Saint Louis de Montfort

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Antonio B:
progressive Catholics fee, like Cardinal McCarrick, very “uncomfortable” with this type of Mariological expression. Gee, I wonder why!

I don’t mean to say McCarrick has made a “judgment” on Monfort. He, however said he was “uncomfortable” about denying “Catholic” pro-death politicians Holy Communion!

Antonio 🙂
Somehow I see a connection - how the two feelings of discomfort might be related…:hmmm:

Our Lady of Perpetual Help, please pray for us! Please pray for the leaders of our Church! :gopray2: Amen
Antonio B:
It isn’t just the born-again fundamentalists who have a problem with Montfort. Many progressive Catholics and some orthodox Catholics have a problem with him. Orthodox Catholics object to anachronistic statements while progressive Catholics fee, like Cardinal McCarrick, very “uncomfortable” with this type of Mariological expression. Gee, I wonder why!

I don’t mean to say McCarrick has made a “judgment” on Monfort. He, however said he was “uncomfortable” about denying “Catholic” pro-death politicians Holy Communion!

Antonio 🙂
I personally beleive there are only about five Bishops in the whole USA who are not politically correct and defend all that is true and beutiful which comes out of the Holy See. Many certain ones are more interested in being liked by everyone, again, everyone even those who disagree with the Church’s doctrinal/dogmatic teachings.
Yes, Montfort would make any liberal/proggressive IN the Church “uncomfortable”, so did Jesus with the religious leaders of His day.
Are us catholics out nowadays to please pentecostals, jehovah’s witnesses, baptists and all other heresies? The Church, including our beloved Pope John Paul II have highly recomended Montfort. If the born again fundamentalists find it is conrary to their teachings, well tough cookies.
Hi Misericordie,

Well, on your statement on trying to please other denominations, I think Vatican II did a lot of that. I believe it has weakened the faith, especially the Marian devotion. I am not a traditionalist but it seems the consequence of our being ecumenical has resulted in a different breed of Catholics (I realize that this would not be the only reason). It has been said somewhere that people are waiting for the Church to declare Mary, the new titles (co-Redemptrix and Mediatrix), but that would be very offensive to the other faiths. It wouldn’t help with the unity of the denominations…go figure!

I have read Montfort rewritten by Eddie Doherty, a very popular american journalist. It has help-ed greatly (although I am very fluent in French).

As far as the fundamentalist goes, well, on another thread I have shared that my brother was baptized Catholic turned Anglican, turned Calvary Gospel, turned Faith Tabernacle. He absolutely refuses to say even the Hail Mary. He dishonors her, even if he is a born again Christian. So, for Christmas, I bought Mom an icon of Our Lady of Tenderness. It hangs right in her kitchen, right when you come in. You can’t help but notice it. I have no fear of hurting his feelings. It is the other way around. I fear for his lack of respect for Jesus’ Mother. Not surprising, though, for he treats his own mother so shabbily.

May Jesus and His all consoling Mother have mercy on him. May She wrap my brother with her mantle and draw him back home. :bowdown2:

Somehow I see a connection - how the two feelings of discomfort might be related…:hmmm:

Our Lady of Perpetual Help, please pray for us! Please pray for the leaders of our Church! :gopray2: Amen
And “we,” the Church, need every help we can get!

Antonio 🙂
I personally beleive there are only about five Bishops in the whole USA who are not politically correct and defend all that is true and beutiful which comes out of the Holy See. Many certain ones are more interested in being liked by everyone, again, everyone even those who disagree with the Church’s doctrinal/dogmatic teachings.
Yes, Montfort would make any liberal/proggressive IN the Church “uncomfortable”, so did Jesus with the religious leaders of His day.
Liberals and progressive Catholics would feel uncomfortable with De Montfort precisely because they would view him as “too Catholic!”

