Say it ain't so Colorado!

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A professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of Colorado (what is wrong with that place, by the way?) calls 9/11 victims deserving “little Eichmanns” and says we had it coming.

“As for those in the World Trade Center, well, really, let’s get a grip here, shall we? True enough, they were civilians of a sort. But innocent? Gimme a break.”

(cut and pasted from Jonah Goldberg at NRO)
CU is located in the Republic of Boulder for a reason. Just ignore it.
“CU is located in the Republic of Boulder for a reason. Just ignore it.”

Where sin abounds, there grace abounds all the more! God is doing some powerful things in Boulder despite the ****.
Look at the saints at Sacred Heart of Mary, for example:
What a complete jerk. he describes the killing of $500,000 Iraqis in 1991 as us imposing our will. Of course once again no one recognizes Saddam crossing the border into Kuwait as being responsible. It’s the big bad US imposing their will. Some people just hate freedom and prosperity and feel guilty over anything and everything.
Just wanted to clarify, I didn’t say what it looks like I said in the last post…I used the less volitile c-word.
Didn’t mean to appear vulgar on my first post!
Just wanted to clarify, I didn’t say what it looks like I said in the last post…I used the less volitile c-word.
Didn’t mean to appear vulgar on my first post!
The only way that this guy could concievably have a leg to stand on is if he could demonstrate that the US deliberately set out to kill non-combatants (preferably if the gov used people with no provable authorization from the US) Even if he could (and he can’t) it still would not wash under the two-wrongs-don’t=right principle.

Intellectual suicide presupposes someone has intelligence to begin with. The whole moral equivolence put forth by these nutburgers indicate a total disconnect from reality.

You’d be amazed at some of the stories like this that come out of Boulder and CU. But Boulder is considered by most Coloradans as an inane and insane island in the state - a laughing stock. So don’t judge Colorado by Boulder

Boulder’s reputation is unfortunate and somewhat unfair, because some very good and intelligent people live there - they’re just not in charge.

The professor is obviously an idiot and and a biased, callous, self-absorbed man. Such people populate colleges and universities throughout the U.S.

Let’s pray for the 9/11 victims and their families. We will never forget - and we’ll never “get over it.”
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