Sean Hannity

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Does anyone listen to him? I used to be a big fan of his but I think his success has really gotten to his head. Now when I listen to him he sounds like nails on a chalk board. If his guest oppose his views (especially if they are considered liberal) he gets really nasty with them and that is when I turn the radio off.

Any other views out there?
I would agree with you. I find him to be shrill and that makes his arguments less acceptable to me. Plus, he has always seemed to be a Rush wanabee, which irritates me. If I want to listen to Rush, I will listen to Rush, not Sean.


Yep, he is getting more diversified… doing field work and writing books…

But they are effective, and it seems that the libs can’t refute his work, so they can only try to refute him… with no success.

I find him just as passionate as Rush, but then he has to be with Combs sitting there presenting his dribble. I think he enjoys finding the holes in liberal “attacks” more than just trying to be right himself.

Now, O’Rielly… that is another story… the man is really in love with himself.
Does anyone listen to him? I used to be a big fan of his but I think his success has really gotten to his head. Now when I listen to him he sounds like nails on a chalk board. If his guest oppose his views (especially if they are considered liberal) he gets really nasty with them and that is when I turn the radio off.

Any other views out there?
I no longer listen to him very much. He seems to know evereything and dislikes contradiction. A few years ago he was different. Ooh well in a hundred years it’s all going to be different.
He’s still not as bad as Rush or O’Reilly on the ego bit, but I haven’t listened much lately… I haven’t watched or listened to much news or current events or whatever kind of stuff in general lately. Used to listen a good bit on the way to class, but now I put EWTN podcasts onto CD-RWs to listen to so I don’t listen to the radio much anymore…
I have listened to Hannity a couple of times but not very often. I don’t watch much TV because there are so many other things to do. (Study/School, read, write, blog, volunteer) I agree with the thoughts on O’Rielly so I rarely watch his show. I too have started downloading the podcasts for cd-rw and IPOD.
Sean thinks the world and its solutions are black and white, with no room for gray. And because of this he tries to reduce problems and solutions into bumper sticker sound-bites and blurbs. I gave up on this guy awhile ago.
I get tired of all the talk show people - liberal and conservative - who refuse to let the other person make their point and then answer the point. I am so tired of the shouting and the shrill voices on BOTH sides. I seem to remember actual DEBATES on the radio and television rather than shouting matches but then again I will be 50 years old in December and probably have a faulty memory.
I have to say I agree LSK. Sean really has been sort of vicious with his interviews lately to the point I really have to turn him off. I do not understand how he can get the ratings with this kind of behavior.

I have noticed his tone with his interviews lately. To me his questions are no different than the “liberal media” question the conservatives. For example his interview with Chertoff a few weeks ago regarding illegal immigration. Instead of being a tiger and ask the tough questions, he acted like a little kitten towards him. If Cherthoff was a part of the DNC he would have been all over him. So much for “Fair and Balanced”.

For the record, I am a registered Republican and conservative.
I used to love Sean. I even named my guinea pig “Hannity Hogg.” I don’t listen to him as much anymore, though. It seems like he just recycles the same thing over and over. A previous poster said that Hannity tries to put everything in bumper sticker phrases. I couldn’t agree more.

Rush on the other hand somehow still manages to seem original after all these years, so I still love him.

O’Reilly can be hit and miss. I hate to group him up as a conservative, because every “liberal” idea I have, I learned from him.

The one thing that I still like about Hannity is that when he calls himself a Catholic, he means it. You’ll never hear him claiming that ABC or casual sex is ok. He also sounds like a great family man.
I like Hannity and listen to him often because I agree with him polically in a lot of ways. BUT!

He makes me angry sometimes when he bashes the catholic church.
Sean Hannity is quit irritating.

When he is interviewing someone he rarely gives them a chance to speak. I really would like to hear the other person’s views.

In most cases I happen to agree with Sean’s politics.

I like Hannity and listen to him often because I agree with him polically in a lot of ways. BUT!

