Saftey in a parish- a benefit for all!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gabika50
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Afew suggestions for those in parishes are rhese healthy practical guidelines on bounderies that dioceses MAY want to look at (these are only suggestions).
  1. Offices must be in a separate building from the rectory (living quarters) of the priests and have a desk or table between the client and priest or religious.
  2. All office doors must have a see though window
  3. Allow no minors in priest living quarters without another adult physically present at all times
  4. Use the confessional for confessions- one side no screen; one side screen; no same room
  5. Clergy and religious will not spend and overnight retreats sleeping in the same room with minors
  6. Process guilty (religious, priests. Cardinals, and bishops to the fullest extent of the law in both the criminal and canonical sense
  7. Pay victims for medical, legal and psychological expenses related to the abuse for life by use of a health insurance, not multi-million dollar lump sums which bankrupt dioceses, and force them to sell of Church buildings for profane use (Chicago, New York, Boston et cetera) as this is only punishes the faithful who have paid for all these buildings.
  8. Process false accusations to the fullest extent of the law (both criminal and civil) by financially supporting the accused.
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