Scared and Confused Ouija Board User

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I would like to say to Peace-BWU that I am glad that he gave me the benefit of the doubt about not being a teenager, I am 22 and very mature. I am scared and still confused, but the priest called just a few moments ago and he did not help. He did not even hear me out with all of my problems. He called me late and then only talked to me a little more than 5 minutes. I tried my best to tell him what was going on, but he said he had another meeting. I don’t know what to do, I am tiring of trying to find a priest to talk to. He asked me why did I come to the catholic church just because something was weird in my life, and I told him because I didn’t think the catholics would think that I was just crazy as a lot of religions will in these situations.
But the priest didn’t help, he rushed me through it and left me more confused and upset than I was before, good news was he believed me, and told me that a demon had been invited into my life, but then it was followed by a God Bless You and I have another appointment hope I helped.
Thank you for all of your help and concerns, I thank you each and every one for them. he didn’t mention holy water or salt. So I guess I am back to trying to find a priest.
I am so sorry that this happened. I am not making excuses for the priest, but I can understand how it happened. Folks on this forum are giving you good advice, much of it the same as a priest would give to a Catholic that he had the time to talk to. Most Catholics have to make an appointment with their parish priest in order to have a serious and long discussion. Do you have large university nearby? Many of them have Newman Centers (a place for Catholic students to meet, have fellowship and go to Mass). These Newman Centers have a priest-advisor who might be able to help you.
I think the devil is playing games with you. Perservere! Remember that not all priests will be helpful.

Do make an appointment to see one. Talking over the phone just doesn’t work for these types of conversations.
I’m not sure where you live. As Courtney said look at the University Newman centers.

Stay focused and don’t get side track for anything. You must presevere! You must! Or they win.
Sometimes it’s easier to call a Catholic Chruch’s parish office and get in touch with a spiritual advisor or pastor minister as they sometimes have less hectic schedules than the priest.
Keep trying! …someone will hear your consern.

Ouija Board=evil spirits…Burn it now.
Buy a Rosary…learn it and pray it everyday!:gopray:
Pray to St. Micheal to cast out the evil one.
Pray to our Lady…the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Please keep us updated…we will all be thinking of you!
These links might help:

Although this quote on the site leaves me a little wary of the site, the advice may still be helpful:
“To preserve its independence and objectivity in pursing its apostolates of Internet Missions, spiritual warfare and the fight against the plausibility that infects our Church, all of which tends to create controversies, of which is to be expected when defending the Truth and the Church without compromise, the Legion has chosen not to seek ecclesiastical recognition at this time.”
Dear friend

Why are you so anxious? You have nothing to be afraid of. You must remain calm and trust in Christ Jesus and strong in faith you are equipped with all you need to drive out this affliction from your life.

Do not be afraid. Satan loves us to be afraid and feeds on our fears, faults and insecurities. Do not even waver in your faith. I know you are not Catholic, but you believe in God, in Christ Jesus and God will not abandon you, you must trust in Him.

Pray and do not worry.

Firstly destroy all occult material you have in your home, ouija boards, tarot cards etc, anything you may have that will attract evil spirits.

Go into to a Catholic Church get some Holy Water, go home with it and bless yourself and bless every room of your house making the Sign of the Cross as you sprinkle the Holy Water, then asking the Lord to bind all evil spirits from you now say outloud and with faith ‘I renounce the devil, all evil spirits and all his works. In the Name of Christ Jesus I renounce and cast away all evil spirits. I believe in Christ Jesus and offer my whole life to Him. Mary help. Lord have Mercy on me. Amen’

You have nothing to fear, nothing at all.

Call upon the intercession of St Padre Pio, pray and pray ardently, God will not fail you.

Make an appointment with a Priest asking him to visit your home. If you are not Baptised, consider being Baptised and speak to the Priest about this and all your afflictions from the evil one.

Then friend, consider why God has allowed all of this to happen that would necessitate you running to the Catholic Church for help, think upon what God is drawing you to.

