And? There is no way for these people to think of another way to earn money? There is no training anywhere for them? There are no community colleges? Chrysler, Ford, et al are not offering any public or private funds for this? I find that hard to believe. But, I will go their web sites and ask them. If they tell me no, I will ask them why not, as most companies do offer some sort of package, including retraining.Dear OutinChgo,
- If you look at the news you’ll see that Chrysler, GM, Delphi, Ford to name a few big names are laying off thousands and thousands of people…
As I told you, my husband was downsized not once, but twice. He did not expect to earn on the payscale of his former jobs. Nobody should. People often go from one job to another these days, esp. in my field (IT) not after 16 year or ten years or even 5 years, but sometimes only 2 or 3; sometimes 1 year. There is nothing but good bargaining horse sense and what the market will bear for certain skills.
My husband did get disgusted with being a “company man” and looked for another way to earn a living. He did not want to wait to be downsized a third time, or be at the capricious nature of the enterprise system.
What does this have to do with whether there should be more babies in the western world? Very little.
Well, thank you. However, I bet your husband could if he thought about it.
- If your husband turned his passion into a business I congratulate him. That would be my dream. But not everyone can run a business (my ex ran his business…
Indeed. LOL. On a positive note, see? Just as there is not much use for a buggy whip factory these days, it can be converted to a better use.
- Yes old folks are big industry now. Actually, it’s medical care and medical systems. …On the other hand maybe more younger people will be going deaf from ear pods? lol
YES! I think everybody should be productive until they day they die, unless they are comatose and utterly paralyzed. There is something for everybody to do to be useful.4…But do you really want to see your kids working 50 or more years?
I also think families should stick together and help take care of each other whenever possible.
What does grown-up progeny working fifty years have to do with more babies in the western world?
We saved for it. We continue to save for it. We did not and will not depend on Social Security, and at my insistence did not depend on 401(k), esp. invested in company stock to appear to be “company people” in hopes of hanging onto a job. We pay into a HSA account. We live a simple lifestyle. We do not rush out and buy the first thing that comes along when it’s new. We repair what we have if it breaks, until we can’t fix it any more. We buy used cars. We don’t use credit except when necessary.How is your retirement funded? Don’t understand that?
For example, while I have the ability to work onthe latest and greatest in computers, I run a no-name brand box, not a laptop, with a behemoth old monitor, hooked to a simple LAN on a Cayman router. I finagle the DSL/ broadband, depending on who gives the cheapest deal. My husband, for business, uses a refurbished laptop running WIN2K Pro.
I am only 50. I have borderline high BP. My husband is 53. He has a family history of emphysema and cancer. Neither one of us is what one would call thin (We’re working on that). It can be done. And we were hit hard when we assumed responsibility for raising two of our grandchildren. We tightened out belts. We prayed. We asked for help when we thought it was necessary. And we’re coming out of it.
We could have wrung our hands and dispaired. Instead, despite tears and angst (yes, we did cry, and have cried), we did what we had to do.
Your view, to my mind, also does not take into account the tenacity, creativty and drive of the American people. It seems to me to be a discredit to our young that we think them incapable of surviving, let alone thriving, in a new world. They can do it. They have to be allowed to do so, and compelled to do so, at a certain age, without all sorts of help from Mom and Dad.
In my opinion- All this has nothing to do with whether or not able married families should have more children in the western world, to their extinction or minority, favoring an eventual Islamic majority; in fact, it is all the more reason, even and especially if things look gloomy. There is no reason to dispair of Providence because things look bleak or bad at present. The American people have the ability to go forward. It simply rests with them and God.