Antonio 🙂
Hi, all:
Back in 1862, yes, 1862 a priest said that in his country (England) some were “always invoking human respect and carnal prudence, wishing to make Mary so little of a Mary that Protestants may feel at ease about her.” Pg XI, True Devotion to Mary".
Sound familiar?
Shoshana, may I kindly say, that the Council of Vatican II did not weaken the Church. Reading all the documents very carefully is the best way to prove that what was said and written is not what was put into practice. Those who wanted to change things already had an agenda, called it the Spirit of Vat II, and the rest is history. Unfortunately, many Catholics did not keep themselves informed.
This is indeed the “age” of Mary and even more importantly the “age” of the Holy Eucharist. I believe this is one of the reasons that interest in St Louis de Montfort and total Consecration is warming up.
Mary, Queen of all Hearts, Queen of the Universe, Pray for us.
Peace on earth to men of good will.
Shoshana, may I kindly say, that the Council of Vatican II did not weaken the Church. Reading all the documents very carefully is the best way to prove that what was said and written is not what was put into practice. Those who wanted to change things already had an agenda, called it the Spirit of Vat II, and the rest is history. Unfortunately, many Catholics did not keep themselves informed.
You are right. It was the interpretation of the Council that caused so much trouble. I need to read them again…it has been years since I have read them. But don’t you think that the ecumenism has caused a weakening of the Catholic faith or is this just a consequence of secularization? Have we become so ‘sensitive’ in not wanting to step on other denominations’ toes, that the faith has become watered down, let alone the Gospel? And if that is the case, the other denominations do not think twice on stepping on our toes, so, go figure. At times, it feels like we have become a big compromise at the cost of orthodoxy.

This is indeed the “age” of Mary and even more importantly the “age” of the Holy Eucharist. I believe this is one of the reasons that interest in St Louis de Montfort and total Consecration is warming up.
Mary, Queen of all Hearts, Queen of the Universe, Pray for us.
Peace on earth to men of good will.
It reminds me of Don Bosco’s prophecy of the boat being driven by the Pope between two pillars…the pillar of the Eucharist and the pillar of Mary!

It reminds me of Don Bosco’s prophecy of the boat being driven by the Pope between two pillars…the pillar of the Eucharist and the pillar of Mary!

Shoshana, I really enjoy reading all your posts. You seem like a bright and well informed catholic, and that is great. May God bless you always, and yes, Don saint John Bosco(founded the Salesian Congregation) did have that vision and any good Salesian can say yes, that’s true.
Thank you for your positive response to my Post. Since the Counsils are inspired by The Holy Spirit, and guided by the Holy Spirit, the documents that ensue are also guided by Him, any adverse effects after that are the result of how “we” sinners read and put them into practice.
The world will always, including our seperated brethern, have a problem with the Catholic Church. Unfortunately, we, as a body, furnish them with ample opportunity to find fault A good example of this is that “many” Parishes are adopting ways of Sunday Church instead of maintaining the “awesome adoration” we used to have for our Lord in The Blessed Sacrament. Another, and I may get invited to leave the “discussion board” for this - but as Fr. Corapi says - this lady is “just too old to care”. Those who use the “handles” such as Panis Angelicus, which means Bread of Life, referring, of course, to our Lord in the Holy Eucharist, should not be allowed to do so. All lessening of our deep and firm beliefs scandalize our brothers who just might be interested in joining The One True and Holy Catholic Church if we would just do as we should. Lex orandi, lex credendi. Loosely translated (we pray what we believe, and believe what we pray). What are we showing the world in action and in speech?
On a lighter note - have you read St. Louis De Montfort’s “The Love of Eternal Wisdom”? What a treasure. Blessings and talk to you later, if I am not “zapped” (smile)
Our Lady Queen of all Hearts, pray for us.
Peace on earth to men of good will.
I have re-read True Devotion to Mary many times. I just love his way of bringing Mother Mary closer to me.

It amazes me how this wonderful book of love to our Blessed Mother can make some uncomfortable, I find that it draws me deeper and deeper into the heart of Jesus and Mary.

