Saint of Penance and Sacrifice

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I’m looking for a saint who’s a true model of penance, suffering, & sacrifice that I can pattern my life after and ask to assist me through their intercession. Do you mind helping me make a list here?
The first person who comes to mind, although she isn’t a saint yet, is Mother Teresa. My favorite quote from her in Sept 1959:

“If I ever become a saint—I will surely be one of ‘darkness.’ I will continually be absent from heaven—to light the light of those in darkness on earth.”
St Therese of Lisieux is a good example of a do-able ‘little way’ - offering everyday penances and sufferings to God - which is obviously just as effective as a means of attaining sanctity as the more extreme sacrifices and penances that some of the saints have undergone.

She certainly sacrificed - I belive she took on the role of postulant mistress at the request of her older sister who was in the same convent as her and gave up the chance of attaining a more prestigious position within the convent or some such.

St Francis of Assisi too - gave up a comfortable middle-class hedonistic life for utter poverty. He suffered a great deal with different illnesses and also with the stigmata he received.

St Padre Pio similarly with his stigmata.
I’m looking for a saint who’s a true model of penance, suffering, & sacrifice that I can pattern my life after and ask to assist me through their intercession. Do you mind helping me make a list here?
Not yet a Saint, but still a help to me and many others:

The Venerable Matt Talbot
St. Gemma Galgani. She was a stigmatist, and she suffered poor health all her life. She was a very penitent woman. has her life story.
In a quick search on Google, St Francis of Assisi frequently appeared regarding penance. One lay group is the following:
**The **Brothers and Sisters of Penance of St. Francis is a private Association of the Catholic Church whose members strive to model their lives according to the Rule and Statutes of the Primitive Rule of the Third Order of St. Francis, which was written for lay people in 1221 at the request of St. Francis of Assisi.
**Another group you might look at online is “****The Confraternity of Penitents” at ** **
I do not know anything more than what is posted for this and the previously posted group.
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