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The vocal repetition is not an end in itself.

Here is something God revealed to a Doctor of the Church:

"But do not think that the soul receives such ardor and nourishment from prayer, if she pray only vocally, as do many souls whose prayers are rather words than love. Such as these give heed to nothing except to completing Psalms and saying many paternosters. And when they have once completed their appointed tale, they do not appear to think of anything further, but seem to place devout attention and love in merely vocal recitation, which the soul is not required to do, for, in doing only this, she bears but little fruit, which pleases Me but little. But if you ask Me, whether the soul should abandon vocal prayer, since it does not seem to all that they are called to mental prayer, I should reply ‘No.’ The soul should advance by degrees, and I know well that, just as the soul is at first imperfect and afterwards perfect, so also is it with her prayer. She should nevertheless continue in vocal prayer, while she is yet imperfect, so as not to fall into idleness. But she should not say her vocal prayers without joining them to mental prayer, that is to say, that while she is reciting, she should endeavor to elevate her mind in My love, with the consideration of her own defects and of the Blood of My only-begotten Son, wherein she finds the breadth of My charity and the remission of her sins. And this she should do, so that self knowledge and the consideration of her own defects should make her recognize My goodness in herself and continue her exercises with true humility. I do not wish defects to be considered in particular, but in general, so that the mind may not be contaminated by the remembrance of particular and hideous sins. But, as I said, I do not wish the soul to consider her sins, either in general or in particular, without also remembering the Blood and the broadness of My mercy, for fear that otherwise she should be brought to confusion.

You see then, that perfect prayer is not attained to through many words, but through affection of desire, the soul raising herself to Me, with knowledge of herself and of My mercy, seasoned the one with the other. Thus she will exercise together mental and vocal prayer, for, even as the active and contemplative life is one, so are they.

Dialogue of St. Catherine of Siena (p.68)

With respect:
Anyone who says/believes that the rosary is :crying: :crying: “trivial”, has :nope: never prayed the rosary…
I don’t say that they have never “said” it…One might have, at some point, rattled through :nope: without praying.
But once you truly:yup: PRAY the rosary, you know that you have touched the face of the :gopray2: Saviour, by way of His ❤️ beloved mother’s prayers.:gopray:

God bless.
LOL Newanda is a good fisherman. Starts out by asking a simple innocent question (Bait) and then as someone bites, he pounces.

Hook, line and sinker right?

Kudos Newanda

By the way… YAWN
I latched onto that from a few posts in, so decided to cut the line. 😉 go cast you net in another thread.

And the thread starter could actually do with reading that book before passing judgement, then get back to us.
Hey Newanda, I guess you’re trying to understand the rosary based on all the eroneous things you’ve been taught about it no doubt, but it’s really just a devotionional way some Catholics pray. Its good you understand it more from the Catholic perspective, but if I may suggest, ask questions like you did on that other forum we talked on, like on the books of the bible, and this will lead to the authority of the Catholic Church.

Start with that, and the problems of scripture alone (sola Scriptura) before worrying about stuff regarding Mary. Trust me, it will make your journey here in questioning your personal beliefs, much better.

Good Luck, and God Bless.
Sorry to drag this post out, but I’d like to voice my opinion before the post dies.
First of all, the Lord’s Prayer following that verse is not intended to be said as it is. .
That’s said rather definitively—what’s your proof of that?
Is it not an outline? .
It’s not either/or: it makes for a nice outline (model) for prayer, as well as being a prayer. What makes you think it’s only an outline?
I do not think Jesus intended for us to read his prayer over and over but rather pray from the heart using his prayer as an outline. .
How do you know that? Where does Jesus say that, and why should I subscribe to your particular interpretation if it isn’t directly addressed?
Many things in the Bible are not necessarily literal.
We can agree on that.

