"Same-sex foes prove to be poor losers"

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Ani Ibi:
This is the first time I have heard of people ‘having pews’ in a Catholic church. I believe in some orthodox Jewish synagogues, people have their own regular pews.

The same kind of inclusion? I am sure they can be called on to offer the same kind of inclusion bestowed on them. What the writer is calling for is a different kind of inclusion. Equivocation.

Another thing is that Bill C-38 also affects the traditional spiritual teachings of the First Nations Peoples of Canada. Nobody is writing any editorials about them. When do we offer them the same kind of inclusion they offered us? In their case, we did not even bother to equivocate. We just stole outright and forged treaties.

Ah, the tree; the fruit.


In some parish churches, people have pews that they pay for… Maybe Mr. Comartin took me up on the offer to join the Anglican Church of Canada!!

BTW, since I’m half deaf and disabled, I pretty much have one of the front pews at St. Mary’s - I can’t get anyone to sit up there to save anyone’s soul! LOL!

Well, it’s as Senator Cools said during the Debates, NOBODY altered any of society’s structures to accommodate those who had previously been enslaved. They had to make it on their own AFTER they were set free. and, NOBODY altered any of society’s structures for the immigrants they’re slamming in the editorial!

And, Where do the LIBRALS get the idea that Marriage is a RIGHT and not a Sacrament or an Institution which exists for the benefit of SOCIETY and the procreation and raising of children? and, How do the LIBERALS think that “Gay-Marriage” is going to BENEFIT society by producing and raising children? And, How is “Gay-Marriage” going to produce a Sacramental effect by the cleaving of the two into ONE FLESH with the participation of The Lord and GIVER OF LIFE?

One thing the LIBERALS would never give assurance of - That the new law would NOT be used to force Catholic Priests and other Ministers, Rabbis and Imams to “Marry” Same Sex Couples under penalty of law… So, I guess we can say that the persecution is about to begin.

I wonder how LIBERALS in the Church are going to react to having their Priests, Bishops and fellow Catholics thrown into jail for refusing to obey this unjust law and “Marry” Same Sex Couples?

If you’re orthodox, prepare to be outed.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones, Michael

Good set of articles, esp this one and the next… The fact is that even the most vocal proponents were never Excommunicated, but only told they could no longer be Catechists or EMHE and, in some rare instances, told they could no longer receive Communion.
Herman Gooden ends with:

The great, unspoken secular conceit behind arguments calling for all churches to butt out of state affairs is that the church is an incorrigibly coercive institution, whereas the state is utterly democratic, taking its cues from the freely expressed will of the people.

Well, as we’ve already noted, same-sex marriage is not the law of the land today because the people have deemed it so. And completely ignored in Martin’s column about tolerance and acceptance is the fact that, owing to the NDP affiliation of both chastised MPs, had either dared speak against same-sex marriage, their leader, Jack Layton, would have had them politically excommunicated. So which side is being intolerant here?
Meanwhile, Labor MP’s and Senators who dared to speak out against Same Sex “Marriage” were thrown out of the Labor Party and will most certainly face STIFF Labor opposition in upcoming Elections.

The fact the MSM couldn’t bring itself to tell the Country or the the world about that should tell anyone willing to listen just how one-sided and biased their coverage of this issue, and many others, was and has been.

Rosalinda, thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones, Michael
Traditional Ang:
BTW, since I’m half deaf and disabled, I pretty much have one of the front pews at St. Mary’s - I can’t get anyone to sit up there to save anyone’s soul! LOL!
Yes, I sit at the front of the church too and yes it seems to be the same strange phenomenon of finding myself alone because Catholics seem to prefer the back pews for some reason. I just figure the front row seats are the most expensive everywhere else and count myself blessed to be so close to where the real action is.
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