I will keep you in my prayers and offer my Eucharist for your deliverance and strong conversion of heart to Christ Jesus tomorrow at Holy Mass.

God Bless you and much love and the peace of Christ Jesus to you

I would like to say to Peace-BWU that I am glad that he gave me the benefit of the doubt about not being a teenager, I am 22 and very mature. I am scared and still confused, but the priest called just a few moments ago and he did not help. He did not even hear me out with all of my problems. He called me late and then only talked to me a little more than 5 minutes. I tried my best to tell him what was going on, but he said he had another meeting. I don’t know what to do, I am tiring of trying to find a priest to talk to. He asked me why did I come to the catholic church just because something was weird in my life, and I told him because I didn’t think the catholics would think that I was just crazy as a lot of religions will in these situations.
But the priest didn’t help, he rushed me through it and left me more confused and upset than I was before, good news was he believed me, and told me that a demon had been invited into my life, but then it was followed by a God Bless You and I have another appointment hope I helped.
Thank you for all of your help and concerns, I thank you each and every one for them. he didn’t mention holy water or salt. So I guess I am back to trying to find a priest.
You are welcome, I do believe you! I have been thinking of you all day. I prayed for you and while I was at the Catholic bookstore buying DVD’s for my kidsI saw a small paper back book of Spiritual Warfare Prayers. I bought it and will write out the prayer I think will be most helpful to you. You found the wrong priest, my friend. Because priests are ordinary people you will encounter grumpy or unfriendly priests from time to time. I am so sorry this happened to you. I promise you that there are alot of great priests out there and I will pray that you find one who will help you. It shouldn’t be that difficult. If you can figure out which diocese you are in you can contact the diocese to see if they can point you in the direction of the priest who can most help you.

Think of it this way, the more you persevere to find a priest and find help the more you are showing God how committed you are to remedy this situation and seek Him. Your post has touched my heart and I want to say that you are not alone in this. You will have us praying for you. If you have a Bible I can give you scripture passages to read about Jesus and the disciples casting out evil spirits or demonic possession. It will bring you comfort and it will help strengthen your spirit. I agree with the poster who said she doesn’t think it sounds like a possession but that they are affecting you from the outside. I fear for you, but I also see it as an opportunity to find God. I will post the prayer for you.
I fear for you, …
Dear friend

You have no need to be fearful for our friend here. Faith is stronger than anything, because to have faith in Jesus is to be Victorious over the world, evil spirits and all evil acts.

Our friend is extremely blessed by God because many souls dabble in the occult and are unaware of the harm it does in their lives, to their souls and to their salvation; walking blindly without embracing any faith in God.

No-one should be afraid of evil if they are in Christ Jesus. The demons and evil spirits are subordinate to those in Christ Jesus, they fear the Name of Jesus, they fear souls on fire with faith, it drives them crazy and they become enraged at such souls which they cannot touch because such souls are not decieved into being fearful.

Courage is a gift of the Holy Spirit. Be courageous!

Do not be afraid.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I want to warn you of something.

I have this awful feeling that this will subside and you will start to think it is over and discontinue trying to contact a priest. If it does start to subside it is a trick so that this evil can stay with you on a tolerable level. Please persevere no matter what.

Renouncing the Occult:
"Heavenly Father, in the name of your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, I renounce Satan and all his works; withcraft, the use of divination, the practice of sorcery, dealings with mediums, the Ouija board, astrology, horoscopes, numerology, all types of fortune telling, palm readings, levitation, and anything associated with teh occult or Satan. I renounce al of them in the name of teh Lord Jesus Christ who came in the flesh and by the power of his cross, his blood and his resurrection, I break their hold over me.
I confess all these sins before you adn ask you cleanse adn forgive me. I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is teh only Son of God, and ask you Lord Jesus to enter my heart adn create in me the kind of person you have intended me to be.  I ask you to send forth your Holy Spirit, just as you baptized your disciples on teh day of Pentecost.

I thank you, Lord, according to the richness of your glory, for strengthening my inner-spirit, with teh power of you rHoly Spirit, so that Christ may dwell in my heart.  Through faith, rooted and grounded in love, may I be able to comprehend with all teh saints, teh breadth, length, height, and depth of Christ's love which surpasses all knowledge; in Jesus' name, Amen."
The supernatural is real, As Catholics we are called to live a Supernatural life in which we seek God, and he transforms our lives for the better. One look at the stories of the saints and you will see how true this is. When we seek the Supernatural outside of God we are seeking evil. Your questioning desire is a misplaced search for God. It is extremely common, so take care not to beat yourself up about this. You might not realize this but your desire to seek what is beyond this realm is a search for God and that desire is God calling you. You can get the help you need and turn this around.

Let me know if you have a Bible and I will help you find the best passages.

If you say these prayers and they help, please continue to search for a priest, becuase I am concerned that if you don’t learn more and convert your heart that you will be an easy target, and like I said, the evil forces that you have opened yourself up to will continue to torment you on a more tolerable level.

I am willing to talk or help you in any way that I am able. **
Dear friend

You have no need to be fearful for our friend here. Faith is stronger than anything, because to have faith in Jesus is to be Victorious over the world, evil spirits and all evil acts.

Our friend is extremely blessed by God because many souls dabble in the occult and are unaware of the harm it does in their lives, to their souls and to their salvation; walking blindly without embracing any faith in God.

No-one should be afraid of evil if they are in Christ Jesus. The demons and evil spirits are subordinate to those in Christ Jesus, they fear the Name of Jesus, they fear souls on fire with faith, it drives them crazy and they become enraged at such souls which they cannot touch because such souls are not decieved into being fearful.

Courage is a gift of the Holy Spirit. Be courageous!

Do not be afraid.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

By saying “I fear for you” I meant to express my concern for her. You are reading too much into my post and if you read my other posts I think you will see that you have misunderstood me. I am concerned that if she doesn’t continue to seek help that these evil forces will tone themselves down to a tolerable level yet will continue to eat at her. If she doesn’t seek Christ I do fear, or am very concerned, for her… make sense? I was using fear loosely here. I am deeply concerned for her.
No-one should be afraid of evil if they are in Christ Jesus. The demons and evil spirits are subordinate to those in Christ Jesus, they fear the Name of Jesus, they fear souls on fire with faith, it drives them crazy and they become enraged at such souls which they cannot touch because such souls are not decieved into being fearful.
I gathered from her original post that she is not “in Christ Jesus,” They don’t fear her because she is not yet on fire with faith.
Let me start out by saying that I am not Catholic, nor any other denomination. My christian views are somewhat difficult and confusing as well. I am 22 and have always been very happy and ALWAYS believed in God.
Belief that God exists does not necessarily equal “on fire with faith.” I am not fearful for myself. You can’t tell me that the children of Fatima were not fearful for the souls they saw in hell in the vision they were granted. Do you remember that they said if Mary had not promised them that they were going to heaven that they would have died of fear. They were so concerned, or fearful, for those souls that they did all kinds of personal sacrifices for poor sinners.

I hope that this will help her to turn to Jesus Christ so that she can be saved from this manifestation.

Please try not to nitpick words from other people’s posts. I used the term “fear” in this context from the dictionary: “a feeling of uneasiness:concern.” Granted, it is the third degree definition of the word, but that is part of the definition. The word “fear” can be used in varying degrees. I think that you will also see that I quoted Jesus “Be not afraid.” No need to pick apart member’s posts when they are taking alot of time out of their day to try to help. I think if you read all of my posts you will find that we are on the same page with this 'fear" thing. LOL


Amanda 22, This reminds me of another prayer that you can use memorize to pray throughout the day. It is the Fatima prayer

“Oh my Jesus, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy.”
I am 22 and have always been very happy and ALWAYS believed in God.
Dear friend

Thank you for your reply.

(underline and bold my emphasis in quote)

I misinterpreted your use of fear, so it isn’t beyond the bounds of possibility others will, then again I am probably stupid. Aplogies to you and peace.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Dear friend

Why are you so anxious? You have nothing to be afraid of. You must remain calm and trust in Christ Jesus and strong in faith you are equipped with all you need to drive out this affliction from your life.

Do not be afraid. Satan loves us to be afraid and feeds on our fears, faults and insecurities. Do not even waver in your faith. I know you are not Catholic, but you believe in God, in Christ Jesus and God will not abandon you, you must trust in Him.

Pray and do not worry.

Firstly destroy all occult material you have in your home, ouija boards, tarot cards etc, anything you may have that will attract evil spirits.

Go into to a Catholic Church get some Holy Water, go home with it and bless yourself and bless every room of your house making the Sign of the Cross as you sprinkle the Holy Water, then asking the Lord to bind all evil spirits from you now say outloud and with faith ‘I renounce the devil, all evil spirits and all his works. In the Name of Christ Jesus I renounce and cast away all evil spirits. I believe in Christ Jesus and offer my whole life to Him. Mary help. Lord have Mercy on me. Amen’

You have nothing to fear, nothing at all.

Call upon the intercession of St Padre Pio, pray and pray ardently, God will not fail you.

Make an appointment with a Priest asking him to visit your home. If you are not Baptised, consider being Baptised and speak to the Priest about this and all your afflictions from the evil one.

Then friend, consider why God has allowed all of this to happen that would necessitate you running to the Catholic Church for help, think upon what God is drawing you to.

I will keep you in my prayers and offer my Eucharist for your deliverance and strong conversion of heart to Christ Jesus tomorrow at Holy Mass.

God Bless you and much love and the peace of Christ Jesus to you

I disagree that she has nothing to fear. Granted, fear is a bad thing, and not of Christ, it will get in the way, but she is not yet at a place in her life where her faith and understanding in God is strong enough to handle this on her own. (this is clear or she would not have been dabbling in the occult.) She isn’t Catholic so holy water, the sign of the cross, the concept of Michael the Archangel, all the sacramentals are all new to her, it takes years to mature to the kind of level of faith where she could handle this on her own. She is not Catholic so making the sign of the Cross without even understanding what it means or that it is a sign of the Trinity is not as helpful as it is to you and I. She needs a priest to help her with this. When we make the sign of the cross we are reflecting upon our Baptism. It is saying that we renew our vow as Christians every time we do it. Holy water is not affective in itself. It isn’t magical, it is water that is ready for liturgical use to be used by the faithful. She needs a priest who is familiar with this sort of thing, to help her with this.
Firstly destroy all occult material you have in your home, ouija boards, tarot cards etc, anything you may have that will attract evil spirits.
I do agree with this.
Go into to a Catholic Church get some Holy Water, go home with it and bless yourself and bless every room of your house making the Sign of the Cross as you sprinkle the Holy Water, then asking the Lord to bind all evil spirits from you now say outloud and with faith ‘I renounce the devil, all evil spirits and all his works. In the Name of Christ Jesus I renounce and cast away all evil spirits. I believe in Christ Jesus and offer my whole life to Him. Mary help. Lord have Mercy on me. Amen’
She should go to a Catholic Church and Holy water won’t hurt her, but** I feel this is dangerous advice to try to bless her house on her own. She is not prepared to challenge evil spirits, or demons. She needs a priest to do this with her, who can handle a situation if it arises. The level of activity going on in her home is an indication to me that if she did this, she could have a stonger attack. **
Call upon the intercession of St Padre Pio, pray and pray ardently, God will not fail you.
This is a very good idea if she is familiar with St. Padre Pio and if she knows what it means to “ask for intercession.” It would be good for us to ask for intercession for her.
Then friend, consider why God has allowed all of this to happen that would necessitate you running to the Catholic Church for help, think upon what God is drawing you to.
I also agree with this.
I will keep you in my prayers and offer my Eucharist for your deliverance and strong conversion of heart to Christ Jesus tomorrow at Holy Mass.
I will do the same.
Dear friend

Thank you for your reply.