I just may read it again. 👍
Amen here.
I read “True Devotion to Mary” a few years ago and I’m one of the people who was uncomfortable with it - it just seemed way too over the top. Partly this was due to the fact that I was acquainted with several Catholics who were EXTREMELY Marian and gave me the book. These people made me uncomfortable too - by all outward appearences they worshipped Mary just as much, if not more, than they worshipped Christ. If a Protestant ever saw them, I don’t think I could ever convince him that Catholics don’t worship Mary. I’m glad others have had more positive experiences with the book.

He does say at the beginning that in comparison with God, Mary is “less than an atom” - which is spot on. And he says similar things later on, a couple of times. OTOH, he certainly isn’t everyone’s cup of of tea - and there 's no reason he should be.​

I think that he does fail to emphasise that we have access to the Father, through the Son, in the Spirit; God is not a “Louis XIV in Heaven”, who can be approached only through a number of intermediaries: we can approach God directly - so we do not need Our Lady to mediate. Even despite our sins, which, if IIRC, is the main reason he thinks we need a mediator with the Mediator. (Hilda Graef, who wrote a history of devotion to Mary about 40 years ago, thinks St.Louis de Montfort was influenced in his doctrine of God by seventeenth-century attitudes to Louis XIV, who was an absolute monarch; the union of Crown and Altar was very strongly emphasised then - it was a basic of French society.) As the Holy Spirit indwells the Christian, and as Christ Himself is our food, it’s not clear that Our Lady has much to do in that way. 🙂

None of which alters the fact that devotion to the Mother of God is a wonderful thing :). ##
Gottle of Geer:
Interesting “handle” - is Gottle your name?
Re: “…as the Holy Spirit indwells the Christian…it is not clear that Our Lady has much to do…”
It is very interesting that all of Church History is replete with names of those who were eventually raised to the Altar and invariably mention is made of their devotion to Mary. One can, of course, go directly to God, that isn’t the point. God sent His Son to earth through Mary. Jesus’ first miracle was worked by Mary asking Him. Mary certainly knows her Son better than we do and is closer to Him than we are. One of the most important reasons I know of for going “through” Mary is that little word, -humility!! Meditation on the “humility” of Jesus in becoming one of us and all that that entails should make one “run” to Mary to ask her help and intercession. Mary, spouse of the Holy Spirit, pray for us all.
Mary, Queen of all Hearts, Queen of the Universe, pray for us!
Yes, and this anti-Mary belief and anything that smells of devotion to Her WITHIN Some Catholics here in the USA(seems the lack of devotion or fear of praying to Her on the part of some catholics, is mostly made up of Catholics only here in the USA, certaintly not Italy, Spain, or Mexico).👍

Worries that one might be giving too much to Mary do not an “non-Catholic” Catholic make 🙂

To love her, is a very good thing - to love her very much indeed, is a very good thing: but attending to her in particular, is not obligatory - not having a devotion to her, may be a pity, or, it may not: what is essential, the thing we cannot possibly do without under any circumstances, is love of God.

People have different “attractions” - some are drawn to her, some to the Blessed Sacrament, some to both, some to something else - Eastern Catholics don’t go in for the Rosary in the way Roman Catholics do, but they are no worse for that; they are merely different in their devotional habits. The Rosary and Scapular are good - but not essential. St. Dominic got on very well without the Nine First Fridays, St.Louis de Montfort got on quite comfortably without the Divine Mercy devotion. It is Jesus Christ, not Mary, Who is essential and fundamental to Christian piety - not Mary, nor devotion to her. So how can those whose piety is not centred on her, be considered any less truly Catholic and Christian than those who are devoted to her ?

