Saint Louis de Montfort

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I find a lot of consolation in the writings of St de Montfort, especially True Devotion to Mary and *The Secret of the Rosary, *although I know he makes a lot of people uncomfortable. Why do you think this is? He is very forceful in his claims, but always humble and reverent.

How does everybody else here feel about his writings? I would like to know. For me, he has led me to understand Mary as my divine mother in a way that I had desparate trouble with before.:love:
I have re-read True Devotion to Mary many times. I just love his way of bringing Mother Mary closer to me.

It amazes me how this wonderful book of love to our Blessed Mother can make some uncomfortable, I find that it draws me deeper and deeper into the heart of Jesus and Mary.

I just may read it again. 👍
I read “True Devotion to Mary” a few years ago and I’m one of the people who was uncomfortable with it - it just seemed way too over the top. Partly this was due to the fact that I was acquainted with several Catholics who were EXTREMELY Marian and gave me the book. These people made me uncomfortable too - by all outward appearences they worshipped Mary just as much, if not more, than they worshipped Christ. If a Protestant ever saw them, I don’t think I could ever convince him that Catholics don’t worship Mary. I’m glad others have had more positive experiences with the book.
I have re-read True Devotion to Mary many times. I just love his way of bringing Mother Mary closer to me.

It amazes me how this wonderful book of love to our Blessed Mother can make some uncomfortable, I find that it draws me deeper and deeper into the heart of Jesus and Mary.

I just may read it again. 👍
Didn’t St. Louis himself sort-of ‘prophesied’ that this book of his would be violently attacked by the Devil because of the important truths it contains? :rolleyes:

btw, I LOVE IT!! 👍
I read “True Devotion to Mary” a few years ago and I’m one of the people who was uncomfortable with it - it just seemed way too over the top. Partly this was due to the fact that I was acquainted with several Catholics who were EXTREMELY Marian and gave me the book. These people made me uncomfortable too - by all outward appearences they worshipped Mary just as much, if not more, than they worshipped Christ. If a Protestant ever saw them, I don’t think I could ever convince him that Catholics don’t worship Mary. I’m glad others have had more positive experiences with the book.
I don’t think this very wise saint(there is talk soon of declaring him a Doctor of the Church) wrote his treatise to please pentecostals, or non-Catholics. The book is excellent and Montfort himself talks about false devotion, and extremes. Ummmmm, for those who did not know by the way, It is Pope John Paull II’s favorite book. He said so himself in his letter to the superior general of the Montfort Fathers in their latest general congregation. In Pope John Paul II’s Papal Seal are the words in Latin: TOTUS TUUS. According to the Holy Father, he choose those words from Saint Louis de Montfort’s work: The Treatise on the True Devotion to Mary. TOTUS TUUS= All yours=Montfort states: “Totus Tuus Marie”= all your Mary.
It is a wonderful book, and eliminates the current fear many American Catholics have of praying to the Most Holy Mother of God, the daily Rosary, and Marian devotion. It has been praised too by the Catholic Church’s premier current Mariologist/theologian of France: Father Rene’ Laurentin.
although I know he makes a lot of people uncomfortable. Why do you think this is?
St Louis de Montfort makes people uncomfortable???

Funny how Saints have this quality about them!

I have heard people mock and ridicule other’s …hmmmmm let me see if I can remember

“Don’t ya just love it when she goes into “Mary mode”…enough to make ya sick”

Yup, I think that’s what I’ve heard!

Kind of sad to be mocked for loving such a perfect mother “too” much! I wonder how much Our beloved Jesus loves His mother and wants her to be loved and respected by all - I don’t think “too” much is an issue!

"Do not be troubled if weighed down with grief. do not fear any illness or vexation, anxiety or pain. Am I not here who am your Mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Am I not your fountain of life? Are you not in the folds of my mantle? In the crossing of my arms? Is there anything else you need?
**-**Our Lady of Guadalupe.
misericordie said:
(there is talk soon of declaring him a Doctor of the Church)

Really? Wow! I hope they do it. I hope they make him a doctor!

I think if there’s any message that could truly heal the Church, True Devotion to Mary is it!!!

Holy Mary, you know what we need most much better than any of us do. Please pray for us!🙂
St Louis de Montfort makes people uncomfortable???

Funny how Saints have this quality about them!

I have heard people mock and ridicule other’s …hmmmmm let me see if I can remember

“Don’t ya just love it when she goes into “Mary mode”…enough to make ya sick”

Yup, I think that’s what I’ve heard!

