Saddam invested one million dollars in Paul Martin-owned Cordex

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Saddam invested one million dollars in Paul Martin-owned Cordex by Judi McLeod, Friday, April 22, 2005

The Canadian company that Saddam Hussein invested a million dollars in belonged to the Prime Minister of Canada, has discovered.

Cordex Petroleum Inc., launched with Saddam’s million by Prime Minister Paul Martin’s mentor Maurice Strong’s son Fred Strong, is listed among Martin’s assets to the Federal Ethics committee on November 4, 2003. Among Martin’s Public Declaration of Declarable Assets are: “The Canada Steamship Lines Group Inc. (Montreal, Canada) 100 percent owned”; “Canada Steamship Lines Inc. (Montreal, Canada) 100 percent owned”–Cordex Petroleums Inc. (Alberta, Canada) 4.6 percent owned by the CSL Group Inc."

So gilliam what do you make of this investment? Is this why Canada did not support us in the Iraq war?
So gilliam what do you make of this investment? Is this why Canada did not support us in the Iraq war?
The lack of support from official circles in Canada was on different levels.

First of all we do not have sufficient armed forces to sustain what our commitment were at the time as well as adding on an Iraqi mission. The problem of having insufficient armed forces is ongoing and scandalous. Whatever forces we have are undersupplied to the extent of endangering lives.

We could have just said that but we didn’t. A member of parliament ran off at the mouth calling Bush names. The then PM Chretien was rude about the whole thing. People in Montreal booed the American Anthem before hockey games. People demonstrated rudely and uncharitably in front of the Embassy.

Those who have forgotten who are friends are: I don’t know what to say about them. They strike me as

(a) uninformed and uninterested in getting informed.
(b) spoiled to the extent of not wanting their afternoon tea disturbed by news of the real world.
(c) ungrateful for the protection which the giant to the south does offer us.

Not all Canadians agree with the government policy vis a vis Iraq.
Thanks for your (name removed by moderator)ut Ani. I love Canada and the people and would never make a blanket statement of disrespect for it. However, this is all very complicated and seems like we are finding more out all the time.
Saddam invested one million dollars in Paul Martin-owned Cordex by Judi McLeod, Friday, April 22, 2005

The Canadian company that Saddam Hussein invested a million dollars in belonged to the Prime Minister of Canada, has discovered.

Cordex Petroleum Inc., launched with Saddam’s million by Prime Minister Paul Martin’s mentor Maurice Strong’s son Fred Strong, is listed among Martin’s assets to the Federal Ethics committee on November 4, 2003. Among Martin’s Public Declaration of Declarable Assets are: “The Canada Steamship Lines Group Inc. (Montreal, Canada) 100 percent owned”; “Canada Steamship Lines Inc. (Montreal, Canada) 100 percent owned”–Cordex Petroleums Inc. (Alberta, Canada) 4.6 percent owned by the CSL Group Inc."

He invested in a Canadian company!!! That is evil. That man must be executed at once. Surely any price we have had to pay with the blood of our soldiers and the credit cards of our government is worth deposing and trying this man: we are talking pure evil here. $85,000,000,000 and 2,000 of America’s best shot in the face by terrorists we allowed in the country: worth it!

The Canadian company that Saddam Hussein invested a million dollars in belonged to the Prime Minister of Canada, has discovered.

Cordex Petroleum Inc., launched with Saddam’s million by Prime Minister Paul Martin’s mentor Maurice Strong’s son Fred Strong, is listed among Martin’s assets to the Federal Ethics committee on November 4, 2003. . . .

Yesterday, Strong admitted that Tongsun Park, the Korean man accused by U.S. federal authorities of illegally acting as an Iraqi agent, invested in Cordex, the company he owned with his son, in 1997.

I remember a lot of talk about a “coalition of the bribed,” but I’m not sure this was what people meant. . . .

UPDATE: Of course, when it comes to the details, Wretchard has the NYSun beat.

Also read: “Salmon-Fishing” in Canada
UNITED NATIONS - The next chapter in the United Nations crisis may erupt over U.N. investigator Paul Volcker’s membership on the board of one of Canada’s biggest companies, Power Corporation, since a past president of the firm, Canadian tycoon Maurice Strong, is now tied to the oil-for-food scandal. Also, following yesterday’s reports of resignations of top investigators on Mr. Volcker’s team, Washington officials revisited Secretary-General Annan’s assertion that the team’s report last month exonerated him. For the first time, the Bush administration hinted that it may cease support of Mr. Annan altogether.

