I’m a bit concerned with the places, the ways, and the boldness some of these women employ, in trying to attract you…
For example, one woman approached you ‘outside a gym’…while there’s nothing wrong, in itself, with gyms and such, the boldness and insistence has me concerned…have you recently,changed the way you dress? Gone out of your way to appear attractive to women? You may be sending out signals announcing your sexual availability, and attracted women who are interested in a ‘Mr. Right Now’ , mainly for sexual purposes. You may even have them thinking that is your purpose, in going out, looking for available women to meet…although you do have high moral standards, you wouldn’t be interested in dating, etc. unless you had some desire for such a relationship. But, you say you want to wait for marriage, which means waiting for you being truly ready to marry! In short, you and these women might want different things entirely. Some of them may not even be truly ‘available’…people who are married, about to be married, or are in a committed relationship that has hit a rough spot may want you just for sex ‘right now’…hence, the urgency!
A woman who is interested in marriage will want to get to know you first: isn’t that what you expect from them? Off hand, it looks as if your limited experience is helping to attract the wrong kind of woman. Please, no ‘off the street’ or ‘next to the gym’ pick ups are likely to become a committed, loving marriage with a woman you can trust. A woman that you meet in a questionable way most likely has a questionable past. If you can’t bring yourself to just disqualify women who approach you in such a way, look into her background before becoming emotionally, financially, or legally committed to her in any way! If she truly has a good reason for having come on too strong, she’ll understand your need to know…and, be willing to answer questions!
Another thing to consider…are you sure that it isn’t mainly sexual desire that’s motivating you to look for a partner? It has to be part of the reason…but, are your faith, your morality, your standards for yourself and those you involve yourself with making themselves at least equally apparent with your sexual feelings? Is the way you speak to women, act towards them, discuss your life, and even dress, consistent with these standards?
You did get a late start in interpersonal relationships with the other sex. It’s not going to be easy…but, you can’t rush things! A woman who truly wants to love you and have a life with you will be willing to wait for a while. Don’t become desperate, and do something you’ll later regret.
Prayers, and God Bless!
P.S. If anything in this post rings a bell with you, go thru your wardrobe, and put aside the flashier items…clothes don’t make the man, but they may give the wrong impression.