Newanda said:
–this being one of them…

Proof, please, for this definitive statement.
Moreover, from what I gather, the tradition of the Rosary is man made. What use is that? Why follow a tradition made by man when the whole purpose is to glorify God. Why not glorify God in ones your own way?.
Why is it either/or? Why can’t you worship God in your own way, as well as make use of traditional prayers? And you probably follow all kinds of “man-made” traditions without realizing it—if you’re married, you probably wear a wedding ring.
Moreover, does the Bible not say you shall take no possessions into Heaven? Then what is the purpose of praying with a possession? .
Then what is the point in reading the Bible? You can’t take a book with you in heaven, you know.
The possession will not help you get into Heaven, you will not take the possession with you–then why use it? .
Why use the Bible, then? It was put together by the Catholic Church. Why look at a picture of Jesus? Why look at a cross, let alone wear one?
From what I gather, the Rosary is like the flesh: It’s a tool to help us do physical things when in reality all that matters is that the soul will be lifted up, not the body or its possessions…
Wow. Actually, it is orthodox Christian teaching that the body (glorified) will, in fact, be reunited with our souls at the Last Judgement. You seem to be subscribing to a Manichean or Gnostic view of the separation of body and soul—the body (matter) being pointless.
Another thought is, why pray to Marry?.
Why not? If you are in need of prayers, don’t you ask your friends to pray for you?
If one prays to Marry, are they not performing idolatry?.
No, Mary is not God. She is a creature, not the Creator.
After all, one that prays to Mary is showing immoderate attachment and devotion to her. .
How do you define “immoderate attachment”? The Bible tells us that “all generations” would call Mary “blessed”. Have you done your part in calling Mary blessed? Just what is the “correct” amount of affection and devotion?
Moreover, Prayer is a form of worship, is it not? .
Not always. “Pray” is also another word for ask. This is found in older English usage, “I pray thee tell me…” “Prithee” was a contraction of “I pray thee” (“I ask you”). Catholic theology is quite precise on this point, using language (Latin) that does not change: “Latria” is the term for worship resewrved for God and God alone, “dulia” is the term for veneration and honor of saints, “hyper-dulia” is used for Mary as the highest of saints.
Hope that helps.
What is the purpose of using a Rosary and where did the idea of using it originate?
I read a little book on this that stated the rosary was created for
monks to use when reciting psalms. When commoners who
couldn’t read wanted to pray this way, they were told to use the
beads to say the Our Father. It was only later that the other
prayers evolved. The purpose of the rosary is to meditate on
the Word of God. Some people have other purposes.
With respect:
Anyone who says/believes that the rosary is :crying: :crying: “trivial”, has :nope: never prayed the rosary…
I don’t say that they have never “said” it…One might have, at some point, rattled through :nope: without praying.
But once you truly:yup: PRAY the rosary, you know that you have touched the face of the :gopray2: Saviour, by way of His ❤️ beloved mother’s prayers.:gopray:

God bless.
I agree! The Rosary is a beautiful prayer, and the more one prays it well the deeper their prayer life becomes. Meditating on the mysteries of our Lord’s life while holding the hand of our Blessed Mother obtains many graces and favors for us.

It is most obvious, when people are going through the exorcism rite of the Church, that the devils HATE the Rosary because it robs souls from them.
I agree! The Rosary is a beautiful prayer, and the more one prays it well the deeper their prayer life becomes. Meditating on the mysteries of our Lord’s life while holding the hand of our Blessed Mother obtains many graces and favors for us.

It is most obvious, when people are going through the exorcism rite of the Church, that the devils HATE the Rosary because it robs souls from them.
Jesus exercised people with his words not with repetitions or beads. Aren’t we supposed to be like Jesus?–not like catholic priest’s who invented a tradition we still follow today (if that is how it happened, I still have not found the time to thoroughly research it so forgive my ignorance if it is still present in my post).
Jesus exercised people with his words not with repetitions or beads. Aren’t we supposed to be like Jesus?–not like catholic priest’s who invented a tradition we still follow today (if that is how it happened, I still have not found the time to thoroughly research it so forgive my ignorance if it is still present in my post).
Yes, we are supposed to be like Jesus. In the Rosary we meditate on the life and the words of Jesus by meditating on them.

A manner of prayer that people use should not be categorized as an invented tradition. There is nothing wrong with a manner of prayer such as the Rosary. It enables one to meditate on the life of Christ and enter into it in a way that inspires us to imitate Him.

Your ignorance is very present in your post, and I do forgive you for it.
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