My daughter is in her mid 30s and is suffering from a dibilitating for of arthritis that has caused her to start using a cane. It is obvious for everyone to see that the poor girl has extreme triuble getting around. Even with her disability she still wants to remain active and do for herself and that includes trips to the grocery store that wear her out on occasion.
Today…I couldn’t believe what she told me. She was going down an aisle and a woman in her 50s…athletic build and her husband were blocking the aisle while they talked about which ice cream bars to purchase. My daughter said “Excuse me” hoping they would move their cart so she could go around them. Instead of doing that the woman said “Oh, just a minute” and kept on her dialogue with her husband…leaving my daughter to stand there. When it was obvious they had no intention of being kind…seeing she was using a cane and had trouble walking…my daughter went down another aisle out of her way.
I have to wonder what makes people behave so badly…have so little compassion for a person with an obvious disability. I always have gone out of my way to make it easier for those who are having a hard time.
I am going to have to go to Confession because the thoughts I was harboring towards this woman and her husband are out of sight.
Sorry to go on and on…
Today…I couldn’t believe what she told me. She was going down an aisle and a woman in her 50s…athletic build and her husband were blocking the aisle while they talked about which ice cream bars to purchase. My daughter said “Excuse me” hoping they would move their cart so she could go around them. Instead of doing that the woman said “Oh, just a minute” and kept on her dialogue with her husband…leaving my daughter to stand there. When it was obvious they had no intention of being kind…seeing she was using a cane and had trouble walking…my daughter went down another aisle out of her way.
I have to wonder what makes people behave so badly…have so little compassion for a person with an obvious disability. I always have gone out of my way to make it easier for those who are having a hard time.
I am going to have to go to Confession because the thoughts I was harboring towards this woman and her husband are out of sight.

Sorry to go on and on…