Searching for saint(s) of mothers-to-be

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My wife and I are expecting our forth child due in September.

However, although my faith has deepened during this experience, my wife has begun to drift from the faith (i.e. issues with the Church’s position on contraception and not willing to explore NFP as an option).

I have been asking the Blessed Virgin for intercession but am inquiring if their are other saints that perhaps can relate with what my wife and I are experiencing through this pregnancy.

St. Gianna Molla (probably misspelled the last name) was recently canonized. She was an Italian physician who had ovarian cancer. Rather than abort her baby, she opted for less intensive therapy until her baby was born. After the birth, her cancer could not be cured. Her daughter was present at the canonization this spring.

Another is St. Monica who dealt with many hardships due to her son, Augustine.

St. Catherine of Sienna was the 24 child born to her family. I am sure the size of her family was a burden to her folks, but many blessings came into the world because of their faith.

How about prayers to St. Joseph for assistance in fatherhood and being a husband.

Not sure what your exact situation is, but I hope these ideas help.
Hey There are two that I came up with, Saint Gerard (he is the patron saint of expectant mothers) and Saint Gianna Molla (she died after giving birth to her daughter, she chose to go on with the pregnancy even thou it might end her life).😉
Congratulations! My Patron Saint List for Pregnant women are listed below but I MUST address the NFP issue. Such a shame that your wife is unwilling to explore the benefits of NFP. I have been using it for 2 years (since I got married, I’m 36) and I have many friends who have used it for much longer. Many secular, generally holistic women who use NFP are scared of the harmful, physical long term effects of Birth Control Pills (there are many) on women and disgusted by the supposed “authoritative-all knowing” advertising factory of the profit driven pharmaceutical industry. Yet these 18-34 year old hippies insist on a full-proof method of planning conception. Also, when done correctly, many NFP systems are conducted daily with BOTH the Husband and the Wife, NFP increases communication between spouses and enhances the Marital Bond.

NFP is not the Rhythm Method

Please take time to look up these websites below. Call Peg Flahive at the ArchMilw. Diocese-tell her you’d like info, your wife is currently not interested in NFP and she’s pregnant.
Please take the initiative and approach your wife, after the birth, with a gentle request… Honey, lets talk about NFP… 👍
One More Soul
Billing Ovulation Method
Milwaukees Archdiocese NFP programs
Fitch Fertility Center

Contact me if you wish. My husband will be happy to tell you about our NFP experiences.
Why oh WHY don’t Diocese REQUIRE NFP training during PreCana I’ll never know…. :banghead:

Don’t forget to ask your Priest or Deacon to bless your wife before childbirth (short or long formulary)

Here’s my list of Patron Saints for Pregnant woman. Check out their stories at
Mary, Queen of All Saints-Hey if you were giving birth to God….
St. Anne, mother of Mary
St Elizabeth, John the Baptist’s mom
Sarah –old test.-she laughed when she heard she’d be pregnant at 90!
Rachel-old test
St Anthony of Padua
St Colette- Patroness of Childless Couples, Intercessor for Expectant Mothers, Friend of Sick Children
St Margaret the Virgin Martyr

Lastly, ask St Dymphna to intercede on behalf of your expanding family. She is the Patron Saint of Mental Illness.
Thanks for all the kind suggestions. For the record, abortion is not an option as a form of contraception for either of us.

I’ll look into the option suggested at the Archdiocese of Milwaukee since it is in my neck of the woods. Won’t approach a joint meeting perhaps until after our new baby is in the world.

Take care and God bless you all!

You and I have a lot in common. We’re roughly the same age. We both live in Wisconsin (though I’m a bit north of you). And we both have experienced issues with Catholic teaching and our wives.

I’m a cradle Catholic who reverted to the faith after the conception of my firstborn. I think the hardest part of my reversion experience was trying to get my wife to understand that I have to lead my life according to Church teaching, which means that, though she isn’t Catholic, she would have to lead a part of her life the same way.

It took a lot of prayer on my part, and a lot of acceptance on her part. I think much of it was that she loved me enough to accept that the teaching of the Church regarding contraception was something upon which I could not compromise. I also raised some doubts in her mind regarding the pill when I informed her that most(if not all) birth control pills were abortifacients.

Anyway, pray to St. Joseph for the strength to be a good husband and father. Pray to Our Lady to guide your wife’s heart. Pray to St. Gerard and St. Monica who are the patron saints of mothers. Offer small sacrifices for the conversion of your wife’s heart and soul to a spirit of obedience to Holy Mother Church. These are my suggestions.

You mentioned a blessing for an expectant mother. Can you elaborate on that please?


You mentioned a blessing for an expectant mother. Can you elaborate on that please?

Hi Patrick. I believe Americkidd was referring to the old custom called the “churching of women”, which dates from the early Church. Essentially, it was a blessing given to the mother upon recovery from childbirth. You can read the Catholic Encyclopedia article on the custom here.

As far as I know, the Church’s Book of Blessings still includes it, as well as other blessings for mothers. I’d ask you pastor for information if you would like to obtain such a blessing.
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