Scary article by Dr. Peter Kreeft

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Terrific article. Major food for thought. I remember when we used to say the prayer to St. Michael after Mass. I always say it after my daily rosary.
I do too. We are able to say it after daily Masses, but our Pastor won’t allow it on Sunday…he says it’s not a proper part of the liturgy.
I do too. We are able to say it after daily Masses, but our Pastor won’t allow it on Sunday…he says it’s not a proper part of the liturgy.
One can still pray it, Sunday or anyother day.
Dr. Kreeft appears to be wholly unawares that Protestants are still working very hard to get Catholics out of the Church; this does not exactly qualify as “fighting with us”. …
I’ve known rather a good number of catholics who jumped ship to evangelical protestantism. Every one of them did so because they made the (fallacious) conclusion that since their own experience in the catholic church was one of dryness and emptiness and that they felt that they truly experienced Christ in a protestant community for the first time, that this validated protestant teaching and disproved the distinctly catholic doctrines.

This simply wouldn’t happen if catholics largely take Dr. Kreeft’s advice and actually pursue holiness via Christ. It only happens because so vastly many of us really don’t.

I’ve met dozens of former catholics who had little zeal for Christ while they were catholics, but are on-fire believers within their protestant community today. I similarly know of dozens of formerly zealous protestants who became catholics upon becoming deeper in Scripture and history. I don’t know one single protestant who had previously been a zealous and educated catholic, but went protestant because he later found their theological arguments more convincing. It simply isn’t a threat.
I do too. We are able to say it after daily Masses, but our Pastor won’t allow it on Sunday…he says it’s not a proper part of the liturgy.
Praying it after the Mass isn’t part of the Liturgy.
All you have to do is kneel down before you leave and pray…St. Michael the Arch Angel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do Thou, O Prince, of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell, Satan, and all the other evil spirits, who wander throughout the world, seeking the ruin of souls. Amen 👍

His article was awesome, I was surprised he left the prayer out.
What scares me is how far out of date Dr. Kreeft’s references are, that he would cite Time magazine (and call it “Playboy with clothes on”), Ted Turner, Howard Stern, as if they were current cultural influences. Turner sold his media companies years ago; Howard Stern is on XM radio. And Chuck Colson in his later years returned to his tactics & habits when he was Nixon’s hatchet-man.

Dr. Kreeft appears to be wholly unawares that Protestants are still working very hard to get Catholics out of the Church; this does not exactly qualify as “fighting with us”. Likewise, he fails to recognize that the danger of Christian Zionism, which advances Israel’s claims to the whole of the Promised Land because this will hasten the date of Jesus’ coming.

It reminds me of the situation during the Cold War, when so many were sure that THE ENEMY was international communism, and that anyone who assisted us in the struggle were friends – like the jihadists in Afghanistan or Papa Doc in Haiti or Jonas Savimbi & UNITA. In the same way, anyone who’s against certain aspects of the Culture of Death is suddenly Our Friend, regardless of what he or she is actually doing to impede the salvation of souls, or how much they foment other disruptions in the world.
You mentioned that the article was out of date. I thought you should know that much of the article comes from his book “How to Win the Culture War” which was published in 2002.
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