Rush Limbaugh's comments today

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I don’t normally listen to the Limbaugh show but I was flipping stations when I heard him mention the Catholic Church and decided to listen.

He, a non-Catholic, had no end of praise for the Church, John Paul II, and our new pope, Benedict XVI. Naturally, his main points were related to the political spectrum and how the leadership of the extreme Left hates the Church, but his statements on the reasons why was that the Catholic Church is faithful to itself and won’t ever change its teachings. He repeatedly pointed to the fallacy of the mainstream media portraying our Catholic beliefs with political terms (liberal/progressive vs. conservative/reactionary) and instead insisted that our faith, and the defense of it by our leaders (specifically mentioning the Cardinals and Popes) is based solely on our faith.
I don’t normally listen to the Limbaugh show but I was flipping stations when I heard him mention the Catholic Church and decided to listen.

He, a non-Catholic, had no end of praise for the Church, John Paul II, and our new pope, Benedict XVI. Naturally, his main points were related to the political spectrum and how the leadership of the extreme Left hates the Church, but his statements on the reasons why was that the Catholic Church is faithful to itself and won’t ever change its teachings. He repeatedly pointed to the fallacy of the mainstream media portraying our Catholic beliefs with political terms (liberal/progressive vs. conservative/reactionary) and instead insisted that our faith, and the defense of it by our leaders (specifically mentioning the Cardinals and Popes) is based solely on our faith.
I usually listen to Rush but today I was watching EWTN. My brother called me to see if I was listening because he was really good. What you posted that he said is consistent with what I’ve heard on his show in the last weeks since the death of Pope John Paul II. I thought that Rush understands theCatholic Faith better than some of the Priests they’ve had on tv and the what I like to call those "nuns look like a dude"complaining that women cannot be Priests.
Isn’t Rush’s brother a convert?

Who knows…maybe God is at work with Rush.

Rush was right there in the heat of battle trying to save Terri too.

This has been a very event-filled crazy month hasn’t it?
It was great to hear him speak on this. Contrast the statements of a professed non-Catholic with those of the “Catholic” media who are his political opponents.
Constrast Rush to the self proclaimed Catholic, Bill O’Rielly!

He was going on about how contraception and homosexuality are good and the Church should recognize such and that you can be Catholic in good standing with these beliefs. He basically baits the Pope to do what he claims is “fair”.

He completely freaked out when a Catholic caller tried to correct him, explaining that it is indeed against Church doctrine to use contraception and lead a homosexual lifestyle. O’Rielly yelled at the caller, calling him a part of the lunatic fringe of the Church. Bill told him he might believe that “junk”, but most thinking Catholics make that decision for themselves.

They joked about how no one would go to communion if you had to live like that! Ugly, huh?
Constrast Rush to the self proclaimed Catholic, Bill O’Rielly!

He was going on about how contraception and homosexuality are good and the Church should recognize such and that you can be Catholic in good standing with these beliefs. He basically baits the Pope to do what he claims is “fair”.

He completely freaked out when a Catholic caller tried to correct him, explaining that it is indeed against Church doctrine to use contraception and lead a homosexual lifestyle. O’Rielly yelled at the caller, calling him a part of the lunatic fringe of the Church. Bill told him he might believe that “junk”, but most thinking Catholics make that decision for themselves.

They joked about how no one would go to communion if you had to live like that! Ugly, huh?
Well then I guess that Bill O’Reilly must consider the Pope benedict part of the lunatic fringe of the church. I just wish he and others such as Nancy Pelosi, Susan Collins, John Kerry, Edward Kennedy, and Rudi Guiliani would just officially announce that they are episcopalians and be done with it, since we know that is closer to their actual belief system anyways.
Someone should smack O Reilly upside the head with a nice thick edition of the Catechism and tell him to read it sometime. Bill is totally obsolete, especially after William Donahue gave him the hypcorite smackdown a few weeks back. The sooner people stop watching The Factor, the better off they’ll be. Hey, here’s a perfect reason…someone puplically downing the faith…I sure hope all those who like to boycott stuff like this are adding The Factor to their list. :rolleyes:
I didn’t hear Rush today but I caught the O’Reilly show. He angered me, but also made me laugh. He said that the new Pope was an “in your face” kind of guy and a lot like himself- he speaks his mind. I thought it was funny that he realized right on the air that the new Pope is no coward in what he will say in defending the church. Too bad he has to defend it to so many Catholics!
Constrast Rush to the self proclaimed Catholic, Bill O’Rielly!

