. THe earliest Christians said the Lord’s prayer daily proving that it was not just an outline, but a prayer that we should actully utilize in our spiritual lives.
First of all, the Lord’s Prayer following that verse is not intended to be said as it is. Is it not an outline?
I do not think Jesus intended for us to read his prayer over and over…
You think incorrectly.
Moreover, from what I gather, the tradition of the Rosary is man made. What use is that? Why follow a tradition made by man when the whole purpose is to glorify God. Why not glorify God in ones your own way?
Your idea that Jesus never met anyone to recite the Lord’s Prayer is just your tradition. Doesn’t that make it a man-made tradition? Why follow a tradition made by you? Et cetera.
Moreover, does the Bible not say you shall take no possessions into Heaven? Then what is the purpose of praying with a possession? The possession will not help you get into Heaven, you will not take the possession with you–then why use it? From what I gather, the Rosary is like the flesh: It’s a tool to help us do physical things…
Your contention is that Christians aren’t allowed to use tools? Interesting.
…when in reality all that matters is that the soul will be lifted up, not the body or its possessions.
The body will be resurrected on the last day.
Another thought is, why pray to Marry?
Why not?
Marry is the one who gave birth to the savior, not the savior himself.
No one said she is.
The Bible constantly discourages idolatry. Lets look at the definition of idolatry, “immoderate attachment or devotion to something.” Yes, idolatry does not have to involve a physical object.
Your definition is wrong. Idolatry consists in divinizing what is not God. Man commits idolatry whenever he honors and reveres a creature in place of God, whether this be gods or demons (for example, satanism), power, pleasure, race, ancestors, the state, money, etc.
If one prays to Marry, are they not performing idolatry?
After all, one that prays to Mary is showing immoderate attachment and devotion to her.
Begging the question is intellectually dishonest.
Remember, Jesus said when one dies the person becomes like an Angel.
Don’t remember that one. Reference?
So, if Mary is dead, is she not like an Angel?
If she’s dead?
And what does the Bible say about worshiping angels? Colossians 2:18 Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind…
Back to begging that question.
Moreover, Prayer is a form of worship, is it not?
Not necessarily.
Are we not supposed to worship people other than God—is that not idolatry?
Yes, that is idolatry, but since Catholics don’t worship the Virgin Mary…
That’s my point: praying to Mary seems to me like a form of idolatry.
Your point is nothing but a house of cards.

– Mark L. Chance.
Mark’s gotten to most of the points. I would just like Newanda to consider the value of the Rosary as a prayer, especially when one meditates on the scriptural passsages from which the prayers come (both “Our Father” and “Hail Mary”) in their context as the prayers are being spoken. This is hardly ‘vain repetition’, at least not for me.

You think incorrectly.

Your idea that Jesus never met anyone to recite the Lord’s Prayer is just your tradition. Doesn’t that make it a man-made tradition? Why follow a tradition made by you? Et cetera.

Your contention is that Christians aren’t allowed to use tools? Interesting.

The body will be resurrected on the last day.

Why not?

No one said she is.

Your definition is wrong. Idolatry consists in divinizing what is not God. Man commits idolatry whenever he honors and reveres a creature in place of God, whether this be gods or demons (for example, satanism), power, pleasure, race, ancestors, the state, money, etc.


Begging the question is intellectually dishonest.

Don’t remember that one. Reference?

If she’s dead?

Back to begging that question.

Not necessarily.

Yes, that is idolatry, but since Catholics don’t worship the Virgin Mary…

Your point is nothing but a house of cards.

– Mark L. Chance.
Matthew 22:30 - For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.
Matthew 22:30 - For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.
That doesn’t mean that we become angels, but rather that we will be like angels as regards marriage. Keep in mind that the Church has taught a resurrection of the body from the earliest times.
Perhaps, you’re right with that. But I still find the actual use of the Rosary to be trivial. Read my above post.
The Rosary is the scourge of the devil. It also provides specific parts of the Lord’s life to meditate on. That is not trivial.
I viewed somewhere a listing of three most significant prayers of the Church in order of importance-
The Mass
The Divine Office
The Rosary
But perhaps the Rosary is not for you. Try something else and I will offer a rosary for you. 😃
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