Science and morality

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The HIV flourished in the absence of an immune response.
Organized crime flourished during prohibition.
Those who assisted the American/terrorist/Nazi/Loyalist efforts during the war flourished after the victory.
What exactly do you mean by science? By this I mean whether you are including technology as part of your definition.

Science, or Physics, is the study of material being. However, by most modern standards, science is the study of the quantitative aspects of material being for the sake of controlling it. The bold part is where technology comes in.

From the insight above, science is for most* a tool to create technology, and the technology is just power over nature. Power is morally neutral; it can be used rightly or wrongly, and thus science itself, at least regarding the common modern’s intentions, is morally neutral.

Or in short: science can give us the capability to build vaccines, but also mustard gas; nuclear power plants or nuclear bombs.

Christi pax,


*The desire to do science “for science’s sake” has never really died (Charles Darwin was actually like this), but science got the support of the popular humanism by Francis Bacon, Galileo Galileo, Rene Descartes, etc. They shifted the goal of science from “knowledge for its own sake” to “knowledge in order to better human life,” which is how a humanist (not related to those who call themselves secular “humanists” today) views the purpose of technology (science is for the sake of technology, which is for the sake of human good). They also are mathematicians, and so wanted to try and mathematically model everything, hence the reason I used the word “quantitative.”

In any case, in our age it is rather obvious how money from businesses and politics force scientists, even those who wish to do research for its own sake, to work for some sort of practical application of their research. We also see this every time someone questions the validity of science; the proponents of science always start talking about vaccines and airplanes, that is, technology, in order to justify science.
Does that mean it’s unscientific to say being in “good health” has something to do with being alive, not vomiting all the time, and being able to breathe and move without difficulty? Are we making a leap to assert such things?
Being in ‘good health’ is a different sense of the word ‘good’. Good health is taken to mean healthy and fit. That isn’t ‘the good’ or ‘right’ in a normative sense.
If to flourish means to develop in a beneficial way, then why wouldn’t that be good? What would your definition be that would make it not good.
I didn’t say it isn’t good. And it might very well be good.

“Good” has a lot of different uses. Human flourishing is what it is. To say that human flourishing is good - in the moral sense - requires argument. The connection isn’t necessary.
I mean, let’s assume that human flourishing IS good. How would we narrow it? It increases my flourishing if I murder my neighbor and take all the gold in his safe. But that’s not good. So, are we talking net human good? I don’t think a utilitarian calculus works in this situation. We can certainly say that doing X will increase human flourishing. Or bring wealth. Or make you happy. But you’re still not to “doing X is right/good.” At the very least, there’s more to the argument there. And that ‘more’ would then be the crux of morality, not the scientific fact that X increases human flourishing.
I mean, let’s assume that human flourishing IS good. How would we narrow it? It increases my flourishing if I murder my neighbor and take all the gold in his safe. But that’s not good. So, are we talking net human good?
He has gold?

But tough questions anyway. Do we send in a missile to take out terrorists knowing that some innocent people will be killed? Answers on a postcard to the following address…
He has gold?

But tough questions anyway. Do we send in a missile to take out terrorists knowing that some innocent people will be killed? Answers on a postcard to the following address…
That’s the rub of the Is-Ought Problem. as I understand it There are at least two sorts of facts - naturalistic facts and normative facts. A naturalistic fact is the sort of thing that empirical investigation can speak on - how heavy something is, how bright something is, how a mechanical process works, etc. These are facts that tell us how a thing IS. When you propose a naturalistic fact, and someone challenges it, you can explain it by pointing to something in the world. “The bowling ball knocked down five pins!” you say. And you can demonstrate it by showing that a bowling ball was thrown and that it caused five pins to fall over when it hit the rack. The state of affairs gives credence to the fact, because if the state of affairs was different (like, if the bowling ball knocked over FOUR pins) then the claim would be false.

**Normative facts ** are facts about what OUGHT to be - what is right or wrong, morally good and morally bad, what is correct and what is not, how to value, etc. Something like declaring what ice cream is ‘best’ would be a normative fact - the fact that raspberry sherbet is best, for example. But let’s take that claim - raspberry sherbet is the best ice cream. What about the state of affairs could make this normative claim true? What are the facts? Let’s see…
  1. Raspberry sherbet isn’t too sweet.
  2. Raspberry sherbet tastes sour.
  3. Raspberry sherbet has a smooth texture
  4. Raspberry sherbet is lower in fat than regular ice cream

    N) X fact about raspberry sherbet and how it reacts with human beings
So. Does 1 make the claim “raspberry sherbet is the best ice cream” true? Or 2? Or 3? etc. Or 1&2? Or 1&2&3? etc. No, the naturalistic facts doesn’t add up to the normative claim. Unless we add a premise “fact Y makes a type of ice cream the best”, and then fact Y would be a fact in the state of affairs mentioned above. THEN we have something that links the naturalistic facts to the normative.