He was going on about how contraception and homosexuality are good and the Church should recognize such and that you can be Catholic in good standing with these beliefs. He basically baits the Pope to do what he claims is “fair”.
How is it that Bill O’Reilly knows more about the Church than anyone or anything? He knows better than the Bible, better than the catechism, better than the Pope. He is just amazing! Could the following picture be him adding new relevations to the Bible?

Mega Dittos’ for the mighty ‘el rushbo’. Viva il maha rushie!
i guess i’m a part of the “lunatic fringe” part of our church
I’m really happy to hear about Rush, who I would never listen to normally. I have certainly heard many others from outside the Church respect the fact that the Church stands strong and firm. Praise be to God for that gift in our Church!

As far as O’Reilly goes, and Kerry, and all the other people we name, they are very sadly a part of what may even be close to a majority in the American Church, and they, like anyone else NEED OUR PRAYERS!!!

A major problem with American Catholics (and all Americans) is that they receive a message through the press, and public (sometimes even Catholc) schools that democracy is the right way and the only way, and they seemingly cannot differentiate between political government, and Christ’s unchanging Truth in the Church. They learn that they want the government out of their life and develop similar ideas about the Church. This total misuderstanding is a sad, sad reality, but there is of course hope!

Part of the reason for the application of the idea that deocracy is the only way, even for the Church, may have come out of the dialogue of Vatican II, when people in the Church, including many priests and religious, misuderstood, and so, misled others into believing that the idea of change and dialogue would mean, “you pick how you want the Church to be.” This line of thinking led many to believe that it was their role to choose for themselves and for others in the Church. Much of this attitude still exists in the Church, among many American Catholics, including many priests and religious.

The problem is a lack of understanding, not an intentional desire to uproot the Church, although sometimes that is what it turns into.

and genlty but firmly TEACH, TEACH, TEACH!!! (and of course, learn!!)
A great book on the subject: What Went Wrong With Vatican II: The Catholic Crisis Explained (by Ralph McInery) You can buy it, or look at it here.
Isn’t Rush’s brother a convert?

Who knows…maybe God is at work with Rush.

Rush was right there in the heat of battle trying to save Terri too.

This has been a very event-filled crazy month hasn’t it?
Rush has one brother who is a public figure, David. He is not a convert to the faith. While David defends traditional Protestant values that this country was founded upon, his web site provides links to some anti-Catholic web sites.

I do not know if Rush has another brother who converted to the Faith.
I don’t normally listen to the Limbaugh show but I was flipping stations when I heard him mention the Catholic Church and decided to listen.

He, a non-Catholic, had no end of praise for the Church, John Paul II, and our new pope, Benedict XVI. Naturally, his main points were related to the political spectrum and how the leadership of the extreme Left hates the Church, but his statements on the reasons why was that the Catholic Church is faithful to itself and won’t ever change its teachings. He repeatedly pointed to the fallacy of the mainstream media portraying our Catholic beliefs with political terms (liberal/progressive vs. conservative/reactionary) and instead insisted that our faith, and the defense of it by our leaders (specifically mentioning the Cardinals and Popes) is based solely on our faith.
Yes Rush was Right on with his remarks that I heard. He nailed it perfectly with stating that liberal and conservative aren’t proper ways to describe the Church and that the MSM can’t grasp why the church won’t or can’t change.
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