Scottish Episcopal Church backs gay marriage

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That’s another Church heading in the wrong direction. I don’t know how they justify it given scripture has over and over how God feels about homosexuality.
Their apparent justification is a misunderstanding of Jesus’ command that we must love one another.

That is then used to suppress all discussion of sin, as that would upset people and wouldn’t be “love”. And as a result people increasingly do sinful things publicly, and those around get comfortable with seeing that which was previously understood to be sinful.

Finally, after a generation or two the people have been turned around and are walking in a different direction, but it was done in small steps so that they didn’t notice the change. If you’d have seen the news on twitter and Scottish Episcopal websites they were cheerleading the change, which passed by majority vote in all three chambers of their council. The way it was presented to the secular media was “look, we’ve changed. Will you come back to Church now?”. Sadly the secular media have instead used this vote to spin that the anglican church is under even more pressure to change. So they’ve already picked the next target, and are exploiting the accommodation made by the SEC (50 thousand people) justify further change across the entire anglican communion (80 million).

There is truth in it. Love IS important, but that is twisted around so that it reaches the opposite conclusion that instead of loving to prevent sin, we should condone it. Or that it isn’t loving to alert people to the mortally sinful danger they are in. You can also see it in those who suppress the spiritual emphasis of Christianity and take a solely material view on life. The “they look happy, therefore it must be good” viewpoint. Whereas Christ clearly tells us that the spirit is all that matters, and the pleasures of this world are fleeting.

Many Catholics hold similar views and sadly would like to see the same changes here. Again, in small steps but the same destination. First comes the suppression of discussing sin, then a change of language. Eventually lgbt ministries which have no interest in supporting lgbt Catholics to live in accordance with the Christian teaching. Eventually that combined with the culture promoting it creates a change in belief, follwed by a change in practice.

Fr James Martin SJ has been making very public remarks to that effect for a while. And has now come out and said the catechism needs to be re-written so as not to “offend” lgbt Catholics by removing the phrase about homosexual acts being “intrinsically disordered”. In effect, to suggest that they are acts which are not inherantly or always sinful.
This and other similar threads … So folk here think that God does not know what has been going on for so many centuries? That He does not see? And see all ? And does not love and care for ALL ? See and know all the whys and deeper reasons?

Does He really ask of anyone that we act like… vigilantes? Argue and condemn and act as if we in one faith are superior to all others?

Maybe if we all stopped this and came together as some wise ones here say? With honey rather than vinegar? Lived in harmony and let God work His love through us?

All the hot air!

I posted a thread re the recent mosque attack here in Galway. The Imam there is Irish born, Catholic raised and converted to Islam 26 years ago.
The support has come in from all churches. And an open day is happening this weekend.

That is the way forwards. Not this …

God is in charge. He really is but we get in His way. We obstruct Him.
Muslims believe in Jesus too. That doesn’t make them Christians. .
There is a difference between believing that the historical Jesus existed and worshiping Jesus Christ. But that has very little to do with the topic at hand.
I would not speak for God.

Oh but you do…and the denomination you belong too does claim it speaks for God…and knows what God teaches…otherwise, why are you in your particular denomination?

So back to the question…Does this make God happy?
But I can speak as a follower of Christ who loves Him and worships Him, and is quite convinced that the Body has doesn’t have one member but many.
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