One of my paths in the 70’s was as a fledgling Scientologist. It is not even remotely Christian. It is based on a pseudo-psychology book called Dianetics by a science fiction author named L. Ron Hubbard. Adherents try to erase marks of psychological pain which are stored in our minds and called “engrams”, through an inventory, and reaction process called auditing until they ideally reach a level free of worldly suffering referred to as “clear”. This is a very simplistic explanation. It’s dressed up with aliens, a volcano, and all kinds of other great SF devices. The concepts, appeared to me after a while to simply be a jazzed up, new age, mish mash of elements from most of the world’s religions, and particularly Buddhism, (which was my next step, and is where I ended up most of my adult life, until my conversion to Catholocism). There are also liberal doses of ideas from the field of psychiatry as well. With “clear” resembling the concept of nirvana. Mastery over the mind. Come to grips with your wounds of the past, and be free from pain.
They charge you money. I’m not just talking about passing a plate around. I mean they seriously and vigorously charge you money. It is actually a business. Not a church. They have like price lists and stuff. You literally buy your salvation.
I know things have changed a bit since the 70’s. I know they use some different terms now, and I think they’ve dressed up the direct charges somewhat, and call everything something other than what it is, but anyway, that’s what I remember. Leaving Scientology was worse that trying to quit AOL when I moved to broadband internet. They just weren’t having it. It was really a problem for a long time.
Be very wary.