SAFEWAY---Family Planning Aisle

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Allow me to express my experienced point of view regarding Safeway…I used to work there.

OK- Safeway sucks, that is undoubtable. I think my college sucks too, because they provide condoms for free in our health center. You know, lets just jump on “The world sucks” bandwagon, because let’s face it, IT DOES!
I don’t mean to burst anyones bubble, but Safeway isn’t the only market that sells condoms…they’re everywhere! So we have a great war to fight with the culture of death…such is life as a Catholic-Christian in todays world. It’s what we do.
My suggestion…
Someone needs to put together a detailed book that is understandable to the general public, and sell it to the grocery stores to put in their “family planning” isles. We want to counteract the culture of death? The let’s start doing something about it dangit!
God Bless,

I was in france and we turned on the tv at 6 pm and there was this shoe commercial. But all i could remember was the nudity in the shoe commercial. Why she was naked…I’ll never know.
Was she at LEAST wearing SHOES? 😃
Just because something is legal does not make it right. Birth control is wrong. There is no arguing that point.
I know our local Winn-Dixie also has a prominent area dedicated to being anti-family. I’m not aware of any local supermarkets that do not sell these immoral products. However, there is hope. I recently discovered a website, which is a pro life pharmacists site (yeah I know, we were talking about supermarkets, but bear with me here…). On this site is a list, albeit a small one, of pro life pharmacies. At least one of them is offering a franchise opportunity.
I for one would very much welcome shopping in a supermarket or pharmacy that is not contributing to the destruction of the family.
We should voice our displeasure to those stores that supply the immoral products, and encourage and support entrepreneurs who are attempting to provide us with a safe enviroment to shop in. Maybe we have become so desensitized that shop owners think they have to carry this stuff. Hey, guess what–you dont have to! So, if you are reading this, and own a store, feel free to take it off the shelf. It may cause a little distress at first, but you will feel better about yourself. Things will turn out okay, and I will pray for you and ask others to do the same. Hey, if Chic-Fil-A can get by with being closed on Sundays at the mall, anything is possible!
Just because something is legal does not make it right. Birth control is wrong. There is no arguing that point.
I have one question for you. Who in the world do you think you are exactly? And when did my fellow Catholics get so high and mighty and judgmental? I mean honestly, this is America, you may decide what is right for you but that’s the end of it. We thankfully have laws that protect us from those of you who believe that you can tell others how to live their lives. Not everyone is a Catholic and I assure you many, if not most Catholics in the United States and other countries with birth control available use some form of it for the majority of their married lives up to and including surgical options. Look around, you don’t see too terribly many 10 children families anymore and this is a good thing, especially if your a woman! Not just financially but in the case of women for their health.
I am not being judgemental. Quite simply, the Church condemns the use of birth control.
I have one question for you. Who in the world do you think you are exactly? And when did my fellow Catholics get so high and mighty and judgmental? I mean honestly, this is America, you may decide what is right for you but that’s the end of it. We thankfully have laws that protect us from those of you who believe that you can tell others how to live their lives. Not everyone is a Catholic and I assure you many, if not most Catholics in the United States and other countries with birth control available use some form of it for the majority of their married lives up to and including surgical options. Look around, you don’t see too terribly many 10 children families anymore and this is a good thing, especially if your a woman! Not just financially but in the case of women for their health.
This is a sad statement. Years ago, when women had large families, they didn’t have the health care availble that exisits today. The quality of care and the drugs/tests/procedures available put to shame anything that was available even 20-30 years ago.

This is a sad statement. Years ago, when women had large families, they didn’t have the health care availble that exisits today.​

Even though there is advanced health care today, I doubt it is very healthy for women to have one child right after another. I would imagine it does a number on her bones, vagina,bladder and rectum.

This is a sad statement. Years ago, when women had large families, they didn’t have the health care availble that exisits today.​

Even though there is advanced health care today, I doubt it is very healthy for women to have one child right after another. I would imagine it does a number on her bones, vagina,bladder and rectum.
I dont’ think it was mentioned a women should have “one child right after another”. There is nothing wrong with most women having more than one child. Taking drugs for something natural that also adds horrible side-affects isn’t “progress” either.
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