More from Instapundit:


Paul Martin hardly needs another scandal, but the news that Maurice Strong has stepped down from his UN post as special envoy to Korea in the wake of allegations related to the Iraqi oil-for-food debacle is potentially damaging on several fronts.

This week, Mr. Strong, a long-time mentor and associate of Mr. Martin, admitted ongoing links to Tongsun Park, a Korean lobbyist charged in connection with oil-for-food. Mr. Park previously enjoyed 15 minutes of infamy in the 1970s as the conduit for bribes to U.S. Congressional officials, an affair dubbed “Koreagate.” This time, according to Paul Volcker’s independent inquiry, Mr. Park transferred funds from Iraq to high-ranking UN officials. . . .

Mr. Strong is a man of enormous informal power within the “international community.” A lifelong self-confessed socialist, he espouses apocalyptic alarmism as a rationale for a much more powerful United Nations. Paradoxically, however, he has always kept one foot in the capitalist camp via an array of often messy business dealings.

I think it’s more a case of “a hand in the capitalist pocket” rather than “a foot in the capitalist camp.” But it’s really more about power than corruption, though corruption certainly plays its role:

Paul Martin’s senior advisers, angry at having lost control of the political agenda, are determined to get it back. They didn’t ask for the election that is being thrust upon them, but they are confident that they can win it.

Maybe they will. But the fact remains that the Liberals are struggling with more than the ever-spreading fallout from the sponsorship scandal. They must also fight a growing impression that the government is adrift, its agenda frustrated by a minority Parliament and by a Prime Minister who wanted to take on everything and ended up achieving very little.

I’m just interested in seeing how money seemed to be flowing from Saddam Hussein to pretty much every government that took an active role in opposing the Iraq war. And I wonder where else the money was going. I suspect we’ll find out, in time.

** And **Here’s an article by Mark Steyn.
Here’s a flow chart

Friday, April 22, 2005

Roger Simon’s Mystery

OK. It’s tinfoil hat time. Roger Simon begins with a mystery. Where is the Oil for Food investigation going?

I know - this blog seems obsessed with the Oil-for-Food scandal, but it is one of the greatest mysteries of our time and this blog is written by a mystery writer. And, as with any good mystery, you never know the identity of Mr. Big until the very last minute. Of course, in this case it has seemed for some time that Mr. Big’s initial (pace Kafka) would be K. But who knows? There are nooks and crannies as far North as Ontario now. Surprises could occur.

Ontario? Does anything spooky ever happen in Ontario? In this case, maybe. Here’s a chart I drew up based on known connections. A Canadian high-ranking UN official named Maurice Strong has resigned after being accused to being one of two officials who Saddam bagman Tongsun Park met. According to the Washington Post:

UNITED NATIONS, April 20 – The United Nations’ special envoy to North Korea, Maurice F. Strong, decided Wednesday to step aside until U.N.-appointed investigators and federal prosecutors finish examining his financial ties to a South Korean lobbyist accused of trying to bribe U.N. officials. The move comes less than a week after federal authorities charged Tongsun Park, a South Korean businessman, with lobbying U.N. officials as an “unregistered agent” of Saddam Hussein. A witness said Park in 1996 and 1997 invested $1 million in Iraqi funds in a Canadian company owned by the son of a high-ranking U.N. official, a federal investigator said. Strong, a Canadian entrepreneur and environmentalist, acknowledged Monday that Park had invested money in a business he was “associated with” in 1997 and later advised him on his dealings with Pyongyang.

However, this same Maurice Strong has connections to Paul Martin, the Prime Minister of Canada who is now being accused of presiding over a decades long corruption scandal and to the French-Canadian Demarais family which have strong monetary connections to Total Elf Aquitane, which is alleged to have dealings with Saddam Hussein and BNP Paribas, the official bank of the Oil-For-Food program. The Guardian reported on April 6, 2003:

An Anglo-Iraqi billionaire who has close links to the Blair government, built his financial empire on peddling his influence with Saddam Hussein’s Baathist regime - the Observer can reveal. … Auchi was arrested last week in connection with a £26 million kickback scandal involving the French oil giant Elf-Aquitaine. His arrest is the latest spectacular twist in a story that spans three continents and involves an attempted assassination, two of Europe’s largest political corruption scandals and a series of multi-million pound oil and arms deals with Saddam Hussein. An Observer investigation can today reveal how a man who built his fortune on secretive deals with the Iraqi regime came to mix with ministers in the Blair government.

Read the entire article, if interested in this topic
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