Scared and Confused Ouija Board User

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:confused: I really didn’t know where to go with this problem, because I was afraid of people thinking that I was crazy. But I knew that if anyone would believe me, it would be a Catholic priest. I will just give you a brief overview of what is going on in my life, and why I have contacted you.
Let me start out by saying that I am not Catholic, nor any other denomination. My christian views are somewhat difficult and confusing as well. I am 22 and have always been very happy and ALWAYS believed in God.
O.K. well here is my story, Me and my husband bought a ouija board last year in December and began it’s usage. I have always believed in the powers of darkness as well as the powers of good. I have not seeked out the help of any religious figure since this began happening, because it never scared me or heightened my worries, until lately. As I was saying, we began it’s usage without prayer of protection the first time, in which a storm out of nowhere began and lightening lit the room up, we stopped because the person we contacted would not give us it’s name. We have done it numerous times and began filming it, everytime we do it I feel vibrations in my hands and fingertips, I feel like I am swaying or rocking on a boat, but I am not moving, and once I felt a pressure on my head that moved into my chest and it scared me because I could not breathe, my body becomes cold although the room is normal temp., and for a long time I was totally out during the sessions, I mean I do not remember it, I was tranced out so it seemed. My eyes were shut, yet this person whom he says his name is “John” would spell out things. My husband recorded them down, and we filmed the sessions. In front of me during them, you could see a shadow, and cold air could be felt, my shadow on the wall changed, as well as one time the person told my husband to look, to see him, and when my husband looked up, my eyes opened, and they were a dark color, my eyes are normally a light green. Bad luck and health has followed us, and my sleep gets disrupted. Sometimes during the night my heart palpitates and the room gets cold, I feel like there is something there, but I cannot see it. The scariest session that we had was with me, my husband, and my friend James, during this session we could see a shadow move sometimes, the candles would flicker wildly almost going out, and the white candle burnt faster than the others, we could smell whiffs of rotting flesh, and the fear in the room was so intense I stopped in the middle. But this person we spoke to would not give us his name, we do not know who or what it was. I am terrified of whatever is happening, and it seems as though I am suffering everytime I try to stop it or speak of it. I have screamed curses at God, because I was angry and I stay tired a lot,. no matter how much I sleep. I get aches and pains in my body for no reason, and I lash out violently at people I love, and I would never ever do that. I seem as though I have lost all control in my life and I am scared. I do not know what to do, I have contacted a priest who is supposed to be calling tomorrow morning, but I am afraid of him thinking I am crazy. I cannot begin to explain how I feel, except terrified and confused. I do not know what to do or what is happening to me.
I would also like to make a note that no one in my family has ever been diagnosed or treated for anything mentally wrong, I have been diagnosed with anxiety last year, after I began the board. Just so no one tinks it is medical, I only seeked out spiritual help, because I know it is not medical, it is something far worse I fear. Anyone, please help me, I need help. 😦
Don’t be afraid. God loves you and His love is stronger than whatever malevolent force is plaguing you. My prayers are with you. I am reasonably confident that the priest will take you seriously. Feel free to post any concerns on this board. Pray the Our Father, the Hail Mary and the prayer to St. Michael.


P.S. I not sure if you indicated whether you still have the board or not. If you do, I suggest getting it out of your house and into a dumpster along with any other occult items you might have. I can’t promise this will fix everything, but it least it won’t compound the problem.
Your post has many facets. Throw away, or better yet, burn the Ouija board, and the videotapes. Never invite evil into your life and your home. A priest may suggest that you get medical help, not becauses he thinks that you’re crazy but because you described what could be symptoms of anxiety attacks. Take this whole sorry episode as an opportunity to bring God into your life. Read your Bible and pray the prayer that Jesus taught us in it, the Our Father. You say you’re not Catholic but I’m sure that Father will listen to your story.
Dont obviously use the board again. Your doing the right thing in contacting a Priest. He wont call you crazy, but he will investigate by protocall. You seriously need to turn to Jesus and understand that he must fight for you verses you fighting for you. It might be a good idea to ask for forgivness right off the bat and pray pray pray. If God is for you, who can be against you?

God Bless

Get holy water and sprinkle your home with it with lots of prayers and get rid of that thing.

in XT.
Thank you for all of your help so far, I am not quite sure what protocol means, but if you could, will you explain it to me? I also don’t know how to start the conversation with the priest, I mean I don’t know if I just start explaining things or what, and I don’t have any holy water…how do I get that?
Find the nearest parish. Call the priest and ask to bless some water and salt also. Take it from the baptismal font in the front of the Church.

As for prayers, ask him what to do.

But before then, ask God for forgiveness and protection for your home and offer it to him.

Don’t waste time.

in XT.
Thank you for all of your help so far, I am not quite sure what protocol means, but if you could, will you explain it to me? I also don’t know how to start the conversation with the priest, I mean I don’t know if I just start explaining things or what, and I don’t have any holy water…how do I get that?
Protocol means the proper procedure so that things are done in the right order and the right way for the right reason.
You might say, “Father, I am not Catholic but have a problem that I’m hoping you can help with. I read the Catholic Answers website on the Internet and people there recommended that I contact a priest.” Father will ask questions and expect honest answers. Don’t be afraid of shocking him; he’s probably heard it all before. If you have any specific questions, write them down beforehand so you don’t forget them. Ask Father about holy water. Father will help you because he works for God. 🙂

I’m glad you contacted the priest, he will be able to help. If there is a problem, please check back with us.

