#FreeSentsov and other political prisioners in Russia!
Today, On July 13th, Oleg Sentsov, Ukrainian film director, celebrates his 42nd Birthday. However, not at liberty, but behind the walls of Kremlin’s prisons on the far North of Russia, having been under the hunger strike during 61 days. He and dozens of Kremlin’s political prisoners hope for the help of the whole civilized world in the fight for their release.
Semen Gluzman, Myroslav Marynovych and Mustafa Dzhemilev, who address to all people of good will, are dissidents, who in time of the Soviet Union asserted their right of liberty, even being convicted in GULAG’s camps because of the numerous appeals and information transferring via their relatives to the West in order everyone could see the real face of totalitarian regime. At that time they won and the USSR weren’t a threat anymore.
However, the ideas of the USSR has gained their power in modern Russia and the new generation of Ukrainians have been prisoned in Kremlin disagreeing with lies and explicit aggression towards Ukraine. They are fighting for the world peace, for the truth, for which Oleg Sentsov and the others 72 imprisoned Ukrainians on the territory of Russia and the temporary occupied Crimea are ready to sacrifice their freedom.
Anyway we do hope that the voice of the whole world will save their lives and will make the Russian power release all political prisoners!