Natural law varies depending on who defines the nature. A typical use of NL isUnfortunately, “Natural Law” is being used here as a stick to beat others? I’ll pass out the stones for the “Sinless” to start casting…!"
Transgenders are a deviant lifestyle? Some people may be born with genitals that seem to be in-between the usual male and female types and rely on your parents making the right choices. What if they make the wrong choice? It’s not a deviant lifestyle for everyone, go ask the Intersex Society which is pretty far from deviant and shows more compassion that the “little judges” on this thread.
I won’t mention the Gay monkeys again.
- determine your position,
- define nature to support your position,
- say your definition is self evident, written on men’s hearts, or the product of right reason,
- declare natural law supports your position.