However…what if you/us are wrong?When I was a kid, I wired up a couple of batteries, some switches and flashlight bulbs on a board on which one could play tic-tac-toe. No programming was involved but every possible move was accounted for in the wiring sequences. Clearly the rationality resided in the creator, who set it up so that it would win or draw. No one would imagine it to be a rational creature, although in it’s completely limited way, it mimicked rationality.
Animal souls appear to come in many varieties. It is anthropomorphizing to see them as having a spirit.
Now, a peahen may look at a peacock and instinctively be turned on by its colours. It does not see beauty.
That said, some people will argue that their reactions towards the opposite sex are no different than those of animals, and I will not disagree.
As smart as is any dog, cat, dolphin or monkey, if they were to enter into my library, they would have no clue as to what it is. Any human being, whatever the culture, can come to understand what are books, computers, globes, art, etc.