He makes me angry sometimes when he bashes the catholic church.
I have never heard him bash the CC. I believe he studied for the priesthood at one time.
I also used to listen more to Hannity, but he’s gotten more and more shrill. He needs a vacation. And his Catholicism is really pretty liberal. A couple of years ago, he was advocating marriage for priests, and he joined the attack on Pope Pius XII. He’s really quite wishy-washy on his beliefs. I emailed him a few times about his lack of knowledge about the Church. He must have gotten a lot of negative feed-back, and I think he talks less about the Church. He thinks he knows something about the Church, but he’s very ill-informed, and he needs prayer.

I agree that Rush is still the same after all these years. For all the “show” of arrogance on his part, I think it’s all more show biz than real. I was listening to him in his first years, and he often would admit that his success was due to being in the right place at the right time. He says his talent is “on loan from God”, and I think that reveals an acknowledgment of his realization of his dependence on God. His lack of a college education shows at times. He’s a bit ragged around the edges, and I don’t care for his bawdy humor. But when he lost his hearing, I think he handled it all with much grace, and I admired him for it.

I believe that he’s more confident now than 16 years ago, but I don’t think it rises to the level of arrogance. He knows he’s had success, but has not let it go to his head. I can’t help but be impressed by his knowledge of events and his assessment of their meaning. I’ve listened to many other talk shows, but I always go back to Rush, and believe there’s a reason he’s still on top. One thing that I remember from the first years when I was still a Democrat was that whenever I would research something that Rush said it would almost always turn out to be true, and I would just be mad that he was right again. I didn’t want to like him, but kept going back because I knew I was hearing the truth. He must read an awful lot, have an astounding memory, and have a talent for putting it all together. All others are Rush wanna-bes.
I agree Sean is sounding more and more like a shrill.

Today Sean interviewed Senator Mike DeWine (R) of Ohio. I have heard Sean strongly criticize him before but today he really was very wishy washy in his interview with DeWine. I had to turn it off because I was getting so angry.

I honestly believe that Sean is successful is because he is on right after Rush. Otherwise I do not think Sean would have made it.

I bought his book Deliver Us From Evil when he was in Cincinnati last spring. The whole book is one big footnote. I look at it to me it appears that Sean does not have a creative bone in his body. He takes one successful line and repeats it like a broken record.

However I turn the radio on and hope he would change his ways… :ehh:
I agree Sean is sounding more and more like a shrill.

Today Sean interviewed Senator Mike DeWine (R) of Ohio. I have heard Sean strongly criticize him before but today he really was very wishy washy in his interview with DeWine. I had to turn it off because I was getting so angry.

I honestly believe that Sean is successful is because he is on right after Rush. Otherwise I do not think Sean would have made it.

I bought his book Deliver Us From Evil when he was in Cincinnati last spring. The whole book is one big footnote. I look at it to me it appears that Sean does not have a creative bone in his body. He takes one successful line and repeats it like a broken record.

However I turn the radio on and hope he would change his ways… :ehh:
What ever became of Cunningham?
One of the things I admire Sean Hannity for is his travelling to various cities and doing remote broadcasts. Often he highlights issues of local concern.

One that particularly got my attention was when a caller mentioned the illegal border crossings along the border with Mexico. So he summarily decided to do the show from down there. Over the next few days he certainly shined a spotlight on the problem of illegal immigration. And for that, he deserves a tremendous amount of praise.
JJ. Micelli:
Sean thinks the world and its solutions are black and white, with no room for gray. And because of this he tries to reduce problems and solutions into bumper sticker sound-bites and blurbs.
Well said. He’s also a stooge for the Bush administration, moreso than any other radio host I’ve heard.

In my market, he comes on after Laura Ingraham. A lot of her show is childishly making fun of speech patterns, clothing, etc. But it’s still more informative than Hannity. I usually switch over to the local sports talk show when his show starts.
Well said. He’s also a stooge for the Bush administration, moreso than any other radio host I’ve heard.

In my market, he comes on after Laura Ingraham. A lot of her show is childishly making fun of speech patterns, clothing, etc. But it’s still more informative than Hannity. I usually switch over to the local sports talk show when his show starts.
Give me a break. Unlike Hannity, Laura is a real Catholic. And don’t bash just because she is witty and tells it like it is.
Give me a break. Unlike Hannity, Laura is a real Catholic.
And this undermines my statement how?
And don’t bash just because she is witty and tells it like it is.
If I believed this, I wouldn’t bash.
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