I also used to listen more to Hannity, but he’s gotten more and more shrill. He needs a vacation. And his Catholicism is really pretty liberal. A couple of years ago, he was advocating marriage for priests, and he joined the attack on Pope Pius XII. He’s really quite wishy-washy on his beliefs. I emailed him a few times about his lack of knowledge about the Church. He must have gotten a lot of negative feed-back, and I think he talks less about the Church. He thinks he knows something about the Church, but he’s very ill-informed, and he needs prayer.
I agree that Rush is still the same after all these years. For all the “show” of arrogance on his part, I think it’s all more show biz than real. I was listening to him in his first years, and he often would admit that his success was due to being in the right place at the right time. He says his talent is “on loan from God”, and I think that reveals an acknowledgment of his realization of his dependence on God. His lack of a college education shows at times. He’s a bit ragged around the edges, and I don’t care for his bawdy humor. But when he lost his hearing, I think he handled it all with much grace, and I admired him for it.
I believe that he’s more confident now than 16 years ago, but I don’t think it rises to the level of arrogance. He knows he’s had success, but has not let it go to his head. I can’t help but be impressed by his knowledge of events and his assessment of their meaning. I’ve listened to many other talk shows, but I always go back to Rush, and believe there’s a reason he’s still on top. One thing that I remember from the first years when I was still a Democrat was that whenever I would research something that Rush said it would almost always turn out to be true, and I would just be mad that he was right again. I didn’t want to like him, but kept going back because I knew I was hearing the truth. He must read an awful lot, have an astounding memory, and have a talent for putting it all together. All others are Rush wanna-bes.