Satire on Ca. Judge's "Gay" "Marriage" Decision

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A Ca. judge ruled that limiting the ancient tradition of marriage to different sex couples is irrational and unconstitutional in Ca., and some people still think judicial tyranny’s overblown. Here’s the great Scott Ott’s satire on the subject–Sad thing is that the parody about bathrooms is plausible given the activist judiciary’s recent determinations.
Judge Rules Separate Restrooms Unconstitutional
by Scott Ott

(2005-03-15) – A San Francisco County judge, who yesterday struck down California’s ban on homosexual marriage, today ruled on the same basis that separate restrooms for men and women are unconstitutional.

Superior Court Judge Richard Kramer likened the division of washrooms to laws requiring racial segregation in schools, and said there appears to be “no rational purpose for denying women access to men’s facilities and vice versa.”

“The state’s protracted denial of equal protection cannot be justified simply because such constitutional violation has become traditional,” Judge Kramer wrote. “The court finds that the legal principle of lavatorio proportio [potty parity] offers inadequate protections. In practice, it leaves women stranded in line while men swiftly accomplish their objectives. Beyond practicality, the idea that you can bar access to some citizens from restrooms which are open to others smacks of a concept long rejected by the courts – separate but equal.”

The decision was hailed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the National Organization for Women (NOW).

“This ruling offers recognition that men and women are not only equal, but identical,” said a spokesman at a joint ACLU-NOW news conference. “The bigoted era of sex descrimination is over. From now on, the United States is one gender, under God, indivisible.”
"The court finds that the legal principle of lavatorio proportio [potty parity] offers inadequate protections. In practice, it leaves women stranded in line while men swiftly accomplish their objectives.

As ludicrous as this may sound I believe I just heard in the past week (maybe on Medved) that a college just did this. They made all the bathrooms “gender” neutral by removing the urinals and adding more booths. Someone, please, correct me if I don’t have it right.
I think I read in the last day or two that gender neutral rest rooms were being installed (don’t remember the place) for those with gender identity problems who didn’t feel comfortable in either the men’s or the ladies’ rest rooms. Where will it all end?
“The bigoted era of sex descrimination is over. From now on, the United States is one gender, under God, indivisible.”
Not one gender, perhaps legally enforced political correctness, but there will always be two genders, whether some accept it or not.

I think I read in the last day or two that gender neutral rest rooms were being installed (don’t remember the place) for those with gender identity problems who didn’t feel comfortable in either the men’s or the ladies’ rest rooms. Where will it all end?
Indeed, where will it end? The road is easy and the gate is wide.
Funny today. True tomorrow. To be honest, homosexual “marriage” is far more ridiculous than gender sharing bathrooms.
Realize that shows like 'Friends" made unisex bathrooms mainstream. To me the whole idea is disgusting. Ditto with shows like “Will & Grace” or “Queer Eye.” THe homosexuals are all cute, funny, intelligent, successful. No seamier side of that life including the health problems, promiscuity, depression, anonymous sexual encounters. Small wonder many don’t see “the problem” with accepting homosexual relationships as just another kind of marriage.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
THe homosexuals are all cute, funny, intelligent, successful. No seamier side of that life including the health problems, promiscuity, depression, anonymous sexual encounters.
I agree. There are certainly homosexuals who fit the television notion, but they are in the small minority. The seaminess and reality, however, is quite apparent in the “gay” areas of our large cities.
He’s behind the times. See today’s great scientific discovery.

**Study: X Chromosome Could Account for Differences Between Sexes **

to quote an old Peter Lorre line - They notice everything. :rolleyes:
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