SAFEWAY---Family Planning Aisle

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Just got back from a quick trip to Safeway. It’s the only supermarket in town, I can’t stand it, but sometimes I have no choice. They are so obnoxious with their club card, and aggressive policy of constantly harrassing me by asking if I found everything OK, I have to sneak past their shelf stockers in the aisles to avoid being asked if I’m finding everything OK, it drives me crazy. Then, they always ask you again before you leave. I know it’s a corporate policy, the clerks hate it too.

Well, I was looking for utility candles, and noticed the ‘family planning’ sign! Ugh, there was a huge display of condoms, one box said, “give her pleasure!”. All the condoms are large and extra large I think, no small condoms in that store. :rolleyes:

While I’m on the subject of how awful it is to shop at Safeway, what about all the magazines at the front counter? The women’s magazines always have some article such as “How to get more out of sex!” or “10 secrets to give him more pleasure!”. Not to mention the tabloids. There’s a store in the next town, 1/2 hour away, that actually has one ‘family friendly’ aisle that doesn’t have these magazines or a candy display. I shop there as much as I can.

I think Safeway sucks and should be avoided. Also, other Supermarkets need to shape up.
I agree about the tasteless magazines, but I don’t see a problem with the family planning aisle. Birth control isn’t illegal and people do need to buy it. When I shop at supermarkets, condoms and spermicidal foam etc. are usually in the pharmacy department. I have never seen birth control next to the candy at the check-out.
What I objected to was that this ‘family planning’ section was not discretely placed in the pharmacy section, but had a prominent sign, and was on the same aisle as wrapping paper, candles,etc. And, these condom packages had all sorts of titilating things written on them, saying that they gave increased sexual pleasure, etc.

You know, these societal changes have gradually crept up on us over the past 50 years, so that they seem normal now. We don’t think twice about advertisers exposing our kids to morally objectional advertising. It used to be that condoms were rather hush hush types of items, but now Safeway feels totally free to have them at eye level, with all the alluring boxes promising great sex to those who use them.
Well that just described every single JEWEL and DOMINICKS I’ve ever shopped at… Condoms…Lube… Sexy Mags at the Checkout Isle…

So…since I dont have any ambition to grow my own vegetables, wheat, etc… what should I do?

I think there is WAY TOO MUCH “scrupulosity” going on at many threads here when instead of just sounding off…cause, heck yeah…its annoying with these stores…the more we pray the more we develop our “spiritual eyes” and notice these things in the world…but too many of these complaints with stores…always end with…dont shop there EVER…or actually ask if its a sin to do so… I humbly submit, its little overboard.

Many people jump on others when people flee their church…they say stuff such as…well…what have you done to effect change? Have your written letters, talked to the priests etc?

Well…do people(not accusing anyone here) confront the store managers and ask them to NOT display these sexy mags at the checkout…or not to place the condoms next to the Fruity Pebbles? (I know it would more than likely be a waste of time)

How about renting movies…where does it end? Blockbuster, Hollywood video and even Netflix offer up films that have explicit sex in them…are we NOW to stop renting Finding Nemo or Shrek from these places?

Should employees quit their jobs at these stores? What if they cant find anything else? Whats a bigger sin…being an employed Catholic and scanning condoms and lube at your register…or quitting and not feeding your family or paying your bills?
i dont know what safe way is…other than a grocery store. But I agree. I’m finding myself becoming more conservative than ever since becoming interested in catholicism. I used to read Cosmo all the time, but now the magazine seems stupid and a waste of money. If anything, i skip through the sex parts no problem, when before, I used to buy them only for those articles. Also, condom companies could be sued for false advertising. My fiance and i, back in our bad days, tested out their claims. I didn’t know about it until after they were used and then he asked me about it…absolutley no different, so if you are ever tempted to try, don’t. waste of money.
i dont know what safe way is…other than a grocery store. But I agree. I’m finding myself becoming more conservative than ever since becoming interested in catholicism. I used to read Cosmo all the time, but now the magazine seems stupid and a waste of money. If anything, i skip through the sex parts no problem, when before, I used to buy them only for those articles. Also, condom companies could be sued for false advertising. My fiance and i, back in our bad days, tested out their claims. I didn’t know about it until after they were used and then he asked me about it…absolutley no different, so if you are ever tempted to try, don’t. waste of money.
Hey, if you’re stuck with having to buy at Safeway, see if you can get an organization, such as Catholic Charities or the SBA List (Susan B. Anthony List) ( as the recipient of what you buy on scrip with Safeway.

Here’s the link to Safeway’s scrip page:

Unfortunately, this applies only to purchases from Safeway that you make online, but hey, if they “care” enough about their community, like their Website says, they’ll plow money into pro-life organizations that you choose.

