Scary article by Dr. Peter Kreeft

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What a tremendous, captivating, sobering, and yes… frightening article. Thank God there are people who are not afraid to tell it like it is!

Thank you for posting, PeterJohn!
What is that swift disaster that has not yet been named?

How do we give a blank check to God?
I never heard about that vision of Pope Leo XIII. I hope it is true because the 20th century is over! =)
Wow that was awesome thank you!!!

I like that quote at the end, “If you look into your heart, you’ll see the only reason youre not a saint is that you don’t wholly want to be” :eek: That really spoke to me.
What scares me is how far out of date Dr. Kreeft’s references are, that he would cite Time magazine (and call it “Playboy with clothes on”), Ted Turner, Howard Stern, as if they were current cultural influences. Turner sold his media companies years ago; Howard Stern is on XM radio. And Chuck Colson in his later years returned to his tactics & habits when he was Nixon’s hatchet-man.

Dr. Kreeft appears to be wholly unawares that Protestants are still working very hard to get Catholics out of the Church; this does not exactly qualify as “fighting with us”. Likewise, he fails to recognize that the danger of Christian Zionism, which advances Israel’s claims to the whole of the Promised Land because this will hasten the date of Jesus’ coming.

It reminds me of the situation during the Cold War, when so many were sure that THE ENEMY was international communism, and that anyone who assisted us in the struggle were friends – like the jihadists in Afghanistan or Papa Doc in Haiti or Jonas Savimbi & UNITA. In the same way, anyone who’s against certain aspects of the Culture of Death is suddenly Our Friend, regardless of what he or she is actually doing to impede the salvation of souls, or how much they foment other disruptions in the world.
What scares me is how far out of date Dr. Kreeft’s references are, that he would cite Time magazine (and call it “Playboy with clothes on”), Ted Turner, Howard Stern, as if they were current cultural influences. Turner sold his media companies years ago; Howard Stern is on XM radio. And Chuck Colson in his later years returned to his tactics & habits when he was Nixon’s hatchet-man.

Dr. Kreeft appears to be wholly unawares that Protestants are still working very hard to get Catholics out of the Church; this does not exactly qualify as “fighting with us”. Likewise, he fails to recognize that the danger of Christian Zionism, which advances Israel’s claims to the whole of the Promised Land because this will hasten the date of Jesus’ coming.

It reminds me of the situation during the Cold War, when so many were sure that THE ENEMY was international communism, and that anyone who assisted us in the struggle were friends – like the jihadists in Afghanistan or Papa Doc in Haiti or Jonas Savimbi & UNITA. In the same way, anyone who’s against certain aspects of the Culture of Death is suddenly Our Friend, regardless of what he or she is actually doing to impede the salvation of souls, or how much they foment other disruptions in the world.
I wonder if we read the same article. I thought Dr Kreeft’s points were well taken. I am far less worried about Protestents raiding the Church than about secular progressives like our President who constantly pushes the very culture of death noted by the author. I think one’s soul is a lot safer in the Presbyterian church than in the halls of the secular progressives with their Utopian dreams of the demise of ALL religion not just the Church and the destruction of our traditonal values of family and charity.

It is a marvelously clear and bracing article.

He’s right about the real enemy. And he’s right about his characterization that our separated brethren are “patients”.

Thanks for pointing us to this article.

Out into the deep, with confidence, but with our eyes wide open.
Wow. Powerful stuff. I wouldn’t want to downplay the danger other religions can do by opposing the Faith, but he is right that the Devil is behind the things of this world. Even the most horrible of human beings have really just turned themselves into playthings in the hands of demons. I do love to hear the conviction in the article. I could say something good about every part of it. Thanks for posting it.
What scares me is how far out of date Dr. Kreeft’s references are, that he would cite Time magazine (and call it “Playboy with clothes on”), Ted Turner, Howard Stern, as if they were current cultural influences. Turner sold his media companies years ago; Howard Stern is on XM radio. And Chuck Colson in his later years returned to his tactics & habits when he was Nixon’s hatchet-man.

Dr. Kreeft appears to be wholly unawares that Protestants are still working very hard to get Catholics out of the Church; this does not exactly qualify as “fighting with us”. Likewise, he fails to recognize that the danger of Christian Zionism, which advances Israel’s claims to the whole of the Promised Land because this will hasten the date of Jesus’ coming.

It reminds me of the situation during the Cold War, when so many were sure that THE ENEMY was international communism, and that anyone who assisted us in the struggle were friends – like the jihadists in Afghanistan or Papa Doc in Haiti or Jonas Savimbi & UNITA. In the same way, anyone who’s against certain aspects of the Culture of Death is suddenly Our Friend, regardless of what he or she is actually doing to impede the salvation of souls, or how much they foment other disruptions in the world.
We don’t have to fuss with Protestants. If we become like what Dr. Kreeft suggested, Protestants will be flocking to holy mother Church. Nothing is more authentically attractive than holiness.
Might be a good idea to print out Dr. Kreeft’s article and at the very least share it with your friends and perhaps your Pastor? :newidea::newidea:
Does anyone know what he was referring to when he said it wont be named, but history will name it? It was in the 60s. Was it Vatican II? What was he saying there?
Not scary, one of the most powerful and hopeful messages I have read in some time, more please!!
Does anyone know what he was referring to when he said it wont be named, but history will name it? It was in the 60s. Was it Vatican II? What was he saying there?
He’s just referring to the era. So far there isn’t a name for it (ie The Reformation, The Enlightenment, etc) but there will eventually be a name for such a dark time.
Thanks for clearing that up, Brando. I was just sure he was speaking of some discrete event, but I couldn’t imagine what event he meant!
Thanks for clearing that up, Brando. I was just sure he was speaking of some discrete event, but I couldn’t imagine what event he meant!
David Stockman has come out with a book (on fiscal, economic matters) with the word Deformation in it; this word could be borrowed for our predicament. We have certainly deformed truth, beauty, and the good. and man, woman, marriage, virtue, freedom, you name it.
Terrific article. Major food for thought. I remember when we used to say the prayer to St. Michael after Mass. I always say it after my daily rosary.
Awesome article!

[wise crack about how much the blank check could be written for without bouncing or deleted]
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