Safe, Legal, and Hillary

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Political Hay
Safe, Legal, and Hillary
By George Neumayr
Published 1/27/2005 12:08:21 AM
Hillary Clinton’s idea of an overture to pro-life groups is to blame those who oppose abortion for its spread. This line of reasoning is comically convoluted, but Hillary Clinton has been trying it out anyway, saying President Bush is responsible for the rise in abortion in some states because he won’t fund her favorite prophylactic programs.

But even in extending a thorn branch to pro-life groups, Hillary Clinton draws gasps, head shaking, and troubled silence from pro-abortion activists. So reported the press after she said earlier in the week that “We can all recognize that abortion in many ways represents a sad, even tragic, choice to many, many women.” Notice that she didn’t say it is a tragic choice for the aborted babies, only for the women who get abortions.

But this was still too much for the crowd. To them abortion is a cause not for tears but for sighs of relief. After the speech, Martha Stahl, director for public relations and marketing for Northern Adirondack Planned Parenthood, disputed the characterization of abortion as a tragic choice, telling the New York Times that “we see women express relief more than anything else that they have the freedom to choose.”

Safe and legal? Hillary(ous!)

Poor Hillary though. We know she will NEVER be prolife. So at this point she is alienating the proaborts and not fooling the prolife folks. Couldn’t happen to a nicer person 😃

Lisa N
Somehow this reminds me of the conniptions my dog goes through trying to lure me into going for a walk. She is sure that if she can perform the right set of meaningless actions in the right order I will be unable to resist.
Joe Kelley:
Somehow this reminds me of the conniptions my dog goes through trying to lure me into going for a walk. She is sure that if she can perform the right set of meaningless actions in the right order I will be unable to resist.
Oh yes I am a trained owner too! Certain senseless actions will result in a cookie, a trip outside or a walk. We humans aren’t as dumb as well look…but we’re still not fooled by Hillary

Lisa N
one fact that is fact… fewer abortions in the Clinton administrations then in Bush Sr’s and Bush Jr’s… why, i wonder?
space ghost:
one fact that is fact… fewer abortions in the Clinton administrations then in Bush Sr’s and Bush Jr’s… why, i wonder?
I would suspect the welfare reform bill passed in Clinton’s administration. Way back in the day it was a lot easier to have babies and live on welfare indefinitely.
space ghost:
one fact that is fact… fewer abortions in the Clinton administrations then in Bush Sr’s and Bush Jr’s… why, i wonder?
And thanks to planned parenthood and their supporters(Clintons among others)it has become popular oppinion that it is better to be killed than poor:nope:
Lisa N:
Safe and legal? Hillary(ous!)
Poor Hillary though. We know she will NEVER be prolife. So at this point she is alienating the proaborts and not fooling the prolife folks. Couldn’t happen to a nicer person 😃
Lisa N
So true Lisa, I wonder if she is actually fooling herself? This shrew will say and do ANYTHING to get back in the White House.
The “safe, legal, and rare” mantra intoned by the Clintonistas is inherently contradictory and reveals their shallow values, especially the last adjective in that list.

Follow along:
  1. Abortion is supposedly a constitutional right.
  2. This means it is a natural right which the government can only restrict in extreme cases but never abolish.
  3. This means abortion is a right on the same level as, say, freedom of speech, the right to petition the government, or freedom of religion.
  4. Does anyone ever sensibly say that freedom of speech should be rare? How about the right to petition the government? Freedom of religion? Should that be rare? Obviously not.
Abortion is not a right. It one of the rawest exercises of power imaginable, and is more in keeping with Nietzche’s “will to power” than with the time-honored concepts of natural rights upon which our government is supposed to be based.

– Mark L. Chance.
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