Whaddya guys think? I figure it’s fighting fire with fire… in the pocketbook (which is what stores are all about, anyway).

Oremus!! (Let us pray)
**Majority of Americans are Pro-Life.  See the numbers here:**


**Since Roe vs. Wade became the law of the land 31 years ago there have been over 43 million abortions in the United States**.  This landmark decision made abortion legal for any reason and at almost any time during a woman’s pregnancy.  This is an atrocity!  **Today, Americans have become more pro-life and do not support abortion on demand.  Poll after poll shows that the American people overwhelmingly support restrictions on abortion.   Young people and women are also very pro-life**.
FYI, our local Safeway donates to our local CCL (NFP/pro-life organization) chapters. Little amounts here and there. All you have to do is talk with a manager. So maybe this cancels out some of your concern?

They also support our parish, I believe with big discounts or donated food.
White Dove, try seeing it from the other side… There are those of us who are very happy to see condoms etc. easily available because it makes teenagers who ARE having sex more likely to use them. And if talking about “enhancing sexual pleasure” makes it even more likely that a sexually active teen is going to pick them up, great!

I know you don’t agree with that point of view, but the fact is that condoms are legal, and such tactics do make it more likely that teenagers will use them. The success of stores like “Condom World,” etc. has been a great help in bringing down the AIDS rate in this country.

We do live in a culturally diverse society, and it’s impossible for any of us to live in a bubble.

I agree Naprous. I’m not being hypocritical, I do see the errors in my ways. Even though it is wrong to have sex before marriage, many people live in ignorance. At least condom use brings down the occurance of some STD’s and less unwanted pregnancies end in abortion. If condoms prevent pregnancy than you can’t have an abortion. As much as it would be nice to have all the teenagers abstain, it will never happen. The least we can do is protect them from disease.
Faithful 2 Rome:
Well that just described every single JEWEL and DOMINICKS I’ve ever shopped at… Condoms…Lube… Sexy Mags at the Checkout Isle…

So…since I dont have any ambition to grow my own vegetables, wheat, etc… what should I do?

I think there is WAY TOO MUCH “scrupulosity” going on at many threads here when instead of just sounding off…cause, heck yeah…its annoying with these stores…the more we pray the more we develop our “spiritual eyes” and notice these things in the world…but too many of these complaints with stores…always end with…dont shop there EVER…or actually ask if its a sin to do so… I humbly submit, its little overboard.

Many people jump on others when people flee their church…they say stuff such as…well…what have you done to effect change? Have your written letters, talked to the priests etc?

Well…do people(not accusing anyone here) confront the store managers and ask them to NOT display these sexy mags at the checkout…or not to place the condoms next to the Fruity Pebbles? (I know it would more than likely be a waste of time)

How about renting movies…where does it end? Blockbuster, Hollywood video and even Netflix offer up films that have explicit sex in them…are we NOW to stop renting Finding Nemo or Shrek from these places?

Should employees quit their jobs at these stores? What if they cant find anything else? Whats a bigger sin…being an employed Catholic and scanning condoms and lube at your register…or quitting and not feeding your family or paying your bills?
No, I would say just about every job in America is in some way objectionable according to Church teaching. Do you work for a drug company (Pfizer, Merck, Glaxo, etc.)? They manufacture birth control devices. Do you work for the U. S. Post Office? You’ll have to deliver those Playboy magazines. Do you work as a stock broker? Unless you’re an independent, you have to recommend stocks or investments that include an array of things against Church teachings. Do you work for a defense contractor, gun manufacturer, cigarette manufacurer? My point is, if you dig deep enough, you can probably find something contrary to Church teaching in just about any job. So unless it’s a direct evil - like working as a nurse or receptionist in an abortionists office - I think I would try as much as possible to avoid the objectionable parts. In my youth, I worked in a pharmacy. I wouldn’t handle or stock shelves with birth control devices or cigarettes (that’s kind of ironic, isnt it? A pharmacy selling cigarettes). I avoided that work like the plague.
At least condom use brings down the occurance of some STD’s and less unwanted pregnancies end in abortion. If condoms prevent pregnancy than you can’t have an abortion. As much as it would be nice to have all the teenagers abstain, it will never happen. The least we can do is protect them from disease.
IF condoms prevent pregnancy… when they don’t, isn’t it obvious that the couple is “contraception-minded” and will most likely abort if they do get pregnant? If they don’t want the baby then, when they’re having sex, do you think they’ll want it when they do get pregnant?

Also, its statements like this "As much as it would be nice to have all the teenagers abstain, it will never happen. The least we can do is protect them from disease." that make teenagers believe, “Hey, even the adults says so, they don’t expect us to have self-control, so why should we expect ourselves to have self-control?”

