Scapular/miraculous medal

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What do you wear?

I really felt a calling to the scapular or I should say a desire to get closer to Mary through the scapular when my daughter was born. I remember sitting in the waiting room of a hospital while my wife and I were checking in reading a newspaper about some Marian apparitions in Georgia I believe it was. I didn’t give alot of credence to the apparitions but I felt a calling then to get closer to Mary so I started wearing the Brown Scapular and of course got myself vested.

A few years ago, I consecrated myself by way of the Militia Immaculata to Mary and began wearing the miraculous medal as well. I also wear a St. Benedicts medal with my scapular.

Can’t go wrong with either, so why not wear both !
I’ve never actually seen a scapular, but I’ve worn a miraculous medal for a long time now. On one side it has Jesus Christ’s very detailed face as He might have looked after His scourging and while hanging on the cross. The words are in Latin, but I believe they say something along the lines of Christ in His most Human form. And then on the other side there is an equally detailed engraving of Mother Mary weeping, and those words depict a Mother’s Sorrow. It’s my favorite medal, and I wear everyday.
I’ve never actually seen a scapular, but I’ve worn a miraculous medal for a long time now. On one side it has Jesus Christ’s very detailed face as He might have looked after His scourging and while hanging on the cross. The words are in Latin, but I believe they say something along the lines of Christ in His most Human form. And then on the other side there is an equally detailed engraving of Mother Mary weeping, and those words depict a Mother’s Sorrow. It’s my favorite medal, and I wear everyday.
Sorry for being a pain in the *** :o but your description doesn’t seem to match the Miraculous Medal. Here

Can you post up the words that are on it ?
a miraculous medal but have a scapular pinned in my bra. They always got tangled.
I’ve never actually seen a scapular, but I’ve worn a miraculous medal for a long time now. On one side it has Jesus Christ’s very detailed face as He might have looked after His scourging and while hanging on the cross. The words are in Latin, but I believe they say something along the lines of Christ in His most Human form. And then on the other side there is an equally detailed engraving of Mother Mary weeping, and those words depict a Mother’s Sorrow. It’s my favorite medal, and I wear everyday.
When my mother brought me back a red “Passion Scapular”, this medal you describe accompanied it. The front shows Jesus’ head and shoulders, as pictured after his Crowning with thorns, and has the words “Ecce Homo”, meaning “Behold the man” which is what Pontius Pilate said about Jesus to the crowd.
The back side is “Mater Dolorosa”, or “Mother of Sorrows”, with Mary pictured as the Sorrowful Mother.
I don’t know the name of this medal.
What can it mean, I wonder? Too coincidental. I just received a miraculous medal in the mail this very day from my favorite charity, “Food for the Poor.” And then I come to the board and find your post about it, Jen. :hmmm: I will certainly give it some prayerful thought, for up to now, I have not worn it.

I have been wearing a MM for about 3 years now. My girlfriend got this when I converted. It is very unique. It is rose gold and she got it from USA Gold. It kind of makes it special, because of the connection of Our Blessed Mother and roses.
I wear both. I just recently started to wear the brown scapular. Then I read this from St. John’s “Dark Night” and started to wonder about wearing to many things. The quote is long but I did want to put the statement in context by providing the entire paragraph.
[Some imperfections of spiritual avarice commonly found in beginners.]
  1. Many beginners also at times possess great spiritual avarice. They hardly ever seem content with the spirit God gives them. They become unhappy and peevish because they don’t find the consolation they want in spiritual things. Many never have enough of hearing counsels, or learning spiritual maxims, or keeping them and reading books about them. They spend more time in these than in striving after mortification and the perfection of the interior poverty to which they are obliged. Furthermore, they weigh themselves down with overdecorated images and rosaries. They now put these down, now take up others; at one moment they are exchanging, and at the next re-exchanging. Now they want this kind, now they want another. And they prefer one cross to another because of its elaborateness.Others you see who are decked out in agnusdeis and relics and lists of saints’ names, like children in trinkets. 1 What I condemn in this is possessiveness of heart and attachment to the number, workmanship, and overdecoration of these objects. For this attachment is contrary to poverty of spirit, which is intent only on the substance of the devotion, benefits by no more than what procures this sufficiently, and tires of all other multiplicity and elaborate ornamentation. Since true devotion comes from the heart and looks only to the truth and substance represented by spiritual objects, and since everything else is imperfect attachment and possessiveness, any appetite for these things must be uprooted if some degree of perfection is to be reached.
I used to have a very nice green enamelled miraculous medal on my chain with my crucifix. One day, when I was putting the necklace on, the medal slipped off, and I have not been able to find it since. That was at least a month ago, and I have searched everywhere, including the vacuum several times (fun!). I think St. Anthony gets a little worn out with all my requests!
I wear a scapular as I’m a carmelite. I wear the Miraculous Medal as well. I’ve been given a ton of MM medals. Then I received a St. Anthony medal which was great because I lose things constantly and then I lost the St. Anthony medal as well. So now I just wear the scapular with the MM on it.
Altho a Lay Carmelite, I wear the MM. I stopped wearing the Br. Scap. after years of **vicious entanglements ** upon waking in the morning :o but I wear my ceremonial Scapular at OCDS functions.

