"San Francisco Catholics plan Eucharistic processions to ‘Free the Mass’"

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Do like everyone else is doing across the US, just have folks go to Mass with their face masks on and call it a protest, they will be allowed. Oh, wait…
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I hope they succeed. The restrictions on them are ridiculous. We have far fewer restrictions here, the Archbishop even left all the churches open for socially distanced prayer during the suspension of public Mass, we’ve had Mass back with like 1/3 capacity for months now, and nobody seems to be getting sick from it.
Here in Manila, Philippines only 10 people may attend Mass.
Gatherings of more than 10 people (that includes religious gatherings) are forbidden by the government. That is being complied with.
Yes, but I think the problem is that San Francisco is allowing larger gatherings in other contexts, such as restaurants. I note that the mayor is now allowing 50 people at outdoor worship services, so this has already had some effect.

The other thing is that these are OUTDOOR services with social distancing. Most places are not restricting outdoor anything to this degree as long as you wear masks and socially distance.
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Yes, but I think the problem is that San Francisco is allowing larger gatherings in other contexts, such as restaurants. I note that the mayor is now allowing 50 people at outdoor worship services, so this has already had some effect.

The other thing is that these are OUTDOOR services with social distancing. Most places are not restricting outdoor anything to this degree as long as you wear masks and socially distance.
Herer the ban on gatherings of more than 10 people applies to inside and outside. Also here it is mandatory to wear a mask and a face shield.
Yes, but I think the problem is that San Francisco is allowing larger gatherings in other contexts, such as restaurants.
That’s precisely the problem. We aren’t asking for special consideration here, just to be treated like any other venue.
I note that the mayor is now allowing 50 people at outdoor worship services, so this has already had some effect.
The 50 person outside allowance was given as a concession once His Excellency really started to make a stink. He said that’s not enough and proceeded with the multiple Eucharistic Processions and public outdoor Mass at the Cathedral last weekend. 900 people from Mission Dolores Parish, 450 from St. Pat’s, 850 from St. Dominic’s, and 600 from Star of the Sea, processed with the Holy Eucharist behind their pastors to city hall, at which point we all met with the archbishop and processed to the cathedral half a mile away. There His Excellency celebrated Mass, outdoors, and socially distanced, for about 1500 souls.

Our local papers had fun laughing at our expense, but the Justice Department doesn’t seem to get the humor:

Good. I thought y’all had a good mayor at first but at this point I’m extremely unimpressed with her.
It seems like mayors almost everywhere in US are just pathetically incompetent these days; all they care about is how fast they can get the restaurants open again to make $$$.
Hope the Feds crack down.
50 people max per gathering has been the rule here in BC for months…and I doubt its going away anytime soon with cases now on the rise again. We’ve had public Masses since Pentecost, but with the 50 person cap. My local parish has doubled the number of Sunday Masses, but you still have to pre-register and not everyone gets in. I’m not registered for this weekend, so I went to a daily Mass at the cathedral yesterday evening. There was a big line…I was number 42…a number of people behind me didn’t get in :(.

But I’m fine with it…if it helps keep anyone healthy…and its not a church specific thing, the restrictions are across the board.
I feel blessed that I haven’t had to deal with any things like caps or signups here. We have big churches and lots of Masses, and enough people are still choosing to stay home that it hasn’t been a problem getting a seat. On a couple of occasions there have been special Masses that shall we say overflowed a bit…nobody said nuttin’. But it was only once or twice.

Plus, the governor’s restrictions on numbers just got struck down by the courts, and he hasn’t been even trying to enforce them for a while since I think he knew they would be struck down.

It’s kind of hard to put the hammer down on Mass when you have dozens of college students running around loose in a group party atmosphere (my block at 2 am last night was like alcoholic Disneyworld) and restaurants trying to pack as many people in wherever they can put them in order to stay in business, with the local governments encouraging that because they need the revenue from the businesses. Not to mention the humongous elbow-to-elbow largely unmasked protests marching around everywhere for weeks. The 20-29 age group is far and away beating out every other age group for cases of COVID for the last 2 months - they have at least 3 times as many as the 50-59 age group which used to be in the lead.
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Our problem has been with young kids partying as well. But restaurants are just as restricted as churches here. Tables must be socially distant. Restaurants have put up plexiglass shields between tables. You have to give your name and number to enter ANY restaurant. We aren’t Americans so this sort of thing doesn’t become a civil war ;).
The Catholic Church is the true Church, but the post-Vatican II “Catholic” Church is not the real Catholic Church. It’s the Counter Church of the last days. It purports to be Catholic, but it is not. It’s presided over by antipopes and heretics. The Seminaries of the Vatican II sect are unspeakable cesspools of homosexuality and heresy. The Vatican II sect promotes idolatry by its general worship of man, by its particular worship of man in the New Mass, and by its promotion of idolatrous religions. One can be pro-abortion and part of the Vatican II sect at the same time.The Religious Orders in the Vatican II sect: Totally Apostate. The Great Apostasy and a Counterfeit Church predicted in the New Testament and in Catholic Prophecy.
That is heresy and you should be removed from these forums.
Just flag it when you see it. That person is a recurring troll with a pattern of propagating such trash. I think they’ve made about 40 accounts by now. I’m not exaggerating.
I wish the moderators would screen new accounts so we didn’t have to be constantly swatting this person’s troll accounts like they were flies at a picnic.
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