Not only that, but according to the National Institutes for Health, condoms DON’T reduce the risk of herpes, human papilloma virus, trichomonas, chlamydia, chancroid, and syphillis, which account for over **ten million ** infections every year.
So much for “protecting us from disease.”
pro-life teen, you don’t have to get angry about it…it’s just my opinion, not proven fact.

I said condoms protect from SOME STD’s…not all.

Not everyone raises their kids in the christian faith. I know I wasn’t. So not every teenager gets the message to abstain until marriage. Most get from parents, tv, friends, school, that sex is normal for a teen. IF they use protection…90% of the time, they won’t get pregnant. I’d say that would be a big reduction in the amount of abortions if every teenager who had sex wore a condom or were on birth control. I didn’t say that condom use completely irradicated abortion.

All I’m saying that if teens who are not educated in the faith or in abstinance wore condoms, SOME diseases woudl be prevented, SOME unwanted pregnancies would be prevented and SOME abortions woudl be prevented.
“Hey, even the adults says so, they don’t expect us to have self-control, so why should we expect ourselves to have self-control?”
Self-control is not the “adults” responsibility or the condom manufacturers responsibility. I know it’s not my responsibility that every teen abstains…it’s the parents responsibility. If the parents don’t teach them, then yeah, that’s what they will get out of, but if parents actually parented their children, there’d be a decrease to.
Faithful 2 Rome:
I think there is WAY TOO MUCH “scrupulosity” going on at many threads here when instead of just sounding off…cause, heck yeah…its annoying with these stores…the more we pray the more we develop our “spiritual eyes” and notice these things in the world…but too many of these complaints with stores…always end with…dont shop there EVER…or actually ask if its a sin to do so… I humbly submit, its little overboard.

Many people jump on others when people flee their church…they say stuff such as…well**…what have you done to effect change?** Have your written letters, talked to the priests etc?
You are SO right. I’ve been thinking this for a while. I find it hard to believe that it’s a sin to shop at Target or other stores that donate to Planned Parenthood. I’m paying them for goods and services, not abortions.
If adults and society in general had higher expectations for teens than "Aww, come on, they’re all gonna do it anyway, might as well give 'em ‘protection.’ " then maybe teens would realize that it is possible to abstain and would try to live up to those higher standards.

“I know it’s not my responsibility that every teen abstains…”
No, its not your responsibility that every teen abstains, but imagine the changes you could effect in maybe one or two if you help them see that chastity is a realistic and expected lifestyle.

sorry if my tone got angry back there (and here), its just that its really hard trying to show how chastity can be achieved when at the same time authoritatian figures (adults) tell them otherwise.
Self-control is not the “adults” responsibility or the condom manufacturers responsibility. I know it’s not my responsibility that every teen abstains…it’s the parents responsibility. If the parents don’t teach them, then yeah, that’s what they will get out of, but if parents actually parented their children, there’d be a decrease to.
Ignoring the fact that birth control is prohibited by our faith (for good reason), did it ever occur to you that the ready prevalence and availability of birth control to young teenagers is part of the problem? It sends a message that Sex Is Okay! And most teenagers have very selective hearing - they hear “sex is okay” but they don’t hear “use a condom.”

The message becomes “everybody’s doing it.” The more available birth control has become, the more out-of-control and irresponsible teenagers become. There is a direct correlation between a permissive society and pregnancy - the more permissive, the higher the pregnancy rate.
Proof for my preceeding comment can be found here.

The conclusions of the medical panel: “Our report challenges the consensus of government funded health agencies that contraceptive training and the increased availability of condoms for teens must play a central role in the prevention of pregnancy,” said Dr. John Diggs, Consortium spokesman and member of the Massachusetts Physicians Resource Council. “The findings of our report show that the safe sex approach to teen sexuality is a failure and not at all safe.”
sorry if my tone got angry back there (and here), its just that its really hard trying to show others how chastity can be achieved when at the same time authoritatian figures (adults) tell them otherwise.
I feel that it’s the parents who should be instilling these values. i understand that the lax values and availibility of condoms are part of the problem. But I also see that teens, if not taught otherwise, will have sex despite the availibility of condoms. If condoms and birht control were outlawed, those who were not taught will still have sex and then there would be more disease more pregnancy and more abortion. I guess I’m just fighting for the underdog here, which are the ignorant teens that know no different.
hey it could be worse. In Italy, condoms, including the fruit-flavored ones, are right at the checkout counter by all the candy and gum. And the covers of magazines in Italy are far more explicit than what you see here. Soft-core porn is everywhere over there, it’s really disappointing.
I was in france and we turned on the tv at 6 pm and there was this shoe commercial. But all i could remember was the nudity in the shoe commercial. Why she was naked…I’ll never know.
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