Kind of sad to be mocked for loving such a perfect mother “too” much! I wonder how much Our beloved Jesus loves His mother and wants her to be loved and respected by all - I don’t think “too” much is an issue!

"Do not be troubled if weighed down with grief. do not fear any illness or vexation, anxiety or pain. Am I not here who am your Mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Am I not your fountain of life? Are you not in the folds of my mantle? In the crossing of my arms? Is there anything else you need?
**-**Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Excellent! This is the best post yet. Yes, catholics get Catholic! Any catholic who is afraid of praying to the Blessed Mother(I don’t just say “Mary”, sounds like the woman across the street) out of fear that it takes glory away from Christ, cannot be considered a real catholic. Why have some catholics absorbed protestant ideas? And some are not even mainline protestant ideas, but rather fundamentalist born again pentecostals and , baptists, and under fundamentalists(sola scriptora).
Excellent! This is the best post yet. Yes, catholics get Catholic! Any catholic who is afraid of praying to the Blessed Mother(I don’t just say “Mary”, sounds like the woman across the street) out of fear that it takes glory away from Christ, cannot be considered a real catholic. Why have some catholics absorbed protestant ideas? And some are not even mainline protestant ideas, but rather fundamentalist born again pentecostals and , baptists, and under fundamentalists(sola scriptora).
Funny that; St Louis himself identifies this type of Catholics in True Devotion :rolleyes: !
Funny that; St Louis himself identifies this type of Catholics in True Devotion :rolleyes: !
Yes, and this anti-Mary belief and anything that smells of devotion to Her WITHIN Some Catholics here in the USA(seems the lack of devotion or fear of praying to Her on the part of some catholics, is mostly made up of Catholics only here in the USA, certaintly not Italy, Spain, or Mexico).👍
I find a lot of consolation in the writings of St de Montfort, especially True Devotion to Mary and *The Secret of the Rosary, *although I know he makes a lot of people uncomfortable. Why do you think this is? He is very forceful in his claims, but always humble and reverent.

How does everybody else here feel about his writings? I would like to know. For me, he has led me to understand Mary as my divine mother in a way that I had desparate trouble with before.:love:
Many Catholics feel uncomfortable reading him because of the expressions he uses to show his devotion for the Mother of God. Expressions such as “I am slave of Mary,” are anachronistic and modern folks really reject the idea of slavery for the evil it evokes in one’s mind. Also, imagine a Protestant reading “I am the slave of Mary.” Talk about freaking out!

Anyone reading any writing of any age should take into consideration that the modes of expression of one era are going to be very different from modes of expression of modern times. As long as the spiritual message edifies one’s spirituality, a book should be acepted as the product of a particular culture and time. Don’t we do that with the Bible?

Antonio 🙂
Antonio B:
Many Catholics feel uncomfortable reading him because of the expressions he uses to show his devotion for the Mother of God. Expressions such as “I am slave of Mary,” are anachronistic and modern folks really reject the idea of slavery for the evil it evokes in one’s mind. Also, imagine a Protestant reading “I am the slave of Mary.” Talk about freaking out!

Anyone reading any writing of any age should take into consideration that the modes of expression of one era are going to be very different from modes of expression of modern times. As long as the spiritual message edifies one’s spirituality, a book should be acepted as the product of a particular culture and time. Don’t we do that with the Bible?

Antonio 🙂
Are us catholics out nowadays to please pentecostals, jehovah’s witnesses, baptists and all other heresies? The Church, including our beloved Pope John Paul II have highly recomended Montfort. If the born again fundamentalists find it is conrary to their teachings, well tough cookies.
Antonio B:
Also, imagine a Protestant reading “I am the slave of Mary.” Talk about freaking out!
It is a shame that a Protestant does not understand what being a slave of Mary means. About 5 years ago I consecrated myself to Mary. I gave all that I am and owe to her and I asked that she take the unworthy self that I am and polish my tarnished edges, straighten out my kinks and make me worthy before the eyes of my beloved Savior.

As a symbol of this consecration many wear a chain around their wrist. A constant reminder that they are indeed a slave of Mary’s. "Dear blessed Mother, I offer you my eyes and my ears and my mouth today, that I may not offend your Son my God today."

I am a slave of Mary’s because I want what She wants to give me … Her Son!

If Protestants don’t understand this, I can only feel sorry for them, but it does not change what is Truth.

