Scapular/miraculous medal

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I wear a scapular as I’m a carmelite. I wear the Miraculous Medal as well. I’ve been given a ton of MM medals. Then I received a St. Anthony medal which was great because I lose things constantly and then I lost the St. Anthony medal as well. So now I just wear the scapular with the MM on it.
I’m another Third Order Carmelite and wear the cloth scapular with a St. Benedict Jubilee medal attached to it.
I wear both. I just recently started to wear the brown scapular. Then I read this from St. John’s “Dark Night” and started to wonder about wearing to many things. The quote is long but I did want to put the statement in context by providing the entire paragraph.
What I get out of this quote of St. John of the Cross is that to be interested in all kinds of sacramentals and religious articles for their beauty without giving consideration to heartfelt prayer and mortification is what he is pointing out here.

Most of us have two or three favorite sacramentals, and we can nurture a devotion to the Lord and his Blessed Mother by using them.
When my mother brought me back a red “Passion Scapular”, this medal you describe accompanied it. The front shows Jesus’ head and shoulders, as pictured after his Crowning with thorns, and has the words “Ecce Homo”, meaning “Behold the man” which is what Pontius Pilate said about Jesus to the crowd.
The back side is “Mater Dolorosa”, or “Mother of Sorrows”, with Mary pictured as the Sorrowful Mother.
I don’t know the name of this medal.
yeah, that’s the one:)
That is the most inspiring scapular story I have ever heard.

Vicious morning entanglements or not, I resolve to wear one again along with my MM, through the courage of your testimony.

Yours in Our Lady’s Order,
Homeschooling Carmelite Dad
If you wish, and it suits your purpose, you can always sew the Miraculous Medal to your scapular.
I often wear both the scapular and miraculous medal which I sew onto it - such that I am dually blessed! I think we all have to really trust our Blessed Mother on this one. After all didn’t she say that whoever wears My Scapular will not experience hell fire. And she also promised many graces to those who would wear her Miraculous Medal. So I think you’ve really got nothing to loose… for such a small investment!!

Many people refrain from wearing the Scapular because they say it is itchy and unfortable to wear, especially when sleeping, etc. Guess what? – That’s part of the penance which you can offer to her Immaculate Heart. It’s really a small price to pay for the blessing you receive. Besides, it’s a great reminder that Mary is our Mother and that she genuinely cares about us, and doesn’t want us to worry about any trouble, as she said clearly at Guadelupe. The more you know and love Jesus’s little Mother, the more you know that you’re in really good hands. Our Saviour is SO VERY GOOD to us. Maybe that’s why St. John Vianney always called Him the GOOD GOD.
I only wear a Miraculous Medal because I don’t have nor can find a scapular, but I will get one one day and wear both.
I was given a miraculous medal by one of my Catholic friends and I am SO greatful for it. I try to wear it as often as I can. It’s actually the same one that CheesusPowerKid described. I wear it more often than my cross, because in my opinion, wearing across has become almost cliche`-ish. Everyone wears a cross now a days and it means nothing to them. Whereas a miraculous medal has so much meaning and is very difinitive! Yeah, I’m a fan! 🙂
I agree with you about crosses becoming a cliche. Plus, the miraculous medal has a cross on it anyways.
I often wear both the scapular and miraculous medal which I sew onto it - such that I am dually blessed! I think we all have to really trust our Blessed Mother on this one. After all didn’t she say that whoever wears My Scapular will not experience hell fire. And she also promised many graces to those who would wear her Miraculous Medal. So I think you’ve really got nothing to loose… for such a small investment!!

Many people refrain from wearing the Scapular because they say it is itchy and unfortable to wear, especially when sleeping, etc. Guess what? – That’s part of the penance which you can offer to her Immaculate Heart. It’s really a small price to pay for the blessing you receive. Besides, it’s a great reminder that Mary is our Mother and that she genuinely cares about us, and doesn’t want us to worry about any trouble, as she said clearly at Guadelupe. The more you know and love Jesus’s little Mother, the more you know that you’re in really good hands. Our Saviour is SO VERY GOOD to us. Maybe that’s why St. John Vianney always called Him the GOOD GOD.
For those who are allergic to wool or other fabrics they can wear a Scapular medal. Some people get a bad rash from wool or certain fabrics.
Altho a Lay Carmelite, I wear the MM. I stopped wearing the Br. Scap. after years of **vicious entanglements ** upon waking in the morning :o but I wear my ceremonial Scapular at OCDS functions.

katekw - are you a Lay Carmelite, perchance?
Jenlilyn - how 'bout you?
Still discerning…(but I am definitely drawn to the saints of the order and I also seem to be drawn to the camelite threads and somehow the camelites of this forum.)