As for the ouiga board, this and other occult practices actually open us up, and invite in evil, demonic spirits. By doing this, it’s like hanging a huge neon sign over your head saying “OPEN FOR BUISNESS”. You may be experiencing demonic oppression, which is NOT possesion. Oppression is a deamon making your life miserable, with strange “poltergeist” type activites, and/or an increase in unbearable temptations, (like to lust, anger, etc.).

Possesion is a deamon working on you from the inside, oppression is a deamon working from the outside.

Just lay out the story to the priest, be honest, don’t hold back on “embarresing” details.

Jesus is stronger than the devil, invoke His name, have the priest bless you, your husband, and your house. Burn the board, and NEVER do this (or anything like it) again.

This is the best I can do, I recomend a book by Johnette Benkovic, I forget the title, but “New Age” is in it. It will really explain how all this works. (She had “been there” and “done that”)

God bless, I will pray of you.
Thank you for all of your help so far, I am not quite sure what protocol means, but if you could, will you explain it to me? I also don’t know how to start the conversation with the priest, I mean I don’t know if I just start explaining things or what, and I don’t have any holy water…how do I get that?
Let the priest instruct you on the holy water. The standard thing with this sort of issue is that the Church will investigate the incidents you report. Thats what I mean by protocall. Just tell the priest everything from the start. Be sure to mention the shadow figure and the smell of rotting flesh etc. Ask God to close any doors you may have opened and to protect you. Dont worry about telling the priest, they hear this sort of thing more then one might think and can refer cases to experts in the field within the Church. Just be honest with him just like you are here. Tell him about posting here as well.

Please get rid of the ouija board! They seem like an innocent game, but so many people have had bad experiences with them, that I feel that it is really important to get that thing out of your house.(If you can actually destroy it-burning it, breaking it up, whatever), so much the better.

Johnette Benkovic is a terrific Catholic Christian lady. She has written a number of books, she also has a TV show on EWTN. She knows what she is talking about on this subject (& others).
I think that talking to a priest is a good idea, too. (And I’m not even Catholic). A priest will be familiar with the kind of thing you are experiencing…They are regular people, not someone to be scared to talk with.

You are in my prayers. God bless.
I’ll be praying the rosary for you

this kind of thing scares me, and I wouldn’t know what to do, but I want you to know that you are in my prayers
Hi Amanda,

An extra thing not yet mentioned on this thread is to ask the visiting priest if he could bless your house. He will go into every room with holy water and say prayers that cast out any evil and consecrates each room and the house to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

You will come through this.

God bless you and your Husband,
Dearest Amanda22,
My heart goes out to you and your fears. What you have unwillingly done is very serious and scary. The Ouji Board is just as powerful as having a seance(sp?) or commanding spirits to come. Satan and his demons are walking the Earth looking for an opportunity to torment people. I believe you, for a long time I would not tell people of a gift God has given me. I was scared of what they might think. I talked to a preist, actually hoping he would make it stop, but he told me I was blessed and God needs me to accept his gifts for other’s sake. My gift is that I actually hear and sometimes see demons. It scares me and since I can not ask God to make them go away, I ask him to not make me so scared. As long as I have a blessed object on me, my mother gave me a cross from Medjugoria that was also blessed by Pope John Paul II, I only feel their prescence sometimes worse than others. The thing is, I am continually aware of them being around. Satan has convinced many that he and his band are not there or if you do not talk about them they are not there. In the case of your home, no one is pointing to the elephant in the room. You opened a door for them to come in, unless you seek deliverance, a term for binding, rebuking, and casting out the demons, they will continue to harrass you. Some times will be easier than others, they have more time than us, so they will sit and wait for the perfect times to harrass you. It is like PMS but on an elevatd level! Lots of roller coaster feelings.

You need an orthodox priest, one who is completely following the pope, yes there are a few bad priests or should I say mislead priests here in the states. If you know of a church that occassionally says latin mass, that would be a good place to start. Go to confession. I know you are not Catholic, but some priests who really want to help will listen if you want to talk. They are ambassadors for Christ, they are here to help. You need to tell God you are sorry for all of this demonic work.

This is very real! Hollywood has made some great movies to confuse us into what is real or fiction. If you were to read about the Saints, people who we, Catholics, believe to be in Heaven, you will find some truly amazing and scary stories. St. Anthansius wrote a book about St. Anthony (the one who lived in the desert) that a priest told me to read because St.Anthony would have daily confrontations with demons. St. Anna would also have the gift of seeing demons around us. She has said something to the reference of the lack of breathing room we really have in a room due to all of the demons walking the earth. In the mean time, here are two very imortant prayers you should say when you are aware of the demonic presence. I should warn you so you know, the demons will try everything to keep you from getting to a preist. If you make an appointment, you might find yourself feeling sick or very nauseated until you are actually sitting with the priest. This is very common, I have this lots of times. Get to the priest!

