SA Priest

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“It hurts deeply. We’re concerned for Father Sieczynski,” said San Antonio Archdiocese spokesman Pat Rogers.

Hmmm, interesting, but I am more concerned about the children.

When is enough enough and something gets done about this? I am one of those folks that is on the verge of leaving the Church. And things like this push me towards the door.

If this man worked for me at my place of employment, and his employment brought him in contact with children, he would have been fired and gone long ago.

Why is the Church so slow to move?
ObOSB said:

“It hurts deeply. We’re concerned for Father Sieczynski,” said San Antonio Archdiocese spokesman Pat Rogers.

Hmmm, interesting, but I am more concerned about the children.

When is enough enough and something gets done about this? I am one of those folks that is on the verge of leaving the Church. And things like this push me towards the door.

If this man worked for me at my place of employment, and his employment brought him in contact with children, he would have been fired and gone long ago.

Why is the Church so slow to move?

Move on what? He was removed from the parish and prohibited from public ministry. My understanding is that happened right after he was charged with exposing himself. If he’d not broken a law how could the diocese put him in jail once he was paroled or put on probation? Can a priest be defrocked for exposing himself? I truly don’t know. He sounds like a very sick man.

LIsa N
The cynic in me says that the homosexuals in the heirarchy are slow to respond for fear of coming down on their own.

The conservative in me says that liberalism clouds the intellect, and confuses the mind, slowing the recognition of right and wrong.

The realist in me says that bureaucracy breeds inefficiency.

The merciful faith in me says innocent until proven guity.
There was a similar situation in the Diocese of Rochester, NY just last month. The bishop neglected to remove a priest who had been deemed not mentally fit to be around children (not yet an offender). Authorities discovered 1,000’s of pornographic photos on the priests computer. Needless to say the priest has finally been removed. I think the bishop should be removed too for neglect of duty.

Don’t walk near that door OBosb!

You and many others are suffering now but hopefully not for long. We will suffer as long as God sees fit. Embrace your cross and keep on praying. You are not alone. Stand with others and be steadfast. You are needed.
Lisa N:
If he’d not broken a law how could the diocese put him in jail once he was paroled or put on probation? Can a priest be defrocked for exposing himself?
LIsa N
I don’t expect the Archdiocese to put him in jail, they don’t have the power. But the could defrock him.

Can a priest be defrocked for exposing himself? Well, I don’t know either, but he should be. Anyone priest caught doing something like that should be gone the next day. I see priests that demand a high degree of respect. If we are to respect them, then they shouldn’t be doing things like this. They should be held to a higher standard and dismissed if they can’t achieve it.
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