…it’s just the drive and the meetings being on Sundays, and, this is vain, but how big is the sacramental? :rolleyes:
What I get out of this quote of St. John of the Cross is that to be interested in all kinds of sacramentals and religious articles for their beauty without giving consideration to heartfelt prayer and mortification is what he is pointing out here.

Most of us have two or three favorite sacramentals, and we can nurture a devotion to the Lord and his Blessed Mother by using them.
Thank you for the explaination. 👍
I used to have a very nice green enamelled miraculous medal on my chain with my crucifix. One day, when I was putting the necklace on, the medal slipped off, and I have not been able to find it since. That was at least a month ago, and I have searched everywhere, including the vacuum several times (fun!). I think St. Anthony gets a little worn out with all my requests!
Still discerning…(but I am definitely drawn to the saints of the order and I also seem to be drawn to the camelite threads and somehow the camelites of this forum.)

…it’s just the drive and the meetings being on Sundays, and, this is vain, but how big is the sacramental? :rolleyes:
The little Brown Scapular that people wear under their clothing all the time is approximately 1 1/4" x 1 3/4".

The large Ceremonial Scapular that the Lay Carmelites wear over their clothing at their meetings and other special events is 6" x 7 1/2".

My group meets on Saturdays…Sunday cuts into family time for those who have children at home, and may not be a good time to go to such a meeting.
Hello, Dorothy,
I’m another Third Order Carmelite and wear the cloth scapular with a St. Benedict Jubilee medal attached to it.
Another sister! Praise God! So many times when I have seen your name on the forum, I have wondered if you were a Dorothy who came to our meetings but moved to Florida. I noticed in one thread that you had been there for some years, so it couldn’t be her. [Could it? Her name was Dorothy Mary Magdalene]

Anyway, I have thought about you a lot, and now it seems a number of us are connecting via this thread. Just thought I’d say hello officially, since I could not send you a p.m. according to your profile.

I wear a large miraculous medal, which a Catholic friend (who became my sponsor when I was recevied into the Church)gave to me after he brought it back having been blessed at the shrine to Saint Margaret Mary in France. This was when I was discerning conversion to the Catholic faith. I’m sure it was helpful in increasing my knowledge of the mediating role of our blessed Mother and hence my will to become a Catholic.
Hello, Dorothy,

Another sister! Praise God! So many times when I have seen your name on the forum, I have wondered if you were a Dorothy who came to our meetings but moved to Florida. I noticed in one thread that you had been there for some years, so it couldn’t be her. [Could it? Her name was Dorothy Mary Magdalene]

Anyway, I have thought about you a lot, and now it seems a number of us are connecting via this thread. Just thought I’d say hello officially, since I could not send you a p.m. according to your profile.

It is good to meet you even though my name is not Dorothy Mary Magdalene. In the Carmelite Third Order my name is Dorothy Michael Teresa. (a lot of people have moved to Florida!).

The Community I met with was located in Seaford, Long Island and met at St. William the Abbot Church. I lived in Merrick, Long Island and moved here in 1986. Where were your meetings held?

In Our Lady of Mount Carmel,

I have both and I even wear them every now and then but I have never wore both at the same time and I only rarely wear either of them. I plan on wearing them more often once I convert to Catholicism. 👍
I wear both. But of course, being a good Catholic mama, this means I have a good Catholic baby too. She knows that the only reason mama wears her scapular is so baby Jacinta can chew on it. This then leaves mama with a sopping wet piece of wool around her neck all day. :rolleyes: Oh well, offering up that squishy scratchy annoyance too 😉
I used to have a very nice green enamelled miraculous medal on my chain with my crucifix. One day, when I was putting the necklace on, the medal slipped off, and I have not been able to find it since. That was at least a month ago, and I have searched everywhere, including the vacuum several times (fun!). I think St. Anthony gets a little worn out with all my requests!
When spiritual things go missing I often wonder if they weren’t “sent” to someone who needed it. One time I bought a crucifix at a local shrine, my mom was with me and also made a purchase, I handed her my crucifix and a medal to get blessed by a priest who is on had in the shop to bless new purchases. He was just a few steps away from us, but when my mom turned back to me the crucifix was gone, nowhere to be found. I figured it showed up in the hand of someone who needed spiritual help in some way. Metals have shown up to myself and family members “out of nowhere” in times of need.
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