That would be true in a nondenominational church only. In my church it would be take up with the board of elders who would then take it up with the church counsel. If the doctrine was decided to be outside the church beliefs the pastor would be asked to leave. The articles of the confession of our faith can be found here . I know most Catholics have the idea that Us protestant have the right to turn the bible into whatever we like but that simply isn’t the truth, at least not in my church. Take for example abortion, If a pastor was to preach that is it ok the would be in violation of article 14.Doctrine. if a priest says that the Bible allows for artificial contraception, I can absolutely prove him wrong by showing him official Church documents which condemn artificial contraception without exception. Now, on the other hand, if a Protestant hears something in a sermon which he thinks is incorrect, he has no definite authority-- other than his own interpretation of Scripture-- to appeal to in order to prove the preacher is wrong.
Article 14: The Sanctity of Human Life
We believe that all human life belongs to God. Each person is created in the image of God and ought to be celebrated and nurtured. Because God is creator, the author and giver of life, we oppose all actions and attitudes which devalue human life. The unborn, disabled, poor, aging and dying are particularly vulnerable to such injustices. Christ calls the people of all nations to care for the defenseless.
God values human life highly. Ultimate decisions regarding life and death belong to God. Therefore, we hold that procedures designed to take life, including abortion, euthanasia, and assisted suicide, are an affront to God’s sovereignty. We esteem the life-sustaining findings of medical science, but recognize that there are limits to the value of seeking to sustain life indefinitely. In all complex ethical decisions regarding life and death, we seek to offer hope and healing, support and counsel in the context of the Christian community.
Yes the church has been around for 2000 years, but Jesus only paved the way, it was the disciples and more importantly the Holy Spirit that founded the church. Just because your church has been around that long doesn’t mean that it is correct on everything. You seem to want to put words into my mouth, all I was saying is that time does not equate to having the ultimate authority, otherwise we would still be in the times when the church endorsed the sale of indulgences, exploitation of indigenous peoples, and many other things that even though you call them “historical events” they ended in the change of the traditions you base so much on.Again, the 2,000 yr old claim, which you appear to accept, is everything. Either the Catholic Church was founded in 33AD by Christ Himself or it wasn’t.