May God keep you safe and send his angels to protect you while you root this evil from your life. And afterwards, you might want to check out RCIA.

The St. Michael Prayer:

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the day of Battle; Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke Him, we humbly pray, and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into Hell, Satan and all the other evil spirits, who prowl through the world, seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

The Guardian Angel Prayer:

Angel of God, my guardian dear,
to whom His love commits me here,
ever this night be at my side,
to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

This is the best I can do, I recomend a book by Johnette Benkovic, I forget the title, but “New Age” is in it. It will really explain how all this works. (She had “been there” and “done that”)

God bless, I will pray of you.
Ms. Benkovic will be on the EWTN show “Life on the Rock” 8o’clock Thursday October 27th. EWTN is channel 422 on Direct TV. If you dont get it go to someones house who does.

Also, join the RCIA. The Catholic Church is 100% the Truth. become a Catholic! 👍
You have opened yourself up to the Spirit world and to evil. I have never heard of any “good” spirits communicating through an Ouija board or other divination source. These practices are against God from the old testament to the present, so any spirit who is with God would never communicate with the living through divination tools or secular psychics. Sometimes the forces will take on the personality of a child to gain your trust, but these spirits or forces of evil must have realized that you were curious enough to do it despite any fear so they didn’t need to gain your trust.

You have opened yourself directly to demons. All the descriptions you have given, the rotting flesh, the anger, the dark eyes are all classic signs of demonic possession or presence.

I hope by now you have figured out that this isn’t “fun” or “exciting” Hell is real, Satan is real and you have invited him willingly into your home. Priests take this very seriously and he will probably be able to tell if you are making this up. Official Catholic exorcisms are only done after a medical analysis and all other scientific possibilities are ruled out.

There aren’t as many official Catholic exorcists in America as there are in Italy where Satanism has become popular.

You have given yourself over to evil, there is no riding the fence, now. You will need to either convert yourself over wholeheartedly to Jesus or fall into hell. The soul lives forever either with God or in torment. The terror you have suffered on this Earth is just a small taste of eternal hell.

I will pray for you today and offer up personal sacrifices for your conversion.

I am aware that you could be a teenage kid making up stuff to see what the Catholics say but I would rather take you seriously and pray for you than to dismiss it as a possible hoax.

Please take the other poster’s advice. Burn the Ouija board today and denounce Satan. Get a Bible and read the Gospels out loud as a family. Pray the St. Michael prayer. Be sure to do what the priest says, and convert your heart completely away from these things. This will probably get worse before it gets better. Satan tempts even the saints, so he won’t want to let you go so easily. Your family will need to take this very seriously and convert if you want to be saved. I am not the kind of person who pressures people into conversion to the Catholic Church, but in your case I will say that it is necessary.

Devout Catholics will not think you are crazy.
There are some documents you can read about exorcism on the EWTN website. It would also be comforting to you to read about Padre Pio who is highlighed on the EWTN homepage today.

I hope this can bring you some information on the subject. You can find alot more info on this website to help you with your spiritual battle.

Like I said, don’t fear that devout Catholics will think you are crazy. Much of the world thinks we are crazy:)

Jesus said, “Be not afraid. I go before you always, come follow me.” Jesus, died on a cross so that you could be saved from sin, evil and death. God created you and wants nothing more of you than to love Him above all things, so that He can comfort and love you. This ol

PLEASE don’t despair, you have hope in Christ. He said that he is the good shepherd and all he wants is to rescue you and hold you close to his heart, and rejoice when you come home.
Frank Roman:
Ms. Benkovic will be on the EWTN show “Life on the Rock” 8o’clock Thursday October 27th. EWTN is channel 422 on Direct TV. If you dont get it go to someones house who does.
Her radio program is on Catholic stations at 11:00 during the week. I think it’s mon/wed/fri.

The devil is not to be messed with and if you do ONLY God can help you out of it. You must believe me that He can only help!

All the posters have said this with prayers, holy water, confession, talking to a preist and BURNING that thing!

Call to Jesus when you are scared. He will be there to fight your battles. Have faith!
I would like to say to Peace-BWU that I am glad that he gave me the benefit of the doubt about not being a teenager, I am 22 and very mature. I am scared and still confused, but the priest called just a few moments ago and he did not help. He did not even hear me out with all of my problems. He called me late and then only talked to me a little more than 5 minutes. I tried my best to tell him what was going on, but he said he had another meeting. I don’t know what to do, I am tiring of trying to find a priest to talk to. He asked me why did I come to the catholic church just because something was weird in my life, and I told him because I didn’t think the catholics would think that I was just crazy as a lot of religions will in these situations.
But the priest didn’t help, he rushed me through it and left me more confused and upset than I was before, good news was he believed me, and told me that a demon had been invited into my life, but then it was followed by a God Bless You and I have another appointment hope I helped.
Thank you for all of your help and concerns, I thank you each and every one for them. he didn’t mention holy water or salt. So I guess I am back to trying to find a priest.
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