Litany of Our Blessed Mother

Mother, who understands the petty meanness’ of my heart
Pray for me,
Mother, who loves my obedience to the inspirations of God,
Pray for me,
Mother, who would always have me love in a God like manner,
Pray for me,
That I my do my present duty perfectly,
Pray for me

etc. etc.
It is a shame that a Protestant does not understand what being a slave of Mary means. About 5 years ago I consecrated myself to Mary. I gave all that I am and owe to her and I asked that she take the unworthy self that I am and polish my tarnished edges, straighten out my kinks and make me worthy before the eyes of my beloved Savior.

As a symbol of this consecration many wear a chain around their wrist. A constant reminder that they are indeed a slave of Mary’s. "Dear blessed Mother, I offer you my eyes and my ears and my mouth today, that I may not offend your Son my God today."

I am a slave of Mary’s because I want what She wants to give me … Her Son!

If Protestants don’t understand this, I can only feel sorry for them, but it does not change what is Truth.

Litany of Our Blessed Mother

Mother, who understands the petty meanness’ of my heart
Pray for me,
Mother, who loves my obedience to the inspirations of God,
Pray for me,
Mother, who would always have me love in a God like manner,
Pray for me,
That I my do my present duty perfectly,
Pray for me

etc. etc.
Amen, yes, bingo!! This is truth in its totality. may the Lord continue to bless you.
I am proud to say I am a SLAVE of my Mother The Blessed Virgin Mary.
I love the writings of Saint Louis de Montfort. His way of life, to Jesus through Mary, is what I want to live. I am so inspired by his writings to make this beautiful consecration. I am so happy to have this opportunity and to be able to grow spiritually by being devoted to Jesus through Mary when I do.

He makes some people uncomfortable because some people think it is wrong to go through Mary to get to Jesus, possibly because of a misunderstanding. Some people think we give Mary the worship due to God alone. They think that Mary can’t be mediator because only Jesus is a mediator to the Father, but they don’t see that Mary can intercede for us to Jesus. No Catholic ever said Mary was mediator to the Father because we’re talking about to the Son. Anyway that is what I think due to a discussion with someone in one of the Consecration of St. Louis threads.
Sometimes when we visit my parents, my wife doesn’t even want to see my family and hides upstairs. That really makes me feel uncomfortable. Sometimes, on the other hand, she will talk to my Mom, for example, for hours without ever once paying attention to me. That makes me feel great! It feels really good to know that two people you care about so much get along so well.:love:

I can’t imagine that Jesus could possibly begrudge the honor, love, and praise we show His Mother. He must feel pure joy when He sees how much we love and appreciate both the womb that bore Him, and the acme of His creation.:yup:

I think it makes people uncomfortable when he says stuff like that Marian devotion is a sign of predestination, and a dislike for her is a sign of reprobation. And he is very forceful.

I think it makes anyone uncomfortable if someone says something they do is a sign of reprobation.:ehh:
It’s a treasure! I started my consecration to Mary by another way before I knew about of St. Loius de Montfort. I picked up the book to read St. Louis de Montfort’s method. Wow, what joy to see what a gift God gave us in Mary! I went back to the bookstore to find something else by St. Loius de Montfort. The owner told me about his book on the rosary and also about a prayer groups in the area that study, True Devotion to Mary. I appreciate the practices before, during and after receiving Holy Communion and I am working on other aspects, like fasting on Saturdays.
I also read True Devotion and it was WONDERFUL. It finally freed me of the fear of praying ‘too much’ to Mary. Everything you give to Mary, she gives to Jesus, but she makes your gift perfect. How simple and wonderful. Montfort explained it all so well, as have the posters here in this thread.

God bless you,
Are us catholics out nowadays to please pentecostals, jehovah’s witnesses, baptists and all other heresies? The Church, including our beloved Pope John Paul II have highly recomended Montfort. If the born again fundamentalists find it is conrary to their teachings, well tough cookies.
It isn’t just the born-again fundamentalists who have a problem with Montfort. Many progressive Catholics and some orthodox Catholics have a problem with him. Orthodox Catholics object to anachronistic statements while progressive Catholics fee, like Cardinal McCarrick, very “uncomfortable” with this type of Mariological expression. Gee, I wonder why!

I don’t mean to say McCarrick has made a “judgment” on Monfort. He, however said he was “uncomfortable” about denying “Catholic” pro-death politicians Holy Communion!

Antonio 🙂
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