Thomas Kuhn, Physicist, Philosopher of Science
“During the seventeenth century, just when its full utility was being demonstrated for the first time, scholastic science was bitterly attacked by men trying to weave a radically new fabric of thought. The scholastics proved easy to ridicule, and the image has stuck. Medieval scientists more often found their problems in texts rather than in nature; many of those problems do not seem problems at all; by modern standards the practice of science during the Middle Ages was incredibly inefficient. But how else could science have been reborn in the West? The centuries of scholasticism are the centuries in which the tradition of ancient science and philosophy was simultaneously reconstituted, assimilated, and tested for adequacy. As weak spots were discovered, they immediately became foci for the first effective research in the modern world. The great new scientific theories of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries all originate from rents torn by scholastic criticism in the fabric of Aristotelian thought. Most of those theories also embody key concepts created by scholastic science. And more important even than this is the attitude that modern scientists inherited from their medieval predecessors: and unbounded faith in the power of human reason to solve the problems of nature. As the late Professor Whitehead remarked, ‘Faith in the possibility of science, generated antecedently to the development of modern scientific theory, is an unconscious derivative from medieval theology.’”