This is where psychology disagrees with you. Thinking is what you do at the conscious level, not subconsciously. There may be different layers of consciousness, I don’t know.
Again, psychology disagrees. Actions are performed at a conscious level, even if it’s a split second decision. Unless you’re talking about what is called “muscle memory” – when an action is performed over and over again and is engraved in memory. Athletes, musicians, factory workers, anyone who trains, practices and performs the same motions until they can do them without thinking is using muscle memory. Like walking. You don’t have to think about picking up one foot, moving it a certain distance forward, putting your weight on it to lift up the other foot, etc. etc. This is your subconscious at work. But if you are suddenly caught in a situation where you need to act instantly, unless you’ve trained excessively enough to develop a muscle memory, it’s your conscious mind that determines what action needs to be taken, and then tells your muscles to perform that action. All in a fraction of a second.