Not buying that the RCC created schisms. The RCC, and individual clergy within it, have committed human mistakes and sometimes sins. That does not justify the sin of the person who walks away from the Church over it, or put the responsibility for that sin back on the RCC rather than on the person who made the wrong and sinful choice to distance themselves from Jesus and His Church.It can be argued that the RCC created the Anglican schism when it refused.to expand the tent to include Anglicanism. The RCC also created the Lutheran schism the same way.
The Protestants schismed, they did wrong, they sinned. Even if the RCC did some wrong things, the Protestant response to the wrongs was in itself wrong and sinful and not excusable. In any event, as my aunt once said to a Lutheran who said, “We left because you had a bad Pope!”: “We have a new Pope now so why don’t you all come back?”
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