katekw - are you a Lay Carmelite, perchance?
Jenlilyn - how 'bout you?
Altho a Lay Carmelite, I wear the MM. I stopped wearing the Br. Scap. after years of **vicious entanglements ** upon waking in the morning :o but I wear my ceremonial Scapular at OCDS functions.

katekw - are you a Lay Carmelite, perchance?
Jenlilyn - how 'bout you?
Yes, a Lay Carmelite. 12 years now and counting. I never take off my scapular unless it breaks. The reason is I have repeatedly been told not to wear it at work as it is considered a gang sign. I was finally given a choice- remove the scapular or leave the job. I found a new career. Now I have more reason to wear it than ever. 😃
A GANG SIGN??? - no way!!!

What, Carmelite Crips?

I’m not being flippant, just amazed. Could you tell us about it?

God bless you for your stand.
A GANG SIGN??? - no way!!!

What, Carmelite Crips?

I’m not being flippant, just amazed. Could you tell us about it?

God bless you for your stand.
I was in a California Teachers academy studying for my masters in Special Education. I wanted to do elementary work as that way I could avoid most of the state standards requiring teaching of homosexuality as a lifestyle, abortion rights, birth control, etc. Those types of classes do not begin until 3rd grade. However, as an intern I was repeatedly sent out into middle and high school and juvenile hall even though I had requested K-3. We were in a heavily gang infested area, this is true, much drive by shootings and so forth. We even had drive by shooting drills much like everyone else has fire drills. We had to stop drop and roll if drive by was suspected.
The problems began when one of the alternative schools required two of my students not to wear their crucifix. Both students had been gang bangers in earlier days. A mother and a grandmother both gave them a crucifix to wear and one had an Our Lady of Guadalupe t-shirt. Both were attending youth groups at the local parish as a support system as well. These items were to help remind them of the sins they were to avoid. But the school saw them as a Mexican gang sign. During the conference the principle noticed my scapular. He then determinied I could not wear that either. After that every school I entered, the personnel almost always told me to remove my scapular, hide my scapular or face suspension. My two students were ultimately removed by their parents and placed in low income tuition rate in private Catholic school. While all of this was going on, I was working on my thesis which detailed the difficulties Catholics had in establishing schools in America, the discrimination they occurred in the educational system and the strong Protestant bias in education. My research made me ill at times. I finally decided I could not do anything to further support the public school system as it is today and my very presence there as a teacher would be supportive. My personal decision. It is not meant as a insult to others who teach in public school. We all have to make decisions of conscience. I felt public school was so anti Catholic that for me to continue to teach in it would work against the Church and support that which I believe to be absolutely false. I quit my job and the teachers academy. I’m self employed and a stay at home mom.
That is the most inspiring scapular story I have ever heard.

Vicious morning entanglements or not, I resolve to wear one again along with my MM, through the courage of your testimony.

Yours in Our Lady’s Order,
Homeschooling Carmelite Dad
Hello again, Kate …
Yes, a Lay Carmelite. 12 years now and counting. I never take off my scapular unless it breaks. The reason is I have repeatedly been told not to wear it at work as it is considered a gang sign. I was finally given a choice- remove the scapular or leave the job. I found a new career. Now I have more reason to wear it than ever.
Ah, no wonder I liked you from the start! We are sisters in Carmel! I should have guessed. 😉 What name did you choose?

That is the most inspiring scapular story I have ever heard.

Vicious morning entanglements or not, I resolve to wear one again along with my MM, through the courage of your testimony.

Yours in Our Lady’s Order,
Homeschooling Carmelite Dad
Oh, well thank you. But my story is nothing. I find the experiences of the Vietnamese lay carmelites much more inspiring. They risked their lives to wear it and still do. 😃
That is the most inspiring scapular story I have ever heard.

Vicious morning entanglements or not, I resolve to wear one again along with my MM, through the courage of your testimony.

Yours in Our Lady’s Order,
Homeschooling Carmelite Dad
Yes I used to offer up all my entanglements as a way of penance, such fun, :cool: 20 minutes every morning trying to untangle all the chains and strings. 🙂
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