That does not make what you said any better. Your intention is quite clear.I think what I should have explicitly said was “The average Priest isn’t of the quality that he should be these days.” I didn’t realise what I said was so vulnerable to misinterpretation. I was making a generalisation, not an absolute statement. Apologies.
Still an inane and ridiculous comment.
Uncharitable and disrespectful.
Bishop Barron has done so much for educating Catholics and non Catholics globally, You would do well to watch his series on Catholicism.I believe it was Pope Pius X who first battled with the Modernists. He himself stated that he had merely driven them underground and that they would most assuredly resurface. Indeed, just as he predicted, Modernism has entered the Church. You now have Priests like Fr. James Martin openly receiving an award from a putatively (according to they, themselves) Catholic organisation that supports sodomy. You have clergy like Bishop Barron who argue, publicly, that there is a “reasonable hope” that all men are saved. I think blindly trusting in the clergy will lead to one being led to Hell.
As I stated, there are good ones out there but I think a bit of wariness is justified in this day and age.
There is absolutely no valid Cathiolic organisation that supports any kind of sex outside marriage. If you believe you know differently, then prove it.
Modernism has nothing to do with your continued calumny of the clergy. What you are doing is proving the Beatitide Blessed ae those who have all sorts of calumny and falsehoods…
I also seriously doubt you have any experience with pre Vatican II priesthood, which is invalidating your arguments even further.
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