Well, Jonathan Wells is a PhD in molecular and cell biology and Michael Behe is a biochemist. They are qualified individuals and I disagree that their books are not science books and that they are “full of inaccuracies”.They are not science books, either, and are full of inaccuracies.
If it were accurate, then there would be an identified common ancecstor, which their isn’t. The facts and evidence do not support common descent. At this point, it’s ideology not science.Common descent is science and it is accurate.
I am not saying common descent is not possible, only that it is not proven.
I think the fact that no common ancestor has actually been found and that there are numerous gaping holes in the theory speak for themselves. But, of course, there are also the numerous books that have been published detailing the flaws in the arguments and adequately refuting them… oh wait, I already posted the titles of those books.ID disciples constantly claim that it is not, but they have yet to make an unrefutable argument against it.
I have not advocated “ignore the science”. What I do advocate is study the claim and the evidence for and against.Bottom line is that if the OP ignores the science, her son will very likely have even more doubts and questions about his faith.
That is a scientific approach.
Simultaneously, the OP should get a copy of Humane Generis and read that with her son too.