Safe Sex Ain't

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Consumer Reports, the world’s leading consumers group, took a break recently from evaluating cars and hair dryers and compared 25 different types of condoms to find out which ones are best in preventing pregnancy. It should come as no surprise that three of the condoms that were found defective are ones distributed for free by Planned Parenthood. One of Planned Parenthood’s products had a more than 85 percent failure rate in stopping unwanted pregnancies. Perhaps to a group like Planned Parenthood, 85 percent is enough.

Some sexually transmitted diseases are not effectively stopped by condom use. A prime example is the human papilloma virus (HPV,) the leading cause of cervical cancer among women. Planned Parenthood’s own website, disregarding the health of women, actually claims condoms are effective against HPV. Groups like Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and the Human Rights Campaign all base their defective messages on total access to sex without consequences. This message has led to the needless deaths of millions of human beings by either disease or abortion. Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK), during his tenure in the House, passed legislation that required truth in labeling for condoms. Despite the passage of this statute almost four years ago, the FDA has dragged its feet in drafting language, let alone in implementing the law.

– Mark L. Chance.
Is there a link for these Consumer Reports which i can read?
Consumer Reports, the world’s leading consumers group, took a break recently from evaluating cars and hair dryers and compared 25 different types of condoms to find out which ones are best in preventing pregnancy. It should come as no surprise that three of the condoms that were found defective are ones distributed for free by Planned Parenthood. One of Planned Parenthood’s products had a more than 85 percent failure rate in stopping unwanted pregnancies. Perhaps to a group like Planned Parenthood, 85 percent is enough.

Some sexually transmitted diseases are not effectively stopped by condom use. A prime example is the human papilloma virus (HPV,) the leading cause of cervical cancer among women. Planned Parenthood’s own website, disregarding the health of women, actually claims condoms are effective against HPV. Groups like Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and the Human Rights Campaign all base their defective messages on total access to sex without consequences. This message has led to the needless deaths of millions of human beings by either disease or abortion. Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK), during his tenure in the House, passed legislation that required truth in labeling for condoms. Despite the passage of this statute almost four years ago, the FDA has dragged its feet in drafting language, let alone in implementing the law.

– Mark L. Chance.
Is there a link for these Consumer Reports which i can read?
Can’t search for yourself? 😛

Click here for an overview. From I what I could find, the magazine article is not available online.

– Mark L. Chance.
Can’t search for yourself? 😛

Click here for an overview. From I what I could find, the magazine article is not available online.

– Mark L. Chance.
Thanks for the info.I did actually try a search,but what i was getting was favourable to the condom culture.
… three of the condoms that were found defective are ones distributed for free by Planned Parenthood. One of Planned Parenthood’s products had a more than 85 percent failure rate in stopping unwanted pregnancies.
Perhaps there’s no such thing as a free lunch or a free condom.

Is this a weird marketing technique for their abortion services?
They promote “safe” and “protected” sex, but then they pass out condoms that fail.
Perhaps there’s no such thing as a free lunch or a free condom.

Is this a weird marketing technique for their abortion services?
They promote “safe” and “protected” sex, but then they pass out condoms that fail.
That’s because the CEO of Planned Parenthood is Satan himself. They only care about the almighty dollar, and most of those dollars are gained by abortions performed on scared, confused young women.

The reality about condoms is that they are hard to use and some of them can be defective. Yet, Planned Parenthood treats them like the end all be all of birth control. They lure curious young teens into their facilities and basically lie to them and put down their parents. I live in an extremely small town and I know two people personally in my life who have been deceived by this organization. One girl had a terrible STD and Planned Parenthood called her house to tell her the results. Her mom had gotten wise to the situation so when the “anonymous” caller called to speak to this young lady, the mother pretended like she was her and found out the awful truth that her daughter had a serious medical condition. What mother (whether it is sexually transmitted or not) wants to be left in the dark of their daughter in pain and scared?

My other friend actually had an abortion through planned parenthood. she said they claim to “counsel” their patients before the abortion in case they change their mind. However, this “counseling” takes about 2 minutes and the young girl is so scared that she barely hears anything that the person says to her. She then said that it was like a very strange assembly line. There was actually a LINE of women getting abortions. And they were each placed in a big room afterwards filled with reclining chairs to sit at until they felt that they could get up and leave. My friend is still traumatized by this event. (she has since become a Christian and regrets this decision)

Spread the word about Planned Parenthood. Don’t participate in any activities or use any products that support Planned Parenthoods murderous agenda. I know this sounds extreme but it is a huge deal in the lives of our children.

Planned Parenthood is the only pure cash only entity in the healthcare field. And tax - free (as a nonprofit) too. Abortion is a CASH ONLY - CASH IN ADVANCE business.

So a million abortions a year, with a significant portion of them from PP, it is easy to see that they are a very profitable entity.Probably in the neighborhood of $300 - $400 million dollars in hard cash annually. That is HUGE after-tax money for any business, any where.

Condoms have never been that effective against anything. If people knew the truth from a reliable entity like the FDA, they would not use them at all figuring “Why bother?” They do apparently provide some protection again HIV and the host of VD, but not a substantial level. If truthfully, labeled, no one would use them.

Imagine the label:

*“250 out of a 100,000 condoms will break, we do not know if this is the one or not. It is not effective against the most common disease HPV, which is a leading cause of cervical cancer. It is partially effective against HIV, the extent of the protection is unknown. We do know that for contraception, it is about 14% effective for the prevention of pregnancy and women are only fertile one week a month. We can not expect a better result for HIV prevention.”
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