Security Detail at Communion

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COTT would pretty much prevent that from happening again.
So would educating the people as to the proper protocol for receiving the sacrament.

Most people, the vast majority, aren’t really interested in making a scene or doing something which will draw attention to themselves like this.
At our Cathedral for daily mass, I once saw a person try to grab the host out of the priest’s hand during communion.

I usually sit in the first or second pew, so I had a clear view of this because the priest was on my side of the center aisle.

The priest pulled it back and didn’t allow him to snatch it. At first the priest was taken back but then forcefully told him to get out of line and talk to him after mass.

If have no idea if the person met with the priest, but it seemed to me like a non-Catholic trying to receive communion. Though it could have also been someone who was trying to purposefully commit blasphemy or antagonize the priest.
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Well, did the man seem a little bit embarrassed by the faux pas?
So would educating the people as to the proper protocol for receiving the sacrament.
Supposedly everyone who receives Communion has already received instruction on how to do so, yet there are still problems.
“I’m Henry the 8th, I am, I am.” Remember the history of that guy who drove the Church underground in order that the Church might survive? The bad have always been with us. Be thankful that the Church is protecting itself and being pro-active where it can be.
We do a similar thing at my house during dinner to guard the silverware. 😎

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Just my opinion, but it seems easier to get away with holding the host in your mouth and discreetly removing it in the pew, than to not get caught just walking away with it in your hand. It baffles me why anyone would think receiving on the tongue would stop or cut down on anything.

That being said, I’ve only seen that happen once and it was a child. During the next week the priest emphasized that the host needs to be consumed immediately.
No. He was in Denver becaus he was Archbishop there. He had been transferred to Philadelphia, and it was his last Mass in Denver.
Oh, I thought you said Archbishop Chaput was at the Mass last Saturday.
The extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion are instructed to watch to see that each host is consumed before turning attention to the next communicant (and to go ahead and follow people who don’t consume a host they are given) but there isn’t any “security detail” other than that.
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