Let both have civil unions and marriages. Nothing special about the word marriage. Awesome post btw,There is much debate in Italy at the moment about civil unions for same-sex couples. The prime minister is trying to bring in a bill legalizing these unions. The European Court of Human Rights has ordered Italy to provide legal rights/recognition of same-sex couples. The only EU countries, apart from Italy, not to have same-sex legislation are some of the ex Eastern European countries.
In Italy the opponents are arguing that these unions damage the family. How? ‘Traditional’ families can continue as they always have done - how can the fact that two people of the same sex having some legal rights, who would be together anyhow, be any danger to families? Italy, along with many other countries, cannot hold its head up high on the traditional family unity. High divorce rate, unmarried mothers, people living together and never getting married…
As the word ‘marriage’ can be emotional, why not, everywhere let there be civil unions for everybody. Then anybody belonging to whichever Church could have a religious service in their Church. These would keep Church and State well apart from other. Marriage would then be seen as ‘religious’ for ‘religious’ people. Nobody’s human rights are damaged.
I believe that marriage as a sacrament was only formally defined as a sacrament by the Council of Verona in the 12th century. The second Council of Lyon and the Council of Florence in 1439 defined marriage as being a sacrament. Before that marriage was purely a civil function, and was not the concern of the Church in the way that it is today.
Heterosexual couples in the UK are now complaining that they are not allowed to have civil unions, only marriage, while same-couples can choose between the two. Although at this point, what is the difference?