But there’s no argument that you can give to show that a first cause is necessary either.
We say that there is an “
uncuased cause” (
we say “first” only in a logical sense, not a temporal sense) because there cannot be a state of affairs where only contingent beings exist. A contingent being is a being that does not exist because of itself but because of something else. So we are taking about beings that can possibly not exist (
evidenced by the fact that things or states of being begin to be actually real rather than possibly real). If there was a case where only contingent beings existed then it would be possible for there to be absolutely nothing. But out of nothing comes nothing, therefore there is no reason for contingent beings to exist. Thus there must be an uncaused-cause that doesn’t in anyway begin to exist; otherwise there would be absolutely nothing at all.
It doesn’t just possibly exist, it must exist, otherwise reality is fundamentally irrational.