Save The Scouts!

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** Save The Scouts!**
                Petition Signers to date:  456,803  
                                                           ** About the Petition:
            ** In June of 2000, the Supreme Court ruled that the Boy                Scouts of America had the authority and right to set the criteria                for their leadership, because they were a private organization.                The ruling stemmed from a lawsuit filed by a man who was told by                the Scouts that he could not hold a position of authority over                young boys because he was a homosexual.

            Since then, the Scouts have come under blistering attack from the                ACLU that has resulted in a loss of funding from numerous United                Way chapters across the nation, and discriminatory attempts to                exclude the Scouts from federal, state, and local facilities. With                dwindling resources to parry such attacks, many Scout councils and                programs that benefit our communities are being shut down, and                most others struggle to survive.
          In today’s culture, with single-parent homes, increased drug use                and violence with teens, the Scouts remain a beacon that guides                and directs young boys into becoming tomorrow’s leaders. 
          Grassfire’s very first petition supported the Scouts. We                understand the importance and relevance of Scouting. As such, we                are urging Congress to draft legislation that promotes and                protects the Scouts—allowing them to fulfill their mission without                distraction from outside attack.
             URGENT ALERT:
Senator’s Bill Frist (R-TN), and Lamar Alexander (R-TN) will soon introduce the “Support Our Scouts Act of 2005,” to ensure the Boy Scouts of America are treated fairly, and have equal access to public facilities, forums, and programs. Over the next 30 days, Grassfire hopes to rally half-a-million citizens who stand with the Scouts. Once we reach our goal, we will present these petitions to Senators Frist and Alexander in support of their legislation.
             **                 The Petition States:**
                                                                                                                                                                                                 As a concerned                              citizen, I am deeply troubled by the recent attacks                              which have come against the Boy Scouts simply                              because the Scouts have taken a stand for faith and                              moral values. As a private organization, the Boy                              Scouts has every right to set standards for                                                           leadership and morality. The U.S. Supreme Court made                              this clear! I urge you to cease these hostile                              attacks against one of America's great institutions.
Sign Here (only takes a minute)
God Bless the Boy Scouts of America.

**They are at the front line, being attacked by the same people and organizations who are attacking what the Catholic Church is teaching. **
Sign the petition!

And, even if you have never done so, give dollars to them!

I would rather have my charity dollars go to them than to my alma mater, a public TV station, or a United Way campaign that excludes them!
Signed it. If the ACLU manages to screw up the Scouts I will be very upset.
My husband is an Eagle Scout and a former troop leader, i signed it, he signed it and then WE signed it! The Scouts is an amazing organization. i hope it still is what it should be when we have kids so our boys can be scouts. Girl scouts on the other hand… to quote my husband “my girls wont be one of those cookie pushers!” scouting teaches values! support it all you can.
My husband is an Eagle Scout and a former troop leader, i signed it, he signed it and then WE signed it! The Scouts is an amazing organization. i hope it still is what it should be when we have kids so our boys can be scouts. Girl scouts on the other hand… to quote my husband “my girls wont be one of those cookie pushers!” scouting teaches values! support it all you can.
I never made it to Eagle (but I was a Life Scout), but I was the Squad leader of the senior patrol in our troop, and I was Order of the Arrow. My son will become a Tiger Cub when he turns 7 (3 more years). I think that the BSA is the best rganization on the planet for developing character in kids, especially the ones that are affiliated with Catholic Churches.
What is being done to the BSA is mean and vindicative. Money which the BSA would spend turning boys into men is being spent on lawsuits defending itself.

Anyone catch the 2000 DNC convention? When the Scouts were introduced on stage, some delegates stood up and turned their backs.

That was a big deal for the Scouts and involved no little time and expense for their parents. Better the DNC never invited them than do that.
Thank you for the link and the information. My son was a cub scout and is now starting boy scouts. I will also forward the link to as many people as possible.
Anyone catch the 2000 DNC convention? When the Scouts were introduced on stage, some delegates stood up and turned their backs.
That was a big deal for the Scouts and involved no little time and expense for their parents. Better the DNC never invited them than do that.
I had never heard of that story. Makes me despise the DNC even more. :mad: (I wish we had an icon of someone throwing up!)
From The Catholic Virginian:
Boy Scouts have success in ACLU-inspired sale
Feeling they were somewhat in a desperate situation with a deadline to meet, Boy Scouts of Troop 828 sponsored by St. Joseph Church in Richmond decided to sell its abundant supply of popcorn in downtown Richmond near the headquarters of the American Civil Liberties Union.
Why the ACLU?
“There are current legal issues the ACLU is questioning about federal government support of the Boy Scouts of America,” said Thomas McKenna, Assistant Commonwealth Attorney who chairs the Boy Scout Committee at St. Joseph’s. The ACLU is challenging the Boy Scouts’ requirement of a religious designation of its members.
The popcorn sales were over the top. As of last week, Scouts of the nine-member Troop 828 had sold approximately $30,000 worth of popcorn . . .
Anyone catch the 2000 DNC convention? When the Scouts were introduced on stage, some delegates stood up and turned their backs…
It was the California delegation. They never apologized.
rastell said:
I had never heard of that story. Makes me despise the DNC even more. :mad: (I wish we had an icon of someone throwing up!)

To be fair, only a few dozen or so delegates were involved. But still, the DNC does nothing to disavow those who attack the Scouts that I see. In 2000, Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) introduced a bill (H.R. 4892) to revoke the Federal charter the Scouts were granted in 1916. A history of attacks on the Scouts from 1999 onward is here.
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