QUOTE=JReducation;8036008]OK folks, let’s stop speculating and go back to college, Phil 101.
Proposition 1: A vocation is a call
Proposition 2: God calls man to holiness
Conclusion: Therefore, if one responds to God’s call, one will achieve holiness.
Proposition 3: If one responds to God’s call, one will achieve holiness
Proposition 4: Saints have achieved great holiness
Conclusion: Therefore, saints responded to God’s call.
Question: Is it possible for a saint to respond to the wrong call?
Answer: No. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have achieved holiness.
Wise and truthful words.
I know I mentioned the following Sr. Francoise Therese (Leonie Martin–St. Therese’s sister), Blessed Margaret of Castello, and Blessed Bartolo Longo they did not necessarily choose the wrong vocations but like you stated a vocation is a call from God to acheive holiness.
However, what if one has the call to become enter the Priesthood or Religious life but one cannot because of age or health problems.
How does one acheive holiness then?
(I’m not speaking for myself but for the many people)
As for myself, I often wonder am ignoring God’s call? I feel <–(but then again feelings come and go) I believe that Our Lord is calling me to be a Discalced Carmelite Nun.
It’s been 3 years since I went there, the last letter I wrote to them was in December, and the third or fourth week of June I called them <—The Carmelite Sister that answered
the phone is from a different country so it was difficult for me to understand her, she also was talking very quiet (I noticed this with the other Carmelite Sisters there they have a peaceful and quiet way of communicating) so I could barely hear her.
She also seemed liked she was in hurry or didn’t want to talk
Which confuses me because it does state on their website to contact/phone them.
Therefore, I didn’t really get to explain that I would like to return if it’s God’s Holy will and mercy.
Now, I’m not saying it’s Sister’s fault it could be that she had things to do and Rev. Mother is gravely ill so perhaps she (along with the other Sisters are taking care of her)
I’m not much of a phone person so I’m thinking of writing another letter.
It could be our old cordless phones as well.
Okay, lets get to the point it’s been 3 years since going to Carmelite, this past December I wrote them a letter (no response), and last month I called them. So,
a) Am I ignoring God by not living a life of Carmelite?
b) Am I wasting my time by being here?
c) Am I waiting patiently?
I know I mentioned on several CAF posts and threads the Discalced Carmelite Nuns in Armstrong, B.C., Canada but I have been seriously considering contacting another group of Discacled Carmelite Nuns.
I know a lot of people recommend sticking to one order not shopping around. I am sticking with the same order just not the same location.
d) Should I stick with the same Carmelites? or Contact a different one?
I only want to do what is pleasing to the Lord.