“But Christ came to us through Mary” - true: but Mary would not have been His mother at all, if Our Lord had not “taken the initiative”, as it were, and chosen her to be His mother. Everything that Mary is, she is through the grace of God Who first loved her. God always takes the initiative - man never does. Even - especially - in the work of redemption: Mary’s as much as ours. Otherwise, we topple over into Pelagianism, with consequences that completely undermine anything resembling a Biblical faith, as St.Augustine of Hippo insisted again & again. Which is why the Church calls him the “doctor of grace”. None of this wrongs Our Lady - indeed, since she presumably has no devotion to herself, but is devoted to her Saviour & Son, we are in excellent company if we imitate her 🙂

If Mary can be a Christian, without having a Marian devotion - why can’t others ? 🙂 ##
She saved me from turning my back on God…

She restored my relationship with Jesus that had been violently killed by the greed of man…

She brought my family together again after a horrible tradgedy…

She restored my love for God’s beauty and creation, she told me over and over “My Son Loves You, don’t leave Him” until I broke down and wept…

She led me to the Holy Catholic Church where I found Jesus, exalted and high, the source and summit in the Eucharist!!

I have no problem being her slave…I love her, Jesus my Lord holds her out to me all day long and teaches me to embrace His mother for her heart perfectly mirrors her Son.* I am not out to impress the Protestants,* I would rather embrace Jesus Christ and His blessed Mother! Thank you St.Louis for igniting a fire in our hearts for our Mother!
Mary concieved without sin pray for us!
Hi Misericordie,

Well, on your statement on trying to please other denominations, I think Vatican II did a lot of that. I believe it has weakened the faith, especially the Marian devotion. I am not a traditionalist but it seems the consequence of our being ecumenical has resulted in a different breed of Catholics (I realize that this would not be the only reason). It has been said somewhere that people are waiting for the Church to declare Mary, the new titles (co-Redemptrix and Mediatrix), but that would be very offensive to the other faiths. It wouldn’t help with the unity of the denominations…go figure!

I have read Montfort rewritten by Eddie Doherty, a very popular american journalist. It has help-ed greatly (although I am very fluent in French).

As far as the fundamentalist goes, well, on another thread I have shared that my brother was baptized Catholic turned Anglican, turned Calvary Gospel, turned Faith Tabernacle. He absolutely refuses to say even the Hail Mary. He dishonors her, even if he is a born again Christian. So, for Christmas, I bought Mom an icon of Our Lady of Tenderness. It hangs right in her kitchen, right when you come in. You can’t help but notice it. I have no fear of hurting his feelings. It is the other way around. I fear for his lack of respect for Jesus’ Mother. Not surprising, though, for he treats his own mother so shabbily.

May Jesus and His all consoling Mother have mercy on him. May She wrap my brother with her mantle and draw him back home. :bowdown2:

I read your words here and they seemed to ‘stoke the flames’ of my devotion to her. Thank you. She is a gift to us from Jesus Christ himself, she brings so much glory to Him it cannot be expressed in words!
Thanks gain for your words.
Hi, all:
Anyone who thinks that those who are devoted to our Lady and following a particular “way” such as the Demontfordian way think that “everyone” should follow the same way, are simply mistaken and putting an attitude on us which is not true. There are many in the world who belong to Third Orders of the Dominicans, Franciscans, etc. etc. One would also assume they do not think less of us as we appreciate their form of Spirituality…
Since this particular “thread” is about the Total Consecration to our Lord, “through” our Lady one certainly would expect those of us who have made said Consecration to be quite sure that “we” have made a good decision and naturally are pleased to be in the good company of no less than our Holy Father and many great Saints. “Moi” is working on the latter but unfortunately haven’t done to well. Where there is life, there is hope. (smile)
Personally, I would recommend to all who have not made a “real” commitment lately to check St. Louis De Montfort’s writings. One must “always” be moving onward and upward. A commitment made years ago need to be “renewed” daily. There is soooo much to learn, higher mountains to climb and it is sooooo exciting.
Mary, Queen of all Hearts, Queen of the Universe, pray for us.
Peace on earth to men of good will.
I find St. Louis de Montfort’s writings to be so sweet and peaceful. Spending time with our Blessed Mother can yield deep joy if one just allows oneself such comfort.

God bless.
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