Sanctifying grace from Old Testament Holocaust?

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The Sacrament of Baptism grants us sanctifying grace, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation restores our sanctifying grace. But what about the fathers in the Old Testament? They offered holocausts to God for the forgiveness of sins, did they receive sanctifying grace as well? If not, it would mean that they died with original sin uncleansed (unless by special grace).
An excellent question…

…for Dr. David Anders on his EWTN radio show “Called to Communion.” Being a theologian, he loves this type of stuff. You can text, email or call in.
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The righteousness of the Old Testament saints differs from the state of grace of the baptized. Until Christ died and rose, none of the righteous men of old could enter the beatific vision, though they were in comfort with the promise of eternal salvation.
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