Gay couples are adopting crack babies, abandoned babies, foster children, because the average childless couple wants a baby that doesn’t have “problems”. In other words, they want the baby of the cheerleader in Hometown USA that got knocked up by the quarterback and lives in Hoity Toityville. Unfortunately, the cheerleader is “keeping” her baby (very selfish), so there are fewer “non problematic” babies to adopt, so they end up going overseas to China, etc. etc.
If you are talking about morality, how moral is it for a woman to sleep around, get pregnant, smoke crack, and pop out babies like a pez dispenser and then take off? Is that parenting? Then she has the audacity to come back and take that baby who had been in a loving home for 2 years, because she is “clean”? oh, and pregnant again by the way…yeah, real moral. Oh, also, I forgot to mention there was NO daddy in the picture, because the crack momma doesn’t know who it is. Yeah, ring one up for morality. Did she sit up all night with that baby while it was going through withdrawal? Did she take to the emergency room, because it was not eating? No, she didn’t. She is not moral when it comes to the care of that baby. The men who took that baby into their homes did so out of love for the child. I would like to know where the church was when the crack momma took the baby back, were they there at her doorstep with assistance? Not hardly, but yet, the two men who had a “home”, an extended “family”, no financial worries are MORE immoral because of their gender preference.
Mr. and Mrs. Average Jones, don’t want to deal with crack babies, or children that have been from one foster home to the other. You will say, oh, yes, I know so and so, VERY RARE. In this case, if I were the judge, I would have left the boy where he was. It was best for him and his care. And I would suggest Ms. Crack, get herself sterilized to keep the innocent from suffering.