Choose any normative problem - morality included. Then list all the facts surrounding it. Can you get to “X is good” or “X is right” without some middle something like the above? I don’t think so.
  1. Smoking is harmful to a human body
  2. That which is harmful to the human body is wrong.

  1. Smoking is wrong.
  2. is a naturalistic fact. But where does 2 come from? What is the basis? You can’t get 2 out of science. Science just gets us 1. And if someone thinks science can show 2, I would love to read the lab report. What units are ‘wrongness’ measured in?
Being in ‘good health’ is a different sense of the word ‘good’. Good health is taken to mean healthy and fit. That isn’t ‘the good’ or ‘right’ in a normative sense.
Taken to mean healthy and fit by whom, though? Who says that being in good health means to healthy and fit? And who says that being healthy and fit means (at the absolute minimum) to be alive? Who says a dead person can’t be healthy and fit? Obviously, definitions of these words don’t allow for dead people under their umbrella, but who created that definition? And why couldn’t I create my own that did include them?

The point is, when we dig down on any realm of knowledge, we eventually reach a foundational claim that can’t be justified other that to justify itself. To say that human flourishing is “the good” is self-evidently true - which is Harris’s point. Another of which is that all branches of science eventually reduce down a self-justifying first principle. Nobody presumes to attack the science of human health on the basis that terms like “healthy” and “fit” appear arbitrarily defined by earlier humans.
Taken to mean healthy and fit by whom, though? Who says that being in good health means to healthy and fit? And who says that being healthy and fit means (at the absolute minimum) to be alive? Who says a dead person can’t be healthy and fit? Obviously, definitions of these words don’t allow for dead people under their umbrella, but who created that definition? And why couldn’t I create my own that did include them?

The point is, when we dig down on any realm of knowledge, we eventually reach a foundational claim that can’t be justified other that to justify itself. To say that human flourishing is “the good” is self-evidently true - which is Harris’s point. Another of which is that all branches of science eventually reduce down a self-justifying first principle. Nobody presumes to attack the science of human health on the basis that terms like “healthy” and “fit” appear arbitrarily defined by earlier humans.
All knowledge has to be organized into a framework we can use and understand. “Good health” and “healthy and fit” are coextensional. They both pick up the same idea, I would say, in general discourse. If interlocutors want to modify the framework of their discussion, they can by defining terms. When people use different frameworks is when we get people talking past one another.

I don’t see how any of your post is relevant. I don’t see how good health is THE GOOD is self-evidently true. Unless you reduce “the good” to just good health. And then you’re just saying “good health is good health”, which is a truism and obviously self-evident. But it’s no closer to getting us to the good in a normative sense.

Perhaps because it’s so late… but I don’t see what you’re driving at besides a problem of epistemology. What I was trying to say in the part you quoted was that good in the phrase “good health” isn’t used in the same sense as “it is good to do X.” One is a description of physical health. One is a moral claim.
Choose any normative problem - morality included. Then list all the facts surrounding it. Can you get to “X is good” or “X is right” without some middle something like the above? I don’t think so.
  1. Smoking is harmful to a human body
  2. That which is harmful to the human body is wrong.

  1. Smoking is wrong.
  2. is a naturalistic fact. But where does 2 come from? What is the basis? You can’t get 2 out of science. Science just gets us 1. And if someone thinks science can show 2, I would love to read the lab report. What units are ‘wrongness’ measured in?
I don’t know what units you might use, but you already decided it in 1. If 1 is correct then you can go straight to 3. There are no health benefits from smoking and only harm can come from it. It’s a very easy decision (although giving up is not an easy matter). It’s a scientific fact.

Same as amputating a limb, although that does cause harm. But it will save your life, so it is right. It’s a scientific fact.

But sending in that missile? It could be scientifically proven that it would benefit the majority if the minority suffered, but we then need to take it to another level to make the call. Can’t use science for that.
Just a quick point.

Whenever someone like Harris refers to something that is good, he is not referring to some mysterious ‘Good’. He is using the term, at least as I have always read him, in the usual sense. Good = beneficial.

Now who benefits is another matter. To be decided by reasonable people using reasonable arguments.
Perhaps because it’s so late… but I don’t see what you’re driving at besides a problem of epistemology. What I was trying to say in the part you quoted was that good in the phrase “good health” isn’t used in the same sense as “it is good to do X.” One is a description of physical health. One is a moral claim.
Harris argues (successfully, in my view) that values are a type of fact, and consequently, moral claims can be evaluated scientifically. I was attempting to break down the distinction you’ve drawn between moral claims and more conventionally scientific claims (like you’d find in the subject of human health). And to echo Bradski’s point - in both morality and medicine, the word “good” can viewed as synonymous with “beneficial” - another way the distinction is illusory.
What exactly do you mean by science? By this I mean whether you are including technology as part of your definition.