(underline and bold my emphasis in quote)

I misinterpreted your use of fear, so it isn’t beyond the bounds of possibility others will, then again I am probably stupid. Aplogies to you and peace.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

No worries, sorry I should have been more careful with word choice, I don’t always have time to proofread.

One thing I would like to point out.

Satan, himself has always believed in God.

Alot of people believe in God’s existence, but don’t yet have the relationship and faith developed to handle this spiritual battle on their own. This is not a criticism of Amanda, it is just that she seems to be at the beginning of her Faith journey and is being attacked by evil. She can begin denouncing the occult, destroy any occult items she has in her possession and begin reading the Bible and praying hard for Jesus to enter her heart and help her, but when it comes to blessing her home and getting rid of this presence permanently she needs the help of a priest. Going to a Catholic Church and praying would be a good idea.

Amanda, please pray hard and get rid of the stuff, but it is strongly recommended in everything I have studied about exorcisms that you do not try to challenge these forces on your own. You are not ready for this. You can and should denounce the occult, but please don’t go room to room telling the evil forces to leave without a priest. Be very careful, especially since you said you have been cursing God. This is very serious.
Dear friend

If we have faith the size of a mustard seed we can say to one mountain move there and it will move. It is not necessary to know much or even understand much to have great faith. I would not like to minimise the faith of a soul because they are not Catholic. The Priest was not so alarmed by her situation that he rushed over to her house and exorcised it and I would not like to judge his lack of reaction merely as brushing this lady off, I think his actions were much more prudent than that. Alarming people when they are enduring such things is never prudent.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

On The Current Norms Governing ExorcismsCongregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
[The following translation has been prepared by EWTN Online Services. It is not an official translation, and is not to be circulated without this warning.]

Issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on September 29, 1984.

Excellentissime Domine,

For several years, in certain areas of the Church, assemblies formed to pray for liberation from the influence of demons (though they do not perform exorcisms as such) have been increasing in number. These assemblies are often led by members of the laity, even when there is a priest present.

Since the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has been asked what is the proper attitude towards these activities, this Dicastery deems it necessary to make known to all Ordinaries the response which follows:
  1. Canon 1172 of the Code of Canon Law declares that no one may licitly perform exorcisms on those who are possessed [obsessos], unless he has obtained particular and express permission from the local ordinary (section 1), and it decrees that this permission is to be granted by the Ordinary only to priests who are outstanding in piety, knowledge, prudence, and integrity of life (section 2). Bishops are therefore strongly urged to enforce the observance of these prescriptions.
  2. It follows also from these same prescriptions that Christ’s faithful may not employ the formula of exorcism against Satan and the fallen angels which is excerpted from that formula made official by order of the Supreme Pontiff Leo XIII, and certainly may not use the entire text of that exorcism. Let all bishops take care to admonish the faithful about this matter whenever such instruction is required.
3. Finally, for the same reasons, Bishops are asked to guard lest those who lack the required power attempt to lead assemblies in which prayers are employed to obtain liberation from demons, and in the course of which the demons are directly disturbed and an attempt is made to determine their identity. This applies even to cases which, although they do not involve true diabolical possession, nevertheless are seen in some way to manifest diabolical influence.

[EWTN theological note: Paragraph 3 applies this prohibition to obsession (of persons) and infestation (of places). CBD]

Of course, the enunciation of these norms should not stop the faithful of Christ from praying, as Jesus taught us, that they may be freed from evil (cf. Mt 6:13). Moreover, Pastors should take this opportunity to remember what the tradition of the Church teaches about the function properly assigned to the intercession of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Apostles and the Saints, even in the spiritual battle of Christians against the evil spirits.

May I take this occasion to convey my great feelings of esteem for you, remaining your servant in the Lord,

Joseph Card. Ratzinger, Prefect

NOTE: This was written before Joseph Rtzinger became the Pope.
Some very good advice given on this thread; however before the charity level begins to deteriorate, it is now closed. Thanks to all who have participated in this discussion.
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