I think it’s all in how you think about childbirth that determines your expierance. If you go into it thinking it will be a horrendous process it will. That’s not to say that women who choose an epidural or have complications, “willed” it. Sometimes “stuff” just happens.
Anyway, I prefer to discribe birth as “intense”. There was pain but it wasn’t unbearable. My midwife told me something during my first birth. It sounds simplistic, but it’s true, “with every contraction tell yourself, I will never have THAT contraction again”. It eased my mind a lot and I was able to rest better between contractions.
My midwife with this last baby was absolutely wonderful. Whenever she noticed me tensing up, she would lay a hand on my leg and just quietly sit waiting for me to relax. Her confidance in me made my labor so much easier.
I had a waterbirth with Mia. She slid into my hands and I gently brought her up, out of the water. Just before she got to the surface, she opened her eyes and looked at me as if to say, “oh, hey, there you are.” I brought her to my breast and just stared at her while she calmly gazed around her. It was an AWSOME moment. and that’s what birth ends up being about.
Don’t let people scare you. I swear, I think it’s like when you’re dieting and everyone around you is trying to get you to eat ice-cream. They want to drag you into their miserable expierance. The doom and gloom club sees a pregnant woman and rubs it’s hands gleefully wanting to scare the you know what out of you. Give them a “Pshaw”, and tell them to take their stories elsewhere.
I actually had an overwhelming amount of the other type of advice where it’ll be this beautiful moment, you’ll get past pain etc…and i wish had a balance more of the two. I wish people had told me “YES IT CAN HURT!!! and you are not a horrible person to take a painkiller
” so that i didn’t feel like this huge wimp. I had no experience with childbirth except for books (I am an only child)
Read about birth. Ina May Gaskin has great books. The Birth Book by Dr. William Sears is excellant. Natural Childbirth The Bradley Way ,is awsome.
Don’t read What To Expect While You’re Expecting, it will scare the **** out of you. It’s not worth the worries that will keep you up at night. Find a Birth Center. Midwives look at birth as a natural expierance rather than a medical emergancy. Instead of focusing on what can go wrong, they focus on what will go right.
My OBGYN was the same way and when my child went into to distress and the heartbeat almost stopped I thank God i was at a place where they were able to focus on getting my baby delivered quickly and alive.
I love, love, love my Birth Center.
Yes you should be positive as possible while being pregnant that being said I do believe in arming yourself with information. If i had never read the What to Expect book then I wouldn’t of been able to understand in “plain english” what was going on when i had complications.
RelaxEven if you get pregnant tomorrow, you have an entire nine months to prepare. You’ll be fine.