Science, or Physics, is the study of material being. However, by most modern standards, science is the study of the quantitative aspects of material being for the sake of controlling it. The bold part is where technology comes in.

From the insight above, science is for most* a tool to create technology, and the technology is just power over nature. Power is morally neutral; it can be used rightly or wrongly, and thus science itself, at least regarding the common modern’s intentions, is morally neutral.

Or in short: science can give us the capability to build vaccines, but also mustard gas; nuclear power plants or nuclear bombs.

Christi pax,


*The desire to do science “for science’s sake” has never really died (Charles Darwin was actually like this), but science got the support of the popular humanism by Francis Bacon, Galileo Galileo, Rene Descartes, etc. They shifted the goal of science from “knowledge for its own sake” to “knowledge in order to better human life,” which is how a humanist (not related to those who call themselves secular “humanists” today) views the purpose of technology (science is for the sake of technology, which is for the sake of human good). They also are mathematicians, and so wanted to try and mathematically model everything, hence the reason I used the word “quantitative.”

In any case, in our age it is rather obvious how money from businesses and politics force scientists, even those who wish to do research for its own sake, to work for some sort of practical application of their research. We also see this every time someone questions the validity of science; the proponents of science always start talking about vaccines and airplanes, that is, technology, in order to justify science.

Science, while opening up the mysteries of creation, is basically an operating manual for matter and is all about power, economics, status and ideology. It offers a interesting and challenging game to play, and the means to try to make life better. Here people will use it in circular arguments promoting their belief in a universe that is solely material. At its basis is the philosophy of science which describes a certain type of knowledge and dictates how it is to be obtained.
Harris argues (successfully, in my view) that values are a type of fact, and consequently, moral claims can be evaluated scientifically. I was attempting to break down the distinction you’ve drawn between moral claims and more conventionally scientific claims (like you’d find in the subject of human health). And to echo Bradski’s point - in both morality and medicine, the word “good” can viewed as synonymous with “beneficial” - another way the distinction is illusory.
It would be interesting to see how Harris (I don’t know him) successfully argues that values are a type of fact. Isn’t it supposed that a “fact” is accessible to everybody in the same way? But if besides saying that something is “good” or “beneficial”, we need to specify “to whom” it is so (because it is not so for some others), then, how can the qualification be a fact susceptible of “scientific” evaluation?
Harris argues (successfully, in my view) that values are a type of fact, and consequently, moral claims can be evaluated scientifically. I was attempting to break down the distinction you’ve drawn between moral claims and more conventionally scientific claims (like you’d find in the subject of human health). And to echo Bradski’s point - in both morality and medicine, the word “good” can viewed as synonymous with “beneficial” - another way the distinction is illusory.
The distinction isn’t illusionary because the semantic content of the propositions “x is beneficial” and “x is morally good” are different. It very well might be the case that what is beneficial is morally good - but you can’t get there without a logical bridge. You need “if x is beneficial, the x is morally good” which is not a scientific fact. If it is a fact at all, it’s a normative fact. And such a fact certainly isn’t an a priori truth, and it’s not an analytic statement.
This is like asking “Can two column accounting and Robert’s Rules order help us distinguish the moral from the immoral?”
It can give us information we need to be able to make decisions on what is right or wrong.

Give us an example, Bradski!

Well, OK. We can do studies to see if children brought up in single sex families are better or worse off than those with male and female parents. We can then use the results of those studies to make decisions based on facts rather than emotions.

We can do studies to investigate the validity of ID. We can then use the results to decide whether it should be taught in schools.

We can do lots of fun stuff like this. Whether something is right or wrong is a matter for reasonable people to decide using reasonable arguments. But we do need facts. And science can provide those in many cases.

Let’s hear it for science!
How do you decide whether children are better or worse off
I wanna know

I don’t feel safe with people who don’t wanna know

I don’t feel safe with people who tell me I don’t wanna know (i.e they don’t want me to know - a controlling attitude - e.g they feel I would show them up, or they think something has to be hidden like a colonial attitude to history)

True science - freed from power wielding and manipulative “technology” - is right, in itself.
It may be right in itself but what does it tell us about human rights?
We are moral agents already when we do experimental or theoretical scientific research. If as a result of our investigations we find out that one of our actions as individuals or as societies produces harmful effects in the mid or long term, then those results can serve us as the basis and the motivation to modify our customs, that is to say, our morality. An action which had been considered morally indifferent or even good, can be acknowledged as evil when we come to know that it has certain negative effects. So, our scientific activity can help us sometimes distinguish between right and wrong when it reveals the mid or long term effects of our human activity.
